Should I go recheck for FELV/FIV?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Feb 21, 2018
Stray Mama cat is negative for both when she’s pregnant and she has now given birth to 4 kittens. Do I need to recheck whether her kittens are FELV/FIV negative too? Can their dad somewhat pass the disease to them? I have no either who is their dad because she is picked up when she got pregnant. Plus I do have an indoor resident cat which is tested negative years ago, she has never met any cats (except them) should I go recheck on her too? Idk if I’m just paranoid but they all haven’t met up yet (she saw them through the glass door though) but sometimes they used the same water bowl and steal from her food bowl when I bring them out separately. Advices please..
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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Through my experience, all 3 of my cats have FeLV, I think the diseases are more prone to spread through deep bites and mating, not casual contact. One of my cats was diagnosed with FeLV going on 6 years ago now after being SO sick and given days to live. They told me to treat all my cats as having it. I started giving LifeGold, and DMG, both supplements to build up their immune systems, the one cat survived, and all three are doing well and still on the supplements. They can be found online at walmart, Amazon, Target, and others. The disease is MUCH more deadly to kittens under a year old. Mine got it when they were about 5 after being indoor/outdoor cats. They are strictly indoor now. If your unborn kittens had the disease, mama would too. She would have much more likely have passed it on to them, they don't inherit the disease, it is from exposure.
Definitely have the kittens vaccinated for FeLV when they are old enough. And the other diseases, especially distemper.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Stray Mama cat is negative for both when she’s pregnant and she has now given birth to 4 kittens. Do I need to recheck whether her kittens are FELV/FIV negative too?
If the kittens are newborn, the snap test can't be performed on them, and anyway you should at least wait for a few weeks before testing them with a PCR test (which is costly, so if you have 4 kiitens and you ant to test them for FeLV and FIV, you actually need 8 PCR tests).