Should I get a companion for my remaining cat?


Country girl living the life with my furry friends
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 6, 2015
My wonderful 15 yr old Siamese mix died just a week ago and the house feels so different now. He was such a laid back dude and I swear had real fatherly love towards my 1.5 yr old kitty. We are all greiving the loss but know we have so much more love to give another cat that we will adopt again.
My remaining cat is also very laid back but I can tell she's a little jumpy since his death. When I'd get home from work they'd both be sleeping in their beds in the living room window. Sometimes she'd even be laying on top of him. When I get home from work now she's sleeping in a cat bed in the far bedroom like she's afraid to be alone. She took cues to eat from him and now seems to be confused about feeding time.
I guess my question is, is there a time limit to let them grieve, but also, is there a window where she'll get used to being an only cat and hate a newcomer? Will she retain her sweet passive demeanor after the introduction phase or could she turn out hating the new one? Is it true I should adopt the opposite sex?

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
You can't ever replace the cat who has gone, but you can try to match the personality type and age somewhat to see if you can find a good companion for Molly.  Cats mourn too and I'm sure she is mourning.  It takes them a couple of weeks to adjust to the fact one they loved isn't coming back.  I do think you should get another adult male, preferably one who is rather paternal towards other cats.  Then of course you need to go through proper introductions.  When you are ready, Molly will probably be as ready as she will ever be.  Certainly there are a lot of great cats out there in search of homes.  If you want another Siamese mix,  try Siamese Rescue ( - you can browse online.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 24, 2013
I am so sorry for the loss of your fur kid. It is always a hard thing to go through.  As far as getting another cat, I would wait for a little bit. It will take time for both of you to adjust. You may be suprised to find that your remaining cat does not mind being alone. You will probubly have to give him extra time and attention. If you do find that he is lonely, then I would definately look into getting him a buddy. If you do get him a friend, please follow the proper introduction rules. It can really make such a big difference. Some cats get along right away and others don't. Sometimes it can take weeks or months. I don't think you want to put yourself through cat fights etc.  So again, please do proper introductions. Best of luck

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I am sorry for your loss @Molly22. But I am glad that your heart is open, to share more love with another cat.

It's heart breaking losing them, but somehow I think that the cats we lost, would want us to be happy, and adopt again, to provide good homes for another cat who needs it.

Like honouring their memory, by providing another cat with a good home.

Definitely, you should get another cat companion, for your 1.5 year old kitty.

She is very young, and would probably enjoy the cat companionship.

Not sure how long you're supposed to let a cat grieve, so would go with what 'Red Top Rescue' said.

Very good to try 'matching the personalities' of the cats, too. In order to better have them get along.

But like everyone mentioned...doing proper 'cat to cat introductions' would be the key.

Hard to predict how your young cat will react to a newcomer, or if her personality will change, or if she may want to becomes more dominant.

She will still be sweet, though. I doubt her laid back nature will change.

(As far as males or females. My female 1 year slightly bossy to her siblings, but motherly, too. The 3 boys are also sweet. One is slightly vocal or chatty.)

Good luck, in your decision, and wishing you peace and strength.
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Country girl living the life with my furry friends
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 6, 2015
Thanks so much everyone for your insight. We will definetely do the proper introductions like we did when we got our latest kitty. It went pretty smooth. Funny story. We picked up kitty on a Friday and kept her in the bedroom for the weekend letting Smokie sniff her through the bottom of the door. We fed them on each side as well. Sunday night we put her in her carrier in the living room to let Smokie see her. He let out one of the meanest growls I've ever heard in my life but then he just walked around her checking her out. He never was mean to her again though. Monday I locked her in the bedroom while we were at work and when I got home I couldn't believe my eyes. Kitty managed to sneak under the gap under the bedroom door and was in the bay window in the living room sleeping right next to Smokie in her separate bed. I knew they were buds right then.

Anywho, we will wait until a cat sneaks into our heart. There's always that one where you just know it's the one and we'll go from there.
We brought Smokie home today in his urn and the home feels a little better. My other cat started rubbing it so that made me happy [emoji]128522[/emoji]

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
.... Funny story. We picked up kitty on a Friday and kept her in the bedroom for the weekend letting Smokie sniff her through the bottom of the door. We fed them on each side as well. Sunday night we put her in her carrier in the living room to let Smokie see her. He let out one of the meanest growls I've ever heard in my life but then he just walked around her checking her out. He never was mean to her again though. Monday I locked her in the bedroom while we were at work and when I got home I couldn't believe my eyes. Kitty managed to sneak under the gap under the bedroom door and was in the bay window in the living room sleeping right next to Smokie in her separate bed. I knew they were buds right then.

Anywho, we will wait until a cat sneaks into our heart. There's always that one where you just know it's the one and we'll go from there.
We brought Smokie home today in his urn and the home feels a little better. My other cat started rubbing it so that made me happy [emoji]128522[/emoji]
That Kitty meeting Smokie story is funny.

Amazing how small kittens can fit through places that we'd never imagine.

And even if we measured the 'clearance space' we'd still not believe it, until it happens.  

Wow, Smokie does sound amazing. He probably figured that she was there to stay, and that 'first growl' was just telling her, that he would not put up with any kitten shenanigans.

I'm hoping that a cat will be 'sneaking into your heart' pretty fast. And like you said,'ll just know.

RIP Smokie, and watch over your family, too.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 14, 2016
Miami Beach
I am going thru the exact same thing. My angel died last week at 18 yrs and my cat here, she is 4 yrs is mourning her adopted brother. I read articles on internet how to handle this time with my cat. SO much great tips to do and donts. In a few weeks I will adopt from Humane Soc. a new family member. I was advised to do exactly what I read posted by your caring site friends. Will get another male and and a few yrs 0ld. Our home has so much love for us to open our hearts to a sweet angel who needs a good homeI  Wishing you warmest blessings.