Serious Birth Complications (TW Death)


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 11, 2023
Hi everyone,

Please no negative comments, I am well aware that my cat needs to be spayed. She is strictly an indoor cat, we lived on our own before moving back in with my parents who do have a male cat (that we THOUGHT was neutered). They will be completely separated from now on and fixed. She is persian/himalayan and he is persian. Neither are flat faced. I knew persians can have complicated deliveries, which is why I knew to act quickly once things seemed wrong.

My 3 year old cat Stormi is pregnant, we found out about a month ago. Last week I called in hoping to have an ultrasound done on her but was told that we did not need one, so I opted out. I do know the day that I caught her with the male cat and today was her 65th day of pregnancy. She had a kittening box, i've been feeding her kitten food for as long as i've known. Today she decided it was time, was panting heavily in her birthing box, I started to see a kitten come out. She wanted to be left alone at that point so i checked back in 15 mins later when I discovered that she was roaming the room with a limp dead kitten stuck inside her by the head. At this point I did not want to panic, presumed it was stillborn and still felt movement of other kitties.

5 mins later, the kitten was still stuck and Stormi seemed distressed so I called the ER vet immediately. I was told that they could not take her and gave the address to another ER vet. When I arrived there, they told me that she probably needed a c-section and I should take her to an ER with a surgeon. I asked for more info on where to take her and they said I could find one online. I felt hopeless. I did my research confirmed the next ER could take her and we went there.

After waiting for what felt like forever I saw the doctor who said her bloods were fine (thought maybe low calcium). She has passed the first kitten (who was dead) and that a second one was also stuck when we arrived there. They assisted her but the kittens heart rate was slowing and could not be saved through rescusitation. She then passed a third, living kitten without assistance. Kitten is with mama.

They saw more kittens on ultrasound, two of which they referred to as "fetal monstrosities" with heartbeats, another with heartbeat, and one tiny underdeveloped one with no heartbeat. I was wondering if anyone had any information about this medical term. She is doing xrays now to confirm the size of the other kittens and whether or not she will need a c section to pass them, as the smaller ones were already getting stuck in her vaginal canal. I have never heard of "fetal monstrosity" and was so in shock I could not ask the vet at the time. Im finding conflicting information about this online.
I cannot believe what has happened.

I write this while I sit at home without my mama kitty, devastated. I've done all my research, prepared SO MUCH hoping for an uncomplicated delivery. Everything from setting up multiple nests to rectal thermometers, supplemental milk, kitchen scale, bulb syringe, etc. Anyone I told acted like I was insane, that cats want to be alone and need zero assistance they do it all the time in the wild etc. I expected a small litter maybe 3/4 as shes never had kittens and persians tend to have smaller litters regardless.

After all this, I just hope my Stormi is well and that the living kitten (hopefully kittens) survive. Please send your support and prayers.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Ouch.... Im sorry to hear all this... If Storm survives and all is well, you can perhaps have some foster kittens for her?? This would be a good way to get a victory from this devastating situation.... If the alive kitten survives it will be happy for some siblings.

two of which they referred to as "fetal monstrosities" with heartbeats, another with heartbeat, and one tiny underdeveloped one with no heartbeat.

I will write more later on....
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 11, 2023
Ouch.... Im sorry to hear all this... If Storm survives and all is well, you can perhaps have some foster kittens for her?? This would be a good way to get a victory from this devastating situation.... If the alive kitten survives it will be happy for some siblings.

two of which they referred to as "fetal monstrosities" with heartbeats, another with heartbeat, and one tiny underdeveloped one with no heartbeat.

I will write more later on....
Thank you for your support. Vet called and said there are two more in there, nothing about deformities as of right now just that they are large. She is no longer contracting and they will give her oxytocin in hopes of getting these kittens out. Not so sure about fostering, I would love to but as of right now she is not being a "good mother" (ignoring her baby but not trying to injure it or rejecting it). They will perform emergency c section should they not be able to come out on their own due to size. Hopefully will have good news tomorrow.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Fetal monstrosities most likely refers to genetic defects incompatible with life — such as conjoined or otherwise genetically defective. If your cat is unable to deliver these kittens vaginally (which is not uncommon), the vet will be forced to perform a C-section to remove these kittens so that the mother cat does not lose her own life.

In fact, it may be best if they go ahead with a c-section to remove the kittens, whether viable or not, and get things over with. It sounds like there is at least one other viable kitten, if they can save it.

Call the vet to insist on knowing what is going on, and give permission for the C-section, so that your cat does not suffer through horrible painful labor at this point, and so that any viable kitten(s) can be saved.

I will pray for the best, and please keep us posted. Mom cat’s health is a priority here, even when kittens are lost.

C catmom102618


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I’ve just read your update since I posted, and they need to perform the C-section if she is not contracting. She is suffering, and cannot be a “good mom” while experiencing dystocia or contractions brought on by oxytocin. She is in pain and most likely cannot deliver. Get it done and over with so she can begin to recover and nurse.

C catmom102618
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Also, vet office should be feeding the surviving kitten with formula at present time as mom is likely not in a position to be nursing right now. Oxytocin will bring on very painful contractions which still may not result in vaginal births. Mom is suffering. She is clearly in distress and needs the kittens out before they die in utero.
C catmom102618
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 11, 2023
I’ve just read your update since I posted, and they need to perform the C-section if she is not contracting. She is suffering, and cannot be a “good mom” while experiencing dystocia or contractions brought on by oxytocin. She is in pain and most likely cannot deliver. Get it done and over with do she can begin to recover and nurse.

C catmom102618
Yes, all I care about is her being okay. I would be more than grateful to just have my girl home and healthy. They did not mention deformity or "monstrosity" after xrays in the update they gave me but I am not getting my hopes up.

I am hoping to avoid emergency c section, they quoted me at $6000. But if thats what it comes down to then it will be done of course! I do agree with you, if it wasn't so costly and invasive I would demand they get her right on the operating table. But since she did pass the others on her own and did not seem to be in much pain throughout, the first step is oxytocin. I did share my doubts with them but they said it is still probable that she will pass them on their own whether they live or not.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Ugh — the costs are outrageous and the goal should be to save kittens who can live — not be dead when they are finally passed.

Are you at an emergency vet or in another country besides the U.S.? A c-section should not cost in the thousands. It is usually $800-$1,000.

I’m sorry this is happening to you and your cat.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 11, 2023
Ugh — the costs are outrageous and the goal should be to save kittens who can live — not be dead when they are finally passed.

Are you at an emergency vet or in another country besides the U.S.? A c-section should not cost in the thousands. It is usually $800-$1,000.

I’m sorry this is happening to you and your cat.
Emergency veterinarian in Canada. Currently 2am and cannot sleep. I spoke to what I assume is an assistant, they said they are trying to get the kitten to latch. When I inquired about making sure the kitten is fed they just said they were focused on Stormi. I then said "Right but the kitten will be fed if she is unable to?"
"I don't think we have replacer on site. We are trying to get them to latch while also giving her her space." WTF. No replacer???? This is the only emergency vet near me.

I do not understand why they cannot both be cared for at the same time. I do not know what else to do at this point. Of course Stormi is priority but I assumed they would also keep the kitten alive if possible. Like go ahead and bill me for it, but feed the kitten. It already costs an arm and a leg just take my other limbs while you're at it /s


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Do you have kitten formula on hand and a heating pad? You can pick up the kitten and bring it home to syringe feed and keep warm if so.

I’ve never heard of an emergency vet not having formula on hand. This is ridiculous. Plus, if the kitten’s blood sugar is low, it will need sugar water or honey applied to its gums for quick energy so that it has the energy to suckle.

I would go to the vet’s office in person and begin advocating for my cat and kitten. You can even syringe feed the kitten at home on an emergency basis using evaporated milk with sugar and an egg yolk mixed in to keep it going until you can purchase formula tomorrow.

It sounds like this vet office is not up to par. You may want to consider bringing your cat and kitten home tonight and seeing your regular vet first thing in the morning. Something does not seem right to me based on the information you’ve provided.

C catmom102618


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You can even keep the kitten warm with a hot water bottle or a sock filled with rice and microwaved then rolled into a towel for warmth. If you have no syringe (vet can give you a 1 or 2 ml syringe), you can use a dropper. Worst case scenario, you feed the kitten 1/2 to 1mL of honey or sugar water every 1-2 hours until morning.

They should have an incubator and formula!

C catmom102618
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 11, 2023
Do you have kitten formula on hand and a heating pad? You can pick up the kitten and bring it home to syringe feed and keep warm if so.

I’ve never heard of an emergency vet not having formula on hand. This is ridiculous. Plus, if the kitten’s blood sugar is low, it will need sugar water or honey applied to its gums for quick energy so that it has the energy to suckle.

I would go to the vet’s office in person and begin advocating for my cat and kitten. You can even syringe feed the kitten at home on an emergency basis using evaporated milk with sugar and an egg yolk mixed in to keep it going until you can purchase formula tomorrow.

It sounds like this vet office is not up to par. You may want to consider bringing your cat and kitten home tonight and seeing your regular vet first thing in the morning. Something does not seem right to me based on the information you’ve provided.

C catmom102618
Thank you for all your help. I will take a nap now (so i can be the best pet mom I can be) and be there in a couple hours to check on Stormi's progression and kitten, with the formula I have already purchased. I will request to take the kitten home if she still hasn't latched or been properly cared for. I will also call my usual vet in the morning to get their perspective. This is a very well known animal hospital and I am honestly in shock.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I hope all goes well and that Stormi delivers and the kitten latches. If neither occurs, get them both out of there and back to your own vet. I’m glad you have formula. I hope all goes well.

Get some rest and please update as you can.

C catmom102618


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Whatever happens it's good you get a bit of sleep before you try to drive again with this much emotional stress. Never lose sight of the fact that you have done your best against deeply unexpected and unreasonable odds.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 11, 2023
Just a quick update before I rest, I got the call at 4:30am that Stormi was able to pass the two remaining kittens after some oxytocin. One living, one born still. I was then asked to pick her up ASAP incase maybe she would feel more comfortable mothering them at home which seems to be true so far. She now is grooming them a little bit, returned to them after I gave her food, etc. but is still not nursing them. I am almost positive about this, whenever i checked on them they were curled up next to her. Tried to help one on a nipple, she did not like that.

One was 68g, the larger one was 79g. I was able to feed them once around 7:30am, but theyre a little sleepy. One of them did suck the syringe, the other I had to somewhat forcefeed (VERY SLOWLY). Stormi allowed me to do this in front of her and does not mind her kittens being handled.

Some questions:
I noticed their bellies did look full even before I fed them. Do I have to assist them to go to the washroom? How often? Even though she is now licking them occasionally im not sure how effectively she is doing this.

Is it normal for them to be quiet most of the time? They've cried a couple times so far but really not much at all. Just a couple squeals and then quiet (im assuming that she is tending to them). Will they cry when they are hungry?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It’s good that mom successfully passed the kittens without expensive c-section surgery; and good that one survived so there’s a pair.

Anything below 90 grams is considered premature birth weight, so if they are not gaining 6-10 grams a day they will need supplementing.

Here is a helpful link:

Syringe Feeding — Kitten Lady

C catmom102618


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Just a quick update before I rest, I got the call at 4:30am that Stormi was able to pass the two remaining kittens after some oxytocin. One living, one born still. I was then asked to pick her up ASAP incase maybe she would feel more comfortable mothering them at home which seems to be true so far. She now is grooming them a little bit, returned to them after I gave her food, etc. but is still not nursing them. I am almost positive about this, whenever i checked on them they were curled up next to her. Tried to help one on a nipple, she did not like that.

One was 68g, the larger one was 79g. I was able to feed them once around 7:30am, but theyre a little sleepy. One of them did suck the syringe, the other I had to somewhat forcefeed (VERY SLOWLY). Stormi allowed me to do this in front of her and does not mind her kittens being handled.

Some questions:
I noticed their bellies did look full even before I fed them. Do I have to assist them to go to the washroom? How often? Even though she is now licking them occasionally im not sure how effectively she is doing this.

Is it normal for them to be quiet most of the time? They've cried a couple times so far but really not much at all. Just a couple squeals and then quiet (im assuming that she is tending to them). Will they cry when they are hungry?
consider them as weak and needing support / handfeeding. Pretend they are premature.
Its GOOD they have momma, but you must take charge and responsibility.... So its good you have began with handfeeding... Mamma is always most nice, so im momma has any milk, they will always get some...
During the time, presume they are too weak to suckle properly from momma, and so, you handfeed them.
The rule of thumb is 8 ml krm / goats milk / 28 gram a day, so at this moment it gives about 20 m totallyl during the day... Perhaps every second hour. If they want more, give more, but shouldnt be much less...
They shall add 6+ grammes a day, but good if more.

As they seems weak, some glucose sugar will help... In USA or Canada it will be typically a droplet of white caro sugar on their gum, inide the lip... It dissolves there; and the glucose sugar will go directly into blood...
If you by any chance can get real glucose sugar / dextrose, its even better.
This will give them some extra energhy...

Be sure they are warm (not too warm though).

Re the poo: at this moment they dont have much poo as yet, and the first poo is usually black... But be prepared to massage them anyway....
Perhaps momma does it, but you can always massage them anyway.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
ps. So the talk of fetal monsters seems to be false.... As the living one seems normal, its not a sack or a tube...
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 11, 2023
consider them as weak and needing support / handfeeding. Pretend they are premature.
Its GOOD they have momma, but you must take charge and responsibility.... So its good you have began with handfeeding... Mamma is always most nice, so im momma has any milk, they will always get some...
During the time, presume they are too weak to suckle properly from momma, and so, you handfeed them.
The rule of thumb is 8 ml krm / goats milk / 28 gram a day, so at this moment it gives about 20 m totallyl during the day... Perhaps every second hour. If they want more, give more, but shouldn't be much less...
They shall add 6+ grammes a day, but good if more.

As they seems weak, some glucose sugar will help... In USA or Canada it will be typically a droplet of white caro sugar on their gum, inide the lip... It dissolves there; and the glucose sugar will go directly into blood...
If you by any chance can get real glucose sugar / dextrose, its even better.
This will give them some extra energhy...

Be sure they are warm (not too warm though).

Re the poo: at this moment they dont have much poo as yet, and the first poo is usually black... But be prepared to massage them anyway....
Perhaps momma does it, but you can always massage them anyway.
Okay, I was able to get a pee out of the larger one. I weighed before the pee and mama was not happy about me taking the kittens but I will re weigh now pre feed.

I will have to pick up some sugar for them, maybe will stimulate them to feed.

Kitten 1 - 68g (3:30am) now weighs 81g (12pm)

Kitten 2 - 79g (3:30am) now weighs 98g (12pm)

And yes, no mention of fetal monstrosity whatsoever after xray and not on discharge papers either.