I wasn't sure if I should put this in IMO or not. One of my friends was "taking care of" her mom's cat, because her mom's husband didn't like the cat. The cat, which she says was neutered, sprayed on my friend's bed. She called her mom to have her take the cat back, which she wouldn't. She didn't want to take the cat to the shelter, because she heard that if you turn a cat in you can't adopt anymore. So she told me, as she was laughing, that she lied to her mom and said she took the cat to her husband's family farm- but what she really did was kick the cat out. She did this previously with a pregnant kitten she had, she had gotten pregnant during her first heat because my friend didn't want to pay for her to be spayed. She let the kitten out and hasn't seen her since. To top it all of, she adopted a dog, only to give it away to a friend, thus violating her adoption contract. She's also tired of her ferret, because she says he won't be litter trained, so she is going to sell him. I know the last two things are legal, but according to the city code the first two are not:
No person shall abandon or cause to be abandoned any animal anywhere within the city limits in any public or private place, way or building. "
Which makes me think that what she has done with those two cats is illegal, specifially the male cat as she deliberatly threw him out and refuses to provide food outside.
I've been bestfriends with this girl for the past 15 years. Her whole family takes this kind of callous attitude towards animals, I saw it as a kid. I made her promise me not to get anymore dogs or cats. She does keep a snake and some kind of lizard, which she treats really well. I have no problem with her keeping these kinds of reptiles, as she's always done so responsibly, but my conscience just won't leave me alone about these cats. When she told me about the kitten it almost made me sick. I just wished I had had the extra money to get her fixed before she got pregnant, but I'm living paycheck to paycheck as it is. I can't imagine how terrified these two cats must be and I doubt the mom cat is still alive. It's been several months for her on her own and my friend hasn't seen her since she "ran away."
Would you report this? Or would you wait to see if she gets another animal? Obviously nothing can be done about these two cats. Would it do any good to turn her in, or would she find out it was me and just hate me. She's going to be my maid of honor for crying out loud. This is just insane to me. I can't imagine how my best friend can treat animals this way. She's an excellent mom and takes great care of her kids, and of her snake and iguana, but cats and dogs seem expendible to her.
I was thinking I'd just wait to see if she got another animal, if she does I will turn her in, or at least alert the shelter to her history. She says she has no plans to get an animal anytime soon.
The kicker is, she volunteers at a local shelter!
Argh, it just keeps getting better and better. God, this is worse than the soap operas I watch.
My mom suggested that I turn her in if and when she gets another animal. What do you all think?
No person shall abandon or cause to be abandoned any animal anywhere within the city limits in any public or private place, way or building. "
Which makes me think that what she has done with those two cats is illegal, specifially the male cat as she deliberatly threw him out and refuses to provide food outside.
I've been bestfriends with this girl for the past 15 years. Her whole family takes this kind of callous attitude towards animals, I saw it as a kid. I made her promise me not to get anymore dogs or cats. She does keep a snake and some kind of lizard, which she treats really well. I have no problem with her keeping these kinds of reptiles, as she's always done so responsibly, but my conscience just won't leave me alone about these cats. When she told me about the kitten it almost made me sick. I just wished I had had the extra money to get her fixed before she got pregnant, but I'm living paycheck to paycheck as it is. I can't imagine how terrified these two cats must be and I doubt the mom cat is still alive. It's been several months for her on her own and my friend hasn't seen her since she "ran away."
Would you report this? Or would you wait to see if she gets another animal? Obviously nothing can be done about these two cats. Would it do any good to turn her in, or would she find out it was me and just hate me. She's going to be my maid of honor for crying out loud. This is just insane to me. I can't imagine how my best friend can treat animals this way. She's an excellent mom and takes great care of her kids, and of her snake and iguana, but cats and dogs seem expendible to her.
I was thinking I'd just wait to see if she got another animal, if she does I will turn her in, or at least alert the shelter to her history. She says she has no plans to get an animal anytime soon.
The kicker is, she volunteers at a local shelter!
Argh, it just keeps getting better and better. God, this is worse than the soap operas I watch.
My mom suggested that I turn her in if and when she gets another animal. What do you all think?