Thanks to everyone for your advice! I certainly appreciate it. Here's my next question: the mother kitty keeps the babies either (i) under our bed, or (ii) under the cedar chest. Yesterday I pulled them out from under the cedar chest and noticed that the kittens are not sociable at all. I held and pet each of them to get them used to people. (I rescued their mother from the outdoors at a local resort.) I then moved them into a large rubbermaid storage container and put them and mom in our (dark) closet. She moved them back. I don't want them to be like "dumpster kitties" and be unapproachable. What do you suggest?
On the other hand, my other litter is kept in a separate bedroom and just purr when you open the door and speak to them. However, the mother wants to go outside. Can she go outside? I don't know how long after she has babies might she get pregnant again (heaven forbid).
Thank you so much!!
Many thanks!
On the other hand, my other litter is kept in a separate bedroom and just purr when you open the door and speak to them. However, the mother wants to go outside. Can she go outside? I don't know how long after she has babies might she get pregnant again (heaven forbid).
Thank you so much!!
Many thanks!