That's a great shot!Hoverfly
That's a great shot!Hoverfly
Yes, deer . . .
A neighbor just told me that Harold is a male Pacific or western pond turtle. I did some research, and sadly, he and his kind are in trouble. As the West Coast's only native freshwater turtle, the western pond turtle is listed as endangered by the state of Washington, as “sensitive/critical” in Oregon, and as a “species of special concern” in California.I finally got a good shot of our resident turtle, Harold. (Or, perhaps, Harriet.)
I’d never be able to catch him. He never leaves the edge of the water, and if you get too close, he shoots into the water and disappears. Who knew turtles could move so fast?So sad. Is there another lake you could move him to?
Nice hues.I like this version a lot better, the colors are more accurate.