Second Job Interview - Need Help!


TCS Member
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Aug 29, 2014
I have a second job interview this Friday. I really need tips and suggestions on how to ace the interview and get an offer :help: Long story short, if I don't get this job I'm forced to take a severance package from my current :censored::censored: job by the end of the month.

I have solid experience for the position I'm interviewing for. That's not a problem. A reference thinks that because I'm a very introverted person that might be one reason why I don't get an offer. Some one else said to just be myself but "play to the audience... Good communicators 'flex' give the audience in front of them... that does not mean you should be disingenuous". I'm not quite sure that that means :headscratch::headscratch: Any ideas?

I can't be super hyper and chatty :headshake: :headshake: But just being myself doesn't seem to be working either. I answer questions honestly with detail and ask questions to the interviewers about the position, company, etc. At a previous interview with another company, I had a great interaction with one of the interviewers (the head of the group for the position) explaining what I currently do since he had no experience with it and was really interested in it. Still, I didn't get the position :disappointed:

The position I'm interviewing for on Friday is at a small start up that isn't even open yet. At the first interview, the interviewer indicated that the company was planning to open by the end of June and most of the necessary staff would be in place by then. I heard that other companies in the area have laid off staff so there's a huge pool of candidates out there looking for jobs:eek: That would explain why my current :censored: job has had so many new people join recently, mostly contract staff. I need to really wow the interviewers (just 3 people) on Friday to get an offer over other candidates.

Kitty Mommy

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 7, 2017
Hi and congratulations on securing a second interview. Interviews are very stressful which can sometimes make it difficult to present yourself in the way you want. In my job I sit on many interview panels and although every company is different in how they consider candidates some things that I have observed that may be helpful to you are:

1. Be confident in yourself and your skills and project that image to your potential employer. You don't have to oversell yourself, just provide examples that show how your skills and experience can benefit the company.

2. Make sure you understand what the duties of this position are so if they ask something like "what do you think a typical day in this position would be like" you can answer them easily.

3. Explain to them how experiences and responsibilities you have had specifically relate to the position. If you don't have experience with a particular task in this job say so and explain how you plan to master it. Show them you are willing to learn whatever skills are necessary to succeed.

4. Listen carefully to the interview questions and answer those questions with specifics. One thing that I feel makes a candidate less successful in an interview is when you ask them a question and they don't understand the question and the answer makes no sense. One of things I find that distracting when interviewing someone is when a candidate spends too much time answering a question. Be concise.

5. Watch for body language, if it appears your answers are not being well received or understood, change your tactics to engage the interviewers more. And watch your body language - try not to fidget, play with a pencil, shuffle papers, etc. Sit calmly and make eye contact often.

6. Some questions are designed to be difficult, such as "what is your greatest weakness". Be honest but not self depricating.

7. There are a lot of potential interview questions you can find on the internet for the type of position you are applying for. Look some up and practice in front of a mirror or have someone else ask you the questions. Since this is a second interview you should have a good idea of how they conduct their interviews so you can better prepare.

8. Always send a thank you note to your interviewers afterwards.

Good luck with your interview. I hope it goes well keep us posted. :goodluck:
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Aug 29, 2014
6. Some questions are designed to be difficult, such as "what is your greatest weakness". Be honest but not self depricating.

My greatest weakness is being very introverted which many people don't understand. I'm an IFSJ-T on the Meyer's Brigg scale. I'm perfectly happy being inside my own head doing the work assigned to me, maybe listening to my iPod. I'm aware of people around me. I just want to focus on getting my work done with as few interruptions as possible but I'm happy to stop if someone needs to talk to me. Plus I don't care for the constant drama and gossip and whatever else my 20-something year old co-workers are talking about instead of actually working (what are Internet vines??? Do I really need to know or care how drunk you got over the weekend??) Apparently people see that as being anti-social and not a team player. At least the people at my current job do :censored:

Obviously I can't say all that if I'm asked during the interview. What would be the best way to answer the question?

I'm well familiar with the duties of the position will involve. I've done nearly the same duties for several years in different companies before taking on a more technical role.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I think the best way to answer that question is just what you said down to you'd be happy to stop if someone needs to talk to you. That's all the detail you need to go into. Probably it would be best to leave off the rating on Meyer's Brigg. They don't need to know anything that specific. Trying to turn a negative into a positive is out of date, so I wouldn't try it.

You will make the best impression by your interest in their company and what they plan to do, and of course, your part in it. They will lose interest in anyone who just talks about themselves.

Good luck to you! The hardest part of any job is getting it. I wish you the best.

Kitty Mommy

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 7, 2017
I am also an introvert and would prefer to work by myself so I understand where you are coming from. I could work just fine all by myself and not see another person all day and not even notice. It drives me nuts when I'm working my butt off and co-workers are playing around.

I would stress that you are self motivated and you work well both independently and as part of a team.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
If I might ask, what type of position are you interviewing for?
Reason I ask is many employers WANT introverted, detail oriented driven people that can and often work better alone for behind the scenes positions. If you're out on a floor (think sales), they want someone who is more extroverted and can reel in customers with good energy, conversation, to make a sale and a loyal customer because "the sales people are so friendly", etc! On the flip side, an employer might prefer the introverted type for behind the scenes work (book keeping, organization, stocking, etc.) because they're less likely to wander away from work to gossip or be drawn into the dramatic BS that might go on.
Be friendly, courteous, ask questions and show you're willing to work! If you have no experience with a certain part of the job, look the interviewer in the eye and tell them so but tell them you're more than happy and willing to learn and take direction.
As a side suggestion(s):
-Needless to say dress for success, a well dressed employee or potential employee is showing respect for the company and the job at hand. I'm not talking a tux or a ball gown, just be clean cut and dressed for whatever the job might require.
-Confidence, not egotism. Confidence is quiet, egotism is boasting and obnoxious. (An employer doesn't want to hear a potential employee bragging about how awesome they are or would be at this job,nless they have a damned good set of job experiences and references to back it up.) The two are not the same thing, and experienced employers usually do not want egotism!
-Be prompt. 10 minutes early is 5 minutes late.
-Show you're a team player. Do you have a resume? Does it show work attendance? (Previous work attendance is important as hiring someone who is prompt and shows up on time can be critical!)
This isn't expert advice or anything, just some ideas =) I hope things go well for you!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Don't take this as my downplaying this but every time I interview anyone or am interviewed for anything I think of this and it makes me smile, then laugh, then laugh HARD and I relax.
Just DON'T do stuff Missus Wiggins does and you'll do great =D
Enjoy! (Minor language warning. PG or PG-13!)
NEVERmind, I re watched. Rated not good for language at the end! =/ Sorry about that, but it's still fun!
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Kitty Mommy

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 7, 2017
Don't take this as my downplaying this but every time I interview anyone or am interviewed for anything I think of this and it makes me smile, then laugh, then laugh HARD and I relax.
Just DON'T do stuff Missus Wiggins does and you'll do great =D
Enjoy! (Minor language warning. PG or PG-13!)
NEVERmind, I re watched. Rated not good for language at the end! =/ Sorry about that, but it's still fun!
:flail::crackup:. I love the Carol Burnette show! It was so hilarious.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • Eye contact. It's important. (When I interviewed for my planning job, I had to sit before the planning committee. I sat there and looked at one person, then went to the next, to the next and so on. I looked them right in the eyes. One of the men told me later on that he was really impressed with that.)
  • Speak clearly and succinctly. (That's hard for me to do.)
  • Give them a firm handshake.
  • Look confident, even though you're nervous as heck inside. (When I first started attending the commission meetings, I used to go into the bathroom right before the meetings. I was so nervous that I would stand there and shake. I was scared poopless. I got it all out of my system, then walked into the meeting. I talked to one of the men a few months ago and I told him how nervous I used to be; it took years before I stopped being so nervous and, even now when it's a big meeting, I tend to get really shaky about all the people. He said he never even knew it, that I hid it well.)
  • Smile! :):)
You're going to do so well! It's a second interview, so they found something in you that really impressed them. Congratulations! You can do this! Wishing you the very best of luck!

ETA: I laughed out loud when Carol Burnett lost it. I used to love that show. They were hilarious. I'm still laughing.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Aug 29, 2014
It's a lab position. I'll be doing the "behind the scenes" support work.

I always dress appropriately. I'm always early but will take a walk around the block or find somewhere to sit if I'm too early. I Google the area beforehand to find a nearby park or cafe. I do direct eye contact but that can feel a bit weird sometimes, like I'm staring at them. My resume is up to date.

Nervous is an understatement. I have an anxiety attack:paperbag: But it really depends on the people who are interviewing me. If the interviewer comes across as super nice and friendly and all that, then I relax a bit. If the person comes off as the total oppposite or I get weird vibes, then I'm more cautious and anxious. The person who did the first interview with me will be interviewing me again along with two other people. He's a friendly British guy so I think I won't be too anxious even with other people in the room.

I did a second interview for a postion last December, if some of you May recall from my post in the What's On you Mind thread. . I did well at that but didn' t get the job. Actually I never heard back even after sending two follow up emails and calling.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Aug 29, 2014
Any suggestions on what to say if I'm asked about anything about how I deal with stressful / difficult situations or people? Basically I avoid them if at all possible but I can't say that. My current situation is difficult (the supervisor and others, among other :censored:) and I'm just barely dealing with all of it. In the past I just say that I need to take a few minutes to take a deep breath and refocus before addressing the situation or person. Is that good enough?

Kitty Mommy

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 7, 2017
I think that sounds like a good answer. You can follow it up by giving them an example of how that approach has worked for you.

When I interviewed for my current job one of the interviewers was a former police officer and the way she asked questions felt like an interrogation. It was very intimidating.

As Winchester Winchester said, good eye contact is important.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
I'm an introvert too :thumbsup: It really is a personality that is misunderstood.

Other's have brought it up already, but definitely point out why it is a good thing to hire an introvert.

- Attention to detail, organized, hard worker, not easily distracted by or care about needless social stuff (Gossip, drama, chatting with other coworkers on the job etc)

- You think before you speak. Articulate, uses words wisely, don't just ramble on with filler.

- Introverts tend to be more careful, considerate leaders.

- Independent thinking and problem solving. You don't need to always depend on others in this way.

Of course you don't actually have to blatantly explain your introvertism (Unless otherwise directly asked about it) just causally yet creatively bring up your strengths like normal.

I won't repeat what others listed already in general interview. Just relax, keep calm and carry on, do not overthink, research info about the company ahead of time (Which you obviously have done already) and remember to reward yourself after it is all over. It is just a short thing, but an emotionally exhausting one - don't think about it after, get yourself a treat, go see a movie, snuggle with your pets, meet up with a good friend for an outing and drinks

You are going to do great! You clearly seem like a good employee already! Huge best wishes!

Any suggestions on what to say if I'm asked about anything about how I deal with stressful / difficult situations or people? Basically I avoid them if at all possible but I can't say that. My current situation is difficult (the supervisor and others, among other :censored:) and I'm just barely dealing with all of it. In the past I just say that I need to take a few minutes to take a deep breath and refocus before addressing the situation or person. Is that good enough?

Just use your words differently "I do my best to not engage and/or contribute to challenging or strenuous circumstances while still providing a professional disposition and assist with problem solving on the current matter at hand when applicable"

I'm sure someone else could do better than me there or clean it up moreso, but you get my point. I think also saying that you need to regroup and focus yourself prior to handling a situation is also fairly decent as well. It shows that you don't jump into things blindly and think critically. Definitely simply saying "I ignore it" and the like wouldn't be a good answer, you want to portray yourself as "drama free" and a source of positivism and productivity but also not someone that just "runs away" from problems in the interviewers eyes.

You can also mention that, thanks in due part to knowing what bad bosses or coworkers are like, you know what it takes to be a good boss OR appreciate and value a good boss. Again, more creatively than how I said it, but it is true, it makes for good learning in the long run.

Sorry about your current work circumstance by the way :doh: That beyond stinks :hugs:


Time spent with cats is never wasted.
Top Cat
Apr 14, 2018
Just try not to overthink everything. Be presentable, friendly, and smile. Honestly I think the most important thing is if the interviewers like you. They already know you’re qualified because you made it to the 2nd interview. They want to know they can work with you.
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 29, 2014
The company has no web site or online presence at the moment. I only know what the job posting said and from the first interview. The company is in "stealth mode".

Good suggestions and tips:) Please add more. I want to be prepared for anything.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Any suggestions on what to say if I'm asked about anything about how I deal with stressful / difficult situations or people? Basically I avoid them if at all possible but I can't say that. My current situation is difficult (the supervisor and others, among other :censored:) and I'm just barely dealing with all of it. In the past I just say that I need to take a few minutes to take a deep breath and refocus before addressing the situation or person. Is that good enough?
A stressful situation might include having 6 thousand things piled up on you at once, which I get sometimes =/ The only thing that keeps me focused is attack one task at at a time and I decide on that by rating them based on time and importance (if item A has a deadline of 24 hours and items B and beyond have a 72 hour deadline, then attack item A first, etc.) Also, multi tasking is a very good and necessary skill but don't let it make you feel overwhelmed.
Depending on your job and your rank and what the difficult situation and/or person is/is saying, you can ask your supervisor or manager of someone in a higher position if you suspect the situation/person could hurt the company. If someone is difficult (on the job, a co worker) I would probably clue the higher-ups. Not as a tattle tale thing, but there's no excuse for people on the job creating drama and making other people's lives miserable.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
Be confident in yourself, walk into that interview with the confidence that you can do this, because, guess what, You CAN DO THIS!! Think of it this way, it's just a job, and if this position was meant to be for you, guess what, you WILL get that job!! We all know that you will be prepared, that you have done your homework, and will Knock their sox off!!!:woo: