Senior Cat Peeing Everywhere & Frequently


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Definitely call your vet. I am unsure about the connection between a urinalysis and kidney issues because a few weeks ago my elderly dog (15) urinated blood and we rushed him to the ER. Vet said that there was nothing in his urine, but that the blood was coming from either kidneys or liver. My regular vet confirmed that the next day and tried to explain to me that what is in the urine may not always be indicative of what is going on further up in the body.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
So the ER vet got back to me and his urinalysis results came back “fine” and showed negative for bacteria. I attached what they sent me. He mentioned it may be a kidney infection. Would that not show up on the urinalysis or blood work? He kind of rushed me off the phone so I didn’t get to ask as much as I would have liked. Either way he said the Cefovecin should work for a kidney infection as well. But will definitely be following up with my primary vet.

He’s still lethargic/different than his usual self but maybe at almost 17, this is just how he’ll be from now on and it’s just making him the most comfortable for the time he has left. He is still straining a little to poop but getting something (usually small) out each time. He isn’t peeing quite as much and still going outside the litter pan sometimes...including my bed again last night 🙄. But still eating great thank goodness! Just hoping 50 mL will eventually catch him back up where he’s not dehydrated and the antibiotic fully kicks in/works/runs its course. 🙏
In case you need a cleaner and no one has mentioned it, I have used Nature's Miracle-Just For Cats for years and since it is an enzymatic liquid cleaner, used according to directions, it is very effective.
*PRAYERS* and best wishes for your sweet boy. My Baby Su is 16 going on 17, and I am familiar with these problems.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 5, 2021
So the ER vet got back to me and his urinalysis results came back “fine” and showed negative for bacteria. I attached what they sent me. He mentioned it may be a kidney infection. Would that not show up on the urinalysis or blood work? He kind of rushed me off the phone so I didn’t get to ask as much as I would have liked. Either way he said the Cefovecin should work for a kidney infection as well. But will definitely be following up with my primary vet.

He’s still lethargic/different than his usual self but maybe at almost 17, this is just how he’ll be from now on and it’s just making him the most comfortable for the time he has left. He is still straining a little to poop but getting something (usually small) out each time. He isn’t peeing quite as much and still going outside the litter pan sometimes...including my bed again last night 🙄. But still eating great thank goodness! Just hoping 50 mL will eventually catch him back up where he’s not dehydrated and the antibiotic fully kicks in/works/runs its course. 🙏
Interesting that there is 3+ glucose in the urine. That shouldn’t be. There should be no glucose in the urine. Sometimes a highly stressed kitty can show a little glucose in the urine but 3+ is a red flag to me. You said his bloodwork is normal? No elevation in the glucose in his blood test? He is telling you something is up with his inappropriate urination. I would definitely follow up soon with your regular vet. At least discuss these results with him (unless the emergency vet sends him the results-they typically do share results with the regular vet-just be sure it happens. Sometimes info falls thru the cracks so don’t assume it’s been done, call your vet to be sure they received the results, ok? A kidney infection may show up on a u/a but not necessarily. This was a “sent out to the lab” test right? Were his white cells elevated on his bloodwork? Great that he’s eating. Truly. That’s huge. His poops are normal consistency but small? Maybe address the 50 mls daily? I don’t think you can totally address his dehydration with that amount. It’s unfortunate you weren’t able to really talk to the emergency vet. But you should be able to field them to your vet. Write down your q’s if you think it will help you so don’t run the risk of forgetting anything you want to know. It’s easy to do when they’re talking to you and you’re getting a lot of info presented to you. Keep up the good work kitty mom. 😉
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  • #24


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 15, 2021
Xena44 Xena44 thank you for pointing that out. I have a call in to the emergency vet to see what they say. Also still waiting on a call back from my primary vet to discuss things in general. When I look up feline diabetes (which I did Bc of the glucose)...he basically checks all the symptom boxes. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. No one has every even mentioned that as a possibility. So wondering if there is a reason they never thought of that.

Venting session: I am so fed up and annoyed with my primary vet. I really liked my vet but a month ago, he moved to another practice outside the city (about an hour away). I stayed with the clinic and was passed off to another vet. I feel like since I haven’t been her regular patient until now, I am getting pushed to the wayside. I’ve been waiting since early yesterday morning for her to give me a call back. With an email and additional call in this morning to remind them. My little guy is continuing to urinate inappropriately, is still lethargic (although has spurts of being vocal, purring, and seeming closer to normal), and continues to strain to poop. Although he continues to be able to get out a blueberry or grape size piece most of the time. Unlike the other night when he couldn’t get anything out. However, from all the straining and having to go...his poor backside is looking swollen, red, slightly bloody (very very slightly- don’t want to exaggerate it) and very irritated. He keeps licking it. I’m guessing part of lethargy is that his senior, underweight body is literally just exhausted from straining. He’s even somewhat unstable. He continues to eat...ravenously at times (which I saw was a diabetes symptom)...but not sure where it’s all going and being stored since he can’t take a normal BM. Anyways, I’m about to call the vet again because I need guidance from them. I don’t know if there is enough concern with his current state that I need to get him in immediately or if it can wait until my appointment next Monday. I am willing to take him back to the emergency vet if needed but don’t want to prematurely think he needs to go if it can wait...that last visit set me back over $1000. I’ve tried calling a couple other cat specific clinics in the city but, since I haven’t been a regular patient, they can’t fit me in right away. Anyways, that’s the end of my venting session.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 5, 2021
Xena44 Xena44 thank you for pointing that out. I have a call in to the emergency vet to see what they say. Also still waiting on a call back from my primary vet to discuss things in general. When I look up feline diabetes (which I did Bc of the glucose)...he basically checks all the symptom boxes. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. No one has every even mentioned that as a possibility. So wondering if there is a reason they never thought of that.

Venting session: I am so fed up and annoyed with my primary vet. I really liked my vet but a month ago, he moved to another practice outside the city (about an hour away). I stayed with the clinic and was passed off to another vet. I feel like since I haven’t been her regular patient until now, I am getting pushed to the wayside. I’ve been waiting since early yesterday morning for her to give me a call back. With an email and additional call in this morning to remind them. My little guy is continuing to urinate inappropriately, is still lethargic (although has spurts of being vocal, purring, and seeming closer to normal), and continues to strain to poop. Although he continues to be able to get out a blueberry or grape size piece most of the time. Unlike the other night when he couldn’t get anything out. However, from all the straining and having to go...his poor backside is looking swollen, red, slightly bloody (very very slightly- don’t want to exaggerate it) and very irritated. He keeps licking it. I’m guessing part of lethargy is that his senior, underweight body is literally just exhausted from straining. He’s even somewhat unstable. He continues to eat...ravenously at times (which I saw was a diabetes symptom)...but not sure where it’s all going and being stored since he can’t take a normal BM. Anyways, I’m about to call the vet again because I need guidance from them. I don’t know if there is enough concern with his current state that I need to get him in immediately or if it can wait until my appointment next Monday. I am willing to take him back to the emergency vet if needed but don’t want to prematurely think he needs to go if it can wait...that last visit set me back over $1000. I’ve tried calling a couple other cat specific clinics in the city but, since I haven’t been a regular patient, they can’t fit me in right away. Anyways, that’s the end of my venting session.
Can you ask any of your cat-owned friends who their vet is? Word of mouth is really a great way to get a vet. When (if) you’re able to call a new vet to sched a second opinion, remember to sched a 2nd opinion, not just a regular visit, stress your cat is doing very unwell and needs to be seen ASAP. If you can get an appt, the new vet will call your reg vet to get all the labs. As well as the emergency vet. May not be a bad idea to ask your vets to email the records and labs to you so you can print them and have them, particularly if the emergency vet isn’t open during the day when another vet would be requesting them.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Do you have the Nextdoor app? People post all the time here about suggestions for vets and there are usually numerous replies.
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  • #27


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 15, 2021
I have an update I hate to write. I had my cat in my primary vet finally today. (Yes, they finally got back to me yesterday and I was able to get fit in today). They did a physical exam and he did not look good according to them. They suggested some further diagnostics if I was comfortable and to come back in 2 hours. I came back and they put me in a room with tissues and water. I was basically already crying before the vet came in. My poor guy has a large tumor they found via ultrasound attached to his liver. According to the vet, they anticipated it had metastasized to his intestines and probably his stomach. At this point, there is no action to take on the tumor. Even if there was, they said at his age and health...he probably wouldn’t survive it. They gave/suggested two options...humanely euthanizing him right then or doing hospice care from home. I opted to take him home today. While I want to be fair to him and let him go when it’s time and not hold on to him for my sake, I also did not want to say goodbye at the vet. Knowing him, he’d be more comfortable going at home. Funny thing is when they brought him back to me, he was purring and walking around the exam table and dipping his paw in the cup of water they gave me. They gave him a shot of Cerenia, some fluids, and a round of chewable 5mg Pred to give him daily for the next little bit. The vet said this will most likely give him a week from today. Which was hard to hear. So sudden. He’s been home and purring and sleeping in my lap and eating. Thinking about making the decision of when to make the call to have in the at home euthanasia is haunting me. But for now he’s content. Thank you all for all your thoughts, suggestions and encouragement. I’ve really appreciated it.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 5, 2021
I have an update I hate to write. I had my cat in my primary vet finally today. (Yes, they finally got back to me yesterday and I was able to get fit in today). They did a physical exam and he did not look good according to them. They suggested some further diagnostics if I was comfortable and to come back in 2 hours. I came back and they put me in a room with tissues and water. I was basically already crying before the vet came in. My poor guy has a large tumor they found via ultrasound attached to his liver. According to the vet, they anticipated it had metastasized to his intestines and probably his stomach. At this point, there is no action to take on the tumor. Even if there was, they said at his age and health...he probably wouldn’t survive it. They gave/suggested two options...humanely euthanizing him right then or doing hospice care from home. I opted to take him home today. While I want to be fair to him and let him go when it’s time and not hold on to him for my sake, I also did not want to say goodbye at the vet. Knowing him, he’d be more comfortable going at home. Funny thing is when they brought him back to me, he was purring and walking around the exam table and dipping his paw in the cup of water they gave me. They gave him a shot of Cerenia, some fluids, and a round of chewable 5mg Pred to give him daily for the next little bit. The vet said this will most likely give him a week from today. Which was hard to hear. So sudden. He’s been home and purring and sleeping in my lap and eating. Thinking about making the decision of when to make the call to have in the at home euthanasia is haunting me. But for now he’s content. Thank you all for all your thoughts, suggestions and encouragement. I’ve really appreciated it.
I am so sorry my dear. Right now he’s content and that is all that’s important. Enjoy each moment as it comes. After all the here now is really all we have. And that’s our little loves approach life. Just spend time with him and love him and let him love you. 💔❤💔❤


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am so sorry that this was the outcome. You are absolutely doing the right thing to have brought him home, especially since he appeared to be comfortable when he was returned to you. I would not have let him go just yet either. All he wants is to be with you and you are doing, and have done, all that you can for him. His long life is a testament to that. Please post whenever you need to.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I'm so sorry to hear this news. To make things easier on both of you, spread your shower curtain over the mattress under the sheets. That will protect the mattress and leave the bed smelling like you and safety, which is what he wants now. This way he can continue to be on the bed and both of you won't worry.