Contest Share A Funny Cat Story To Win Gwen Cooper's Book!


Cat Devotee
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Some time ago, I had a Maine Coon mix female kitty. I knew nothing about her previous "lives".

Her personality was interesting, and strong. She knew her own mind.

My neighbors at the time had two Labrador/pit bull mixes.

On this particular day, I was in my backyard with my cat.
She was chasing bugs and watching birds.

All of a sudden, she charged clear across the yard and ended up standing on her back legs, scratching at the fence, spitting and hissing at the two dogs who were going crazy on the other side of the fence. She teased and taunted them mercilessly, then zoomed off at top speed in to the house.

I was speechless, I was laughing, --my little toughie, 10 years old at that time. :heartshape:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 3, 2011
Montevideo, Uruguay
I was busy one morning setting the diningroom table for lunch as we were expecting some guests. All of a sudden my then 14 years old Cucumella came up to me very vocal and then ran away. She did this several times which surprised me because it was an unusual behaviour on her part. At first I didn't react to her behaviour because I was busy and a little in retard that morning. But under her insistence I followed her and found myself in the main bathroom where I found Pierre my then 95 years old husband sitting naked inside the empty bathtub from which he was unable to get out. He looked at me relieved and asked: "why has taken you so long, Cucumella went to fetch you several times" That was the last time Pierre used the bathtub from then on he resigned himself to use the shower instead.
Sadly both Pierre and Cucumella have since left me but they are always very present in my mind and heart.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Forgive me for such a long post, but I will never forget this. Years ago, I was working on my Master's degree in Health Education. One of the courses I took for the degree was a teaching methods class, and we were required to develop a poster designed to educate our audience about a specific health topic of.our choice. I loved the creative aspect of the assignment, and I immediately knew what my poster's health topic would be. As soon as we were given the assignment, I went right to work. I put a great deal of time and effort into both the appearance of the poster and its message. I wrapped the cardboard poster in dark green contact paper and meticulously planned where the images would be placed. It took much longer than I thought it would to actually place the pictures and words on the dark green background, but I was very proud of the final product. I couldn't wait to get the poster to class, and I finished just hours before I had to take it to class. I leaned the finished poster up against my apartment's living room wall and then began to gather other items to be put into my car. Suddenly, my four month old kitten Pippen charged at my beautiful poster and with his teeth began to tear the pictures off in tiny little pieces. Horrified, I pulled Pippen away from the poster and placed him next to a toy to distract him while I attempted to repair the damage. It didn't work because Pippen quickly charged at my poster again and managed to cause even more destruction this time. I put Pippen in my bedroom, shut the door, and only let him out of the bedroom when I could get what was left of my poster into my car. Then I placed the hundreds of microscopic pieces of paper that had been my carefully placed pictures into a bag, grabbed some glue, and ran to my car while trying not to sob. While I drove to campus, my heart was pounding very hard, and I panicked as I wondered how I was going to fix my "masterpiece" in time to present it to my class and professor. The second I arrived at my classroom, I quickly spread my poor poster out on the floor and attempted to reassemble the shreds of paper into something resembling the pictures that had once graced my poster. Unfortunately, my frantic reassembly was noticed by some of my curious classmates who asked me what had happened. I told them how my kitten Pippen had shredded my pictures twice that morning and that I was freaking out because I didn't know how I would be able to fix it in time to present it. Then, one of my classmates asked me what my poster's health topic was. You can probably imagine my embarrassment when I admitted to him the topic of my poster was how pets reduce people's stress.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 3, 2011
Montevideo, Uruguay
My main bedroom and main bathroom are separated from the rest of the apartment by a sliding door which I used to keep closed at night to keep away our cat Cucumella because I was afraid Pierre, my 95 years old husband, could stumble over her if he needed to get up during the night.

One night I was surprised to be awaken by Cucumella jumping on my chest and miauling as I couldn’t figure out how she had managed to open the sliding door. Almost immediately I realized that Pierre was not lying next to me and then I heard him calling my name. He had slipped on the bathroom floor and couldn’t get up by himself. Cucumella had heard him calling me and she started to miaul behind the sliding door. This encouraged Pierre to drag himself along the floor up to the sliding door and push it open. Cucumella rushed in. She knew what she had to do.

Fortunately he hadn’t hurt himself


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
My main bedroom and main bathroom are separated from the rest of the apartment by a sliding door which I used to keep closed at night to keep away our cat Cucumella because I was afraid Pierre, my 95 years old husband, could stumble over her if he needed to get up during the night.

One night I was surprised to be awaken by Cucumella jumping on my chest and miauling as I couldn’t figure out how she had managed to open the sliding door. Almost immediately I realized that Pierre was not lying next to me and then I heard him calling my name. He had slipped on the bathroom floor and couldn’t get up by himself. Cucumella had heard him calling me and she started to miaul behind the sliding door. This encouraged Pierre to drag himself along the floor up to the sliding door and push it open. Cucumella rushed in. She knew what she had to do.

Fortunately he hadn’t hurt himself
Heroine Cucumella saved him!!! I love the "tales" of hero cats.:hearthrob::goldstar:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 10, 2016

My mom gave me her power reclining love seat couch. It was electronic so instead of a lever, it was a button on the side and the seat reclines. I had a friend over who kept using the couch to recline and I haven't seen Roman in like an hour, thinking he was under my bed again. As soon as my friend reclines his seat again, Roman comes dashing out like a speeding bullet. I felt really bad he was in there for so long without meowing but it was pretty funny watching him dash out so fast. Needless to say, I got rid of the couch asap and thankful he didn't get hurt.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia

My mom gave me her power reclining love seat couch. It was electronic so instead of a lever, it was a button on the side and the seat reclines. I had a friend over who kept using the couch to recline and I haven't seen Roman in like an hour, thinking he was under my bed again. As soon as my friend reclines his seat again, Roman comes dashing out like a speeding bullet. I felt really bad he was in there for so long without meowing but it was pretty funny watching him dash out so fast. Needless to say, I got rid of the couch asap and thankful he didn't get hurt.
I have my dad's Barcalounger chair, which is manually operated. For awhile, I was mystified as to where my tortoiseshell would go. Finally, I thought of looking behind and under the chair seat. Sure enough! I know that if she's nowhere else to be found, she might be there, so I always make sure first.

calico man

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 2, 2017
Lodi, CA

Many years ago before we finally got around to buying a microwave, we used to pop our popcorn in a West Bend Stir Crazy popcorn popper that we had had forever, sorta like this. You just poured a little bit of oil onto the bottom part that kind of looked like a round electric skillet, added your popcorn kernels, put the plastic dome on top, and plugged it in. Then the stirring rod at the bottom would keep spinning around and around so the popcorn wouldn't stick or burn. The process seemed pretty slow at first, as just one or two kernels would pop every now and then. But eventually business would pick up, and then all of a sudden the popcorn would pop like crazy.

One day when the cats and I had the house all to ourselves, I didn't really feel like cooking for just little ol' me. So I decided to pop some popcorn for lunch. Now our popcorn popper was pretty old, and the stirring rod had a pesky tendency to stick. So we'd usually leave the top off until the stirring rod stopped getting stuck, and then put it on.

Well, it was one of those days when I was trying to get a zillion things done, and I figured I had time to step away from the popcorn popper for just a minute or two to grab something from the bedroom. By the time I got there, I had already forgotten I had the popcorn popper going, and started changing the sheets.

All of a sudden I heard a really loud, rat-a-tat-tat sound like when there's machine gun fire on a TV show. Except the TV wasn't on.

I ran toward the kitchen, and popcorn was flying EVERYWHERE, like tiny little missiles. Our couch potato kitties were having a grand old time playing with the white, fluffy projectiles. They were jumping into the air, slipping the surly bonds of earth, and twisting and performing acrobatic feats in mid-air that would be the envy of the Cirque du Soleil.

As I frantically scrambled to put the plastic top on the popcorn popper, the cats were quickly turning the flying pieces of popcorn into their purr-sonal sports entertainment center. They slammed the fluffy bits to the floor like tennis balls, and got an impromptu hockey game going. Their defense was terrible, as they kept scoring one goal after another as they swatted pieces of popcorn under the refrigerator.

Once I finally got the top secured and it stopped raining popcorn, our cats were furious. How dare I put an end to their fun! But their sulk was short lived, as they discovered all sorts of new games they could play with the pieces that were still on the floor. Well, until I got the broom out, anyway. :wink:

Unfortunately, after that, the cats thought the popcorn popper was a new interactive toy. Oh, how they whined and begged for me to have popcorn for lunch every day there for a while!

We finally got our first microwave a short time later, along with a bunch of bags of microwave popcorn. It's certainly more convenient, but not nearly as much fun. :)
Video would have been hilarious!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 3, 2011
Montevideo, Uruguay
I was working at my desk one afternoon when I was mystified by a scratching noise the origin of which I couldn't figure out. Suddenly I noticed two little paws trying to get out of one of my desk drawers. When I opened it my cat Sombra jumped out of it leaving behind a mess of scratched pieces of paper. I couldn't imagine how she had managed to get inside that drawer which was almost closed. After careful investigation I discovered that between the back end of the drawers and the back of the desk there was a space permitting Sombra to climb from the floor up to the back of a drawer and get inside that way.

Worried by the safety of my documents and also fearing that one day Sombra could get hurt trying to get out by the same means she had got inside, I got a carpenter to place a wooden plate at the bottom of the desk blocking any possibity to climb into the desk from the floor.

A couple of days later Sombra disappeared. I looked for her everywhere I could think of and called her for a couple of hours to no avail. Tired and and worried to death I finally sat down in an armchair feeling miserable and that is when all of a sudden I saw Sombra extracting painfuly from the bottom of the desk. She had not been able to get inside the desk but she had tried. How she could get under the desk beats me since there are hardly 2 inches between the desk and the floor.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
View attachment 265840 View attachment 265840 View attachment 265840 I was working at my desk one afternoon when I was mystified by a scratching noise the origin of which I couldn't figure out. Suddenly I noticed two little paws trying to get out of one of my desk drawers. When I opened it my cat Sombra jumped out of it leaving behind a mess of scratched pieces of paper. I couldn't imagine how she had managed to get inside that drawer which was almost closed. After careful investigation I discovered that between the back end of the drawers and the back of the desk there was a space permitting Sombra to climb from the floor up to the back of a drawer and get inside that way.

Worried by the safety of my documents and also fearing that one day Sombra could get hurt trying to get out by the same means she had got inside, I got a carpenter to place a wooden plate at the bottom of the desk blocking any possibity to climb int the desk fromthe floor.

A couple of days later Sombra disappeared. I looked for her everywhere I could think of and called her for a couple of hours to no avail. Tired and and worried to death I finally sat down in an armchair feeling miserable and that is when all of a sudden I saw Sombra extracting painfuly from the bottom of te desk. She had not been able to get inside the desk but she had tried. How she could get under the desk beats me.
They say that any space a cat can get his/her head through, (s)he can get into. Cats are so limber that they can do this! And so much furniture does have spaces behind or underneath. I have all of my documents in metal file cabinets or the safe.
*Beloved Corrie angel, who was a big girl, under my dad's desk. She also got under his dresser, which had even less vertical clearance!*


Cat Devotee
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
When I was a little girl I lived in the country, cows, horses, dogs, cats...and some wide open spaces.
I had a habit of going for walks, with that lovely, unafraid perspective that children have.
This didn't set well with Mother, not surprisingly but running a busy household of course meant she couldn't keep her eye on me every minute.
One sunny summer day in particular, she noticed the dogs were nowhere to be found, and neither was I. Out the door she went at high speed.
As she came over the top of a hill, here I was, grubby little hand clutching some wild flowers I'd picked for her, with both dogs... and what she found most interesting, three cats who came along for the outing :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
A friend told me this story about his cat many years ago.

One day the cat caught a mouse, which the cat wanted to play with. My friend was agreeable (I wouldn't have been, but to each his own), but he didn't want to chance the mouse getting loose in the house, so he took it into the bathroom and put it into the bath tub for his cat to play with it there. The cat was delighted, and the eventual clean up was easy.

Several months later it was Miller Moth season, and the cat caught a moth, which he wanted to play with. However, the cat had learned his lesson! If you don't want your new toy to escape, put it in the bath tub! He was quite disappointed when he found out that it doesn't work on moths.



High Priest of Freya, The Slightly Bitey.
Super Cat
Sep 22, 2016
St. Louis Metro Area

I had really only gotten Freya home for an hour or two from the breeders when she pounced and attacked my right foot. I gave her a firm "no" and she stopped. She then sat there thinking for a few seconds, considering her options and, proceeded to attack my left foot instead, apparently feeling that being told he couldn't' attack my foot only applied to that one foot, not to my other foot.

it was then that I knew she was going to be trouble.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia

I had really only gotten Freya home for an hour or two from the breeders when she pounced and attacked my right foot. I gave her a firm "no" and she stopped. She then sat there thinking for a few seconds, considering her options and, proceeded to attack my left foot instead, apparently feeling that being told he couldn't' attack my foot only applied to that one foot, not to my other foot.

it was then that I knew she was going to be trouble.
Well, *SIAMESE*. Need I say more? :lolup::crackup:
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Site Owner
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Oct 23, 2000
Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful cat stories! :clap:

I'm now officially closing the contest for further submissions. Winners will be announced shortly!
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Oct 23, 2000