Sick with multiple afflictions ? Leaking mostly clear sticky anal fluid .


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2020
To start off both cats in my household are sick with an unidentified illness and both are showing a colitis response : (food aversion , one has water aversion & food aversion , waste is completely strangely textured diarrhea mucus , vomiting food & bile ) they have been in and out of the vets over the past two weeks with the vets kind of just shrugging while the cats are losing remaining health.

I don't have limitless funds and while I have a backup plan (being contacting a no kill shelter and hoping they will allow me to surrender them & they treat them) both cats are very irritable & previously feral and I don't see rehoming being a great possibility in currently overrun shelters.

Both cats are indoor cats , the newest addition being a 6 month old kitten named Two Face (girl) who has been with us for just over 4 months now. While my 3 year old cat, Thomas (also girl), has always been an indoor cat, Two face came from an abusive environment and I suspect she might have brought something with her and has been incubating since. She has always shown food aversion and a mix of soft and hard stools. Went to the vet for that several times over the span of the 4 months with the only advice being to continue to change foods for her. She had an ultrasound 2 months ago just to see if there was a blockage causing the food aversion with no further discoveries or insights made from that appointment. Two face had fecal smears around 3 times before this recent scare , with tapeworm being discovered during one of the visits and both cats were dewormed and given flea repellant to be rid of the issue and have not seen any tape worm segments since. Her food aversion continued after this, however, she had been eating more than previously. Flash forward to now and for almost two weeks now she has shown even more food aversion and her waste is entirely mucus of different colors. There was a change in food but it was minimal (stopped giving it to her after she had zero interest and had never stopped feeding her previous food with it) and Thomas has not had this kitten food yet has the near same symptoms as Two-Face. Two-face's waste is taking on a strange elasticity, not kidding, it is stringy mucus and it BOUNCES. On top of that she cries before using the bathroom, appears to be straining, and vomits occasionally after having the mucus diarrhea. I took a video that people are gawking at but no one seems to have answers to. Two-Face's overall mood is good, she's trying her best to stay as hydrated as possible and the vet offered probiotic and anti nausea to ascertain if it was related to a blockage (something about if a cat pukes through cerenia it's likely blockage). I noticed a quarter of probiotic spit up and reported it to the vet, they did not seem concerned because of the way I administered the advita probiotic (she won't eat it with food, have to wait until she eats & syringe it into her mouth with water). So far after three days on probiotics she is still having liquid completely mucus stool, still straining, still experiencing food aversion, but from what I can tell no vomiting.

Thomas on the other hand, started having diarrhea only about 6 days ago, it started out very half firm, half liquidy. She didn't show any other signs of discomfort & was still eating fine. Until the vomiting came about 4 days ago. She had been brought along to the vets one of the times directly after showing replicating signs of illness (4 days ago) with the vets clearing her based on visual inspection. They tested the kittens stool hoping to find anything that would explain both of their afflictions. Two face tested negative for heartworm, felv , fiv , giardia , and they also said that abnormal levels would have alerted them of coccidia during the giardia testing. Almost two days ago now, Thomas' condition drastically dropped into no drinking, no eating, slow response lethargy territory. She was vomiting 4 times within a 6 hour period with constant lip smacking. 4 rapid succession rounds of mucus diarrhea as well with it being pretty thick until she ran out of material in her stomach and was then unloading 20% brown mucus with the rest of it being clear mucus. We were able to get her into see someone before the 24 hour mark and they gave her a pocket of fluid under her skin & fecal tested her (through her rectum not through a litter box sample) & blood tested her without any dramatic levels (white blood cell was raised and so was blood glucose, she is overweight and stressed so they felt that could be why levels were slightly elevated). Thomas' tongue was checked for a linear foreign body & she was aggressive so they weren't able to get the best look but from what they saw it looked clear of any string. She was injected with an anti nausea medication (24 hour active needle form of cerenia) sent home with combo anti diarrhea & probiotic with the hopes that this could be another test of if she would puke on the medication or not. So far (7 hours passed the appointment) she hasn't done anything beyond occasionally smacking her lips, however, a more concerning side effect of the visit came up and this is where the title of the thread comes in. Thomas began leaking clear sticky fluid from her rectum as soon as she returned home, I'm talking puddles. It appears mostly clear with a slight yellow hue in some spots, and I can definitely tell its coming from her rectum as there have been occasional blots of tiny brown spots. I called the vet immediately to make sure it wasn't an effect of the fluids they put under her skin but they have no clue at all what it could be and told us just to watch her for the duration of the anti nausea medication.

Thomas two years ago had anal gland issues where I believe she had a rupture we treated. It was tiny but had caused her quite a bit of pain because she was a kitten at the time. Vets had told us it was incredibly rare for a cat to have this issue and that they were surprised she was having this issue so young. I'm unsure if it's related to her current predicament, I know it isn't responsible for both of them being as ill as they are but I'm wondering if severe colitis symptoms could have pressurized and unleashed something pre existing in her. For the amount of this anal fluid that has leaked from her I can't see that it would be from an abscess because there is no outside inflammation. Unless the abscess was internal and the vets having taken a sample from her rectum & took her temperature ruptured whatever infected area is affected and it's draining ? I'm unsure, they are unsure, and I can't stand to see them, especially Thomas, pained & fading while everyone scratches their heads. She is slightly more responsive than she was before the vet trip but not nearly to what she is normally and she still won't touch food or water beyond a curious lick.

Has any one heard of this happening or experienced this themselves and if so, what questions should I be asking, what should I be testing for beyond what I am. It looks to me like Thomas might at the least be trying to fight off a pre-existing infection, while the aggravating colitis and cause of the colitis (also a mystery) brought it into full gear. I'd like to keep them stable at least the next few days, possibly until as soon as the 30th, until I'm able to acquire more funds and go in for more tests, I'd like to be more informed about what I should be demanding they do, because clearly they are not any more aware of what direction to take this in as I am. Veterinary staff are very overworked right now and trust me, I understand, but as I said above I have spent so so so much money going around in circles and my cats have suffered for it.

These are the results of the most recent blood test for Thomas

11/28/20ALB/Glob0.600Unknown0 - 0Salem, NH
11/28/20Bilirubin, Total (TBIL)0.500 mg/dLNormal0.000 - 0.900 mg/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20BUN/Crea21.000Unknown0 - 0Salem, NH
11/28/20Chloride (CL-)115.000 mmol/LNormal112.000 - 129.000 mmol/LSalem, NH
11/28/20Glucose (GLU)227.000 mg/dLAbove Normal74.000 - 159.000 mg/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20Na+/K+34.000Unknown0 - 0Salem, NH
11/28/20Osmolality326.000 mmol/kgUnknown0 - 0 mmol/kgSalem, NH
11/28/20Phosphorus (PHOS)4.700 mg/dLNormal3.100 - 7.500 mg/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20Potassium (K+)4.600 mmol/LNormal3.500 - 5.800 mmol/LSalem, NH
11/28/20Protein, Total (TP)8.900 g/dLNormal5.700 - 8.900 g/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20Sodium (Na+)159.000 mmol/LNormal150.000 - 165.000 mmol/LSalem, NH
11/28/20Albumin (ALB)3.400 g/dLNormal2.200 - 4.000 g/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20Alkaline Phosphatase (ALKP)10.000 U/LBelow Normal14.000 - 111.000 U/LSalem, NH
11/28/20ALT/SGPT (ALT)46.000 U/LNormal12.000 - 130.000 U/LSalem, NH
11/28/20BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)24.000 mg/dLNormal16.000 - 36.000 mg/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20Calcium (CA)10.100 mg/dLNormal7.800 - 11.300 mg/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20Cholesterol (CHOL)166.000 mg/dLNormal65.000 - 225.000 mg/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20Creatinine (CREA)1.200 mg/dLNormal0.800 - 2.400 mg/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)0.000 U/LNormal0.000 - 4.000 U/LSalem, NH
11/28/20Globulin (GLOB)5.500 g/dLAbove Normal2.800 - 5.100 g/dLSalem, NH
11/28/20Basophil, %0.200 %Normal0.000 - 2.000 %Salem, NH
11/28/20Basophil0.060 10^9/lNormal0.000 - 0.200 10^9/lSalem, NH
11/28/20Eosinophil, %2.700 %Normal1.000 - 23.000 %Salem, NH
11/28/20Eosinophil0.730 10^9/lNormal0.000 - 1.000 10^9/lSalem, NH
11/28/20Neutrophil, %90.100 %Above Normal25.000 - 82.000 %Salem, NH
11/28/20Monocyte, %1.200 %Normal0.000 - 6.000 %Salem, NH
11/28/20Lymphocyte, %5.700 %Below Normal9.000 - 61.000 %Salem, NH
11/28/20Neutrophil24.320 10^9/lAbove Normal2.500 - 14.000 10^9/lSalem, NH
11/28/20Monocyte0.330 10^9/lNormal0.000 - 1.500 10^9/lSalem, NH
11/28/20Lymphocyte1.550 10^9/lNormal1.500 - 7.000 10^9/lSalem, NH
11/28/20RDW18.700 %Above Normal13.000 - 18.000 %Salem, NH
11/28/20MPV13.200 flNormal12.000 - 17.000 flSalem, NH
11/28/20PCT0.490 %Normal0.140 - 0.620 %Salem, NH
11/28/20Platelet Count (PLT)369.000 10^9/lNormal300.000 - 800.000 10^9/lSalem, NH
11/28/20MCHC29.900 g/dlBelow Normal30.000 - 36.000 g/dlSalem, NH
11/28/20MCH15.500 pgNormal12.500 - 17.500 pgSalem, NH
11/28/20MCV52.000 flNormal39.000 - 55.000 flSalem, NH
11/28/20Hematocrit (HCT)55.980 %Above Normal24.000 - 45.000 %Salem, NH
11/28/20Hemoglobin (HGB)16.700 g/dlAbove Normal8.000 - 15.000 g/dlSalem, NH
11/28/20RBC Count (RBC)10.760 10^12/lAbove Normal5.000 - 10.000 10^12/lSalem, NH
11/28/20WBC26.980 10^9/lAbove Normal5.500 - 19.500 10^9/lSalem, NH

I also have 2 videos of Two-Faces stool ( I apologize in advance for not flipping my phone to the side I'm a lil foolish)

If there is anything you would like me to elaborate on, feel free to ask and I will provide answers as well as I can.


Black Cats Rule!
Adult Cat
Dec 3, 2019
Cat Cuddling (USA)
Not sure of your geographical location but the parasite tritrichomonas foetus comes to mind based on your description. Tritrichomonas causes large bowel diarrhea that commonly has mucus and fresh blood present. Given that the one cat was recently added and is a kitten also further supports my thoughts for this parasite. Special testing is often needed to diagnose this parasite.

Hoping your kitties can feel better soon!
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2020
Not sure of your geographical location but the parasite tritrichomonas foetus comes to mind based on your description. Tritrichomonas causes large bowel diarrhea that commonly has mucus and fresh blood present. Given that the one cat was recently added and is a kitten also further supports my thoughts for this parasite. Special testing is often needed to diagnose this parasite.

Hoping your kitties can feel better soon!
I hope this is proper reply etiquette, I'm new here so I'm a bit unsure if there is an @ system or if replying with full quote is best.
That was what I was thinking too in regards to the colitis part of this. I live in New Hampshire (north east in the states) and tritrich is something that I mentioned to the vets but they didn't have much interest in. Maybe the drastic turn of events for Thomas might make them re-evaluate.
My previous research says testing for this is quite a bit finicky as is treatment, but if this is it it would be one of the most desirable causes of the symptoms they both have.
Thank you so much for your input, I will make note for this when it comes time to test again.
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2020
Will continue to update this as I know some cat lovers viewing might like to know status updates even if they don't necessarily have any suggestions for me.
Thomas began to eat and drink very slowly and in small amounts. Has not defecated yet but she did pee and I'm keeping an eye on her future bathroom trips to make sure the random unexplained sticky fluid that leaked from her in large quantity isn't going to repeat itself or cause any current complications to her being able to defecate.
Excessive licking to the rectum and tail, she does this a lot lately and I think I will be adding testing for anal gland infection on to the list of possibilities as to why these colitis symptoms might be more severe for her.
Have a fear that in a few hours after the blanket 24 hours of effectiveness the anti nausea injection has begins to withdraw, she will be back to the lethargy and vomiting. Will call vet about if so and see if they can prescribe to her the tablet form for a limited duration.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2020
In addition to testing for tritrichomonas foetus, ask about a full fecal PCR (if they didn't do it already) which will identify more parasites and bacterial/viral issues than a standard fecal smear (or flotation, or centrifuge) will.
Unsure about the specifics of PCR but I think I read about it if it's the testing for respiratory issues. I had no clue until now it unveils even more than viral ailments. Thanks for letting me know, marking it down for another inclusion on testing.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2020
The PCR test I was referring to is specifically related to issues identified in feces, one of which is tritrichomonas foetus (labeled in the article below under Trichomonas.
Feline diarrhea PCR panel (
that would really narrow it down quite a bit , reading a bunch of over lap in symptoms too so it feels like this would be necessary to single it down.
I only recognize two tests there as being done. Kitten was just vaccinated for FVRCP, from what I'm reading can potentially false positive? So I might hold back on that one but will research what my local vets have for PCR panel options today.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
You want the PCR Diarrhea panel which tests for tritrichamonas as well as several other parasites that aren't found on a fecal float. If you vet dismisses your request, look for another vet.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Definitely go for a second opinion. Is there a school near you? An internal Med vet?

if it were me, I would go to a specialist; taking all records with me and a fecal sample.
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 28, 2020
You want the PCR Diarrhea panel which tests for tritrichamonas as well as several other parasites that aren't found on a fecal float. If you vet dismisses your request, look for another vet.
Will definitely be going with a different vet if I can find , the visits I describe above were split between two veterinary offices and three different vets. One of them was super helpful but she is always booked.
I live in a pretty small town so not too many clinics around and I like to keep travel light because Thomas has extreme anxiety about travel, but I think after this whole dismissing massive puddles of clear rectum leaking I'm going to have to find a workaround and move on with my money. Plenty of other places happy to accept it I'm sure.
Thank you for your input :)

Definitely go for a second opinion. Is there a school near you? An internal Med vet?

if it were me, I would go to a specialist; taking all records with me and a fecal sample.
I'm not seeing any veterinary schools near me, I do however see 3 specialists within a 25 minute driving period near my location and that is a relief. Their specializing in fields I'm not sure apply but it looks like they are part of a veterinary referral network I didn't know existed. Thank you also for your help ^^