Saying Goodbye and Needing advice


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Young Cat
Mar 26, 2016
I first want to thank you all for all of your help over the years with my cat Gigolo. He was 8 years old when I got him from the Denver Animal shelter. He was in really bad shape, had most of his fur shaved off, starving and bleeding through his mouth. I took him to the vet and found he had FIV and asthma. The FIV caused him severe teeth issues. The vet told me to put him to sleep and that he will infect my other cat.

When I got this cat you could tell he had a hard life and he was the sweetest thing. I absolutely fell head over heels for him in 8 hours after I got him. I was devastated, but did some research got another Vet and found that it was possible for FIV cats to have a good long life and not infect other cats. He did have to lose all his teeth, but did well without them.

He did absolutely fantastic for 7 1/2 years. He had to go for tune-ups once or twice a year with antibiotics for his FIV, but overall was a very healthy happy and the most loving cat. He loved to play ball with me. I kick it to him and he kick it back. He could do that all day long. He loved his food. He loved attention and being the center of even big crowds. He especially loved the ladies, hence his name, Gigolo.

About a year and a half ago he started slowing down. His asthma got worse, he started sleeping more, he started eating less and he had the beginning of kidney failure. Even so he had changed so much he still had a lot of life in him and could tell he enjoyed being alive. But this last August, I thought I was going to lose him. He was sleeping all day. I took him to the vet and got him an antibiotic as a last ditch effort because it worked in the past and he started perking up. The vet and I knew he was coming to the end, but we thought he had some life in him still.

He started wanting to go out all the time, which he never did before. I took him out on his leash almost everyday. It became our little routine. On November 20th, he started playing like crazy, like when he was really healthy. He was kicking the ball, running to the next rooms and crotching down for attack. I said to him, boy you're doing really well. I was busy that day and only got to take him out for 5 minutes because I was helping my mom. I woke up on November 21st this year to hear the news from my cousin that Gigolo had passed away. He was still warm and it looked like he just died.

I had so much guilt, I felt so bad that he died alone and I felt so bad that I didn't get to take him out long for the day before he died. I knew he was coming to the end, but I did not think that was my last day the day before. I am devastated and miss him so much! He died two weeks ago and my hurt still hurts so much. He was 17 years old. Thank you to everyone that has helped me with him over the years in here.

I had another cat when I got Gigolo. Her name is Rat. I know, that is a silly name, my husband named her and there's a whole story behind it and so now the name is endearing to me. My husband had just died of cancer and my other cat was only affectionate on her terms and I felt like I needed another friend at that time, hopefully, one that was more affectionate. Now don't get me wrong I really love my Rat, but she's not the lap kind of cat and only comes for loving on her terms. Gigolo on the other hand needed a ton of attention and I loved that.

I introduced Rat and Gigolo slowly, kept them in separate rooms, but no matter how I tried, Rat just couldn't seem to accept Gigolo. I put a screen door up on my room door so they could look at each other and just when I thought it might work, they got into the most scariest fight. It was mainly her as he was calm and collective. But, maybe it just sounded worse than it was because neither had blood on them.

Even though Gigolo had FIV, I was hoping it would work because the vet said that FIV is spread through biting and usually by the cat that is infected. Since Gigolo had no teeth and he was not an aggressor, I thought I'd give it a try. But I finally gave up. Nine years later she still hissed through the screen door at him and I took it as a sign that she was never going to accept him.

I used to take turns letting them out, but financially I was having a very hard time after my husband died and my income from work just wasn't enough. I had to start renting out both my bedrooms, leaving me with just one spare bedroom which is Rat's and she lets me sleep there. I quickly learned that it was more important for Rat to have her space without any cat leaving their scent in her room then trading the cats from my room. She is very territorial.

Now, my bedroom is the size of a decent sized studio and she has her toys, her cat tree to look out the window and I sleep with her and spend a lot of time with her because I work from home in my room. But, this is always torn me apart. How I longed to sleep with both of my cats. How I longed that I could have slept with Gigolo on his last night on earth. How I longed for Rat to go freely through the house. I loved, both cats and was not willing to part with one or the other.

I have always wanted three or four cats. When Gigolo got sick and I realized he was coming closer to his end, I was looking for a dog for a friend and found the cutest cat at the Denver Animal shelter. I got impulsive, I think because I was afraid of losing Gigolo and got the Kitty. Her name is Suki. I was worried sick about Gigolo in Suki not getting along. I just can't go through that again. She would hiss and growl at him and slap him. But she never hit him hard and she has no claws. I did not get rid of her nails, I would never do that, the previous owner did. I came in here and you guys help me tremendously.

Gigolo was very sweet with her and when she would slap him he looked at her like whatever. But you could tell he was not scared at all and eventually you could tell that Suki started to like him and also is grieving his death.

Now this brings me to my question. I'm sorry this is so long, I am just trying to explain that I'm not a horrible cat mom that has to lock up her cats, but just a person who really loves cats and is lonely since my husband died. Since Suki and I are grieving, I am thinking about getting another cat from the shelter for her.

Today all of a sudden which she usually doesn't, Rat seemed like she wanted to go out of the room even though Suki was right there and she hisses at Suki from the screen door for the entire year that I had Suki. I decided to let her out and just try since Suki does not have FIV. Suki started chasing her and slapping her and Rat was hissing and growling and I got scared and went to go after Suki to get her away. Rat got scared and ran into the bedroom and I decided that was enough for at least today.

I do feel like if Rat is cornered she will attack. Rat is the type of cat who when is scared will go into full attack mode. I am not allowed to pick her up she will bite me and if I hold her too long. I am even a little scared when I have to pick her up to take her to the vet. Suki is fast and I'm afraid I can't catch her if she starts chasing Rat.

My question to you is should I continue to try letting Rat out? I've always heard that some cats just can't be with other cats and because she still hissed through the door after 9 years with being with Gigolo that it might be a sign she is one of those cats? Is it true, that some cats will never be able to get along with cats? It's not like with my Gigolo and Suki, where they might hiss at first through the door and then they stop and then you take the next step. Should I continue to try to let her out or should I just keep her in the room and give her a lot of attention?

Would it make me a bad person if I ended up getting a third cat for Suki? I have always wanted 3 or 4 cats at once and I am getting older in my 50's and don't have forever to live out that dream. The bad is, Rat doesn't get to come out and the other cats don't get to sleep with me. The good is, I would be saving another cat's life from the shelter and I do pay a lot of attention to all my cats and play with them and can be with them a lot since I work from home.




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Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
Your cats (Gigalo too) are very cute! And very sorry for your loss of Gigalo. Here's my two cents from and outsider's view... 3 or 4 cats - is expensive. You mentioned some financial hardships and having your living space condensed. Also, every time you add a cat you add another personality to the mix. They won't always blend. In those cases especially, the cats need space from each other. Not to say people don't have lots of cats in small spaces though. I have under 1000 sq ft and two is my max. Even then, they have time in the back yard too. 3 or 4 cats sounds like a dream because more of something good is nice, but it can be a lot on the other side of things too.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My heart goes out to you for your loss of Gigolo. He lived a good, long, loved life for such a long time being FIV positive. It is a testament to his good care and the love he received. Believe me, he was not alone when he died, your love was right there in his heart, that love is spiritual, so eternal. His love will be with you forever too, he will continue to send that love until the end of time. Most cats go off to hide when they are close to the end. He did not want to bring you so much pain to see him off. He would like nothing more than for you to pass on his legacy of love. He would want you to go forward into the future and seek natures beauty and more love. Live as you would want for him to go on if you were the first to go. He wants no less.
A younger kitten would be better accepted. male, because they are more cuddly with humans and females love to boss them around. They are much more easy going and calm. (well, after the kitten stage anyway!) If you continue to let Rat out, make sure she has a high up place to flee to and easy to defend. Like on top a cat tree. My Crissy spent a year on top the fridge before she bacame comfortable enough to stand her ground. Females are VERY territorial. And bossy. Hissing, growling, and short chases are NOT bad, normal, they are trying to establish a heirarchy in the household. Even short tussles, as long as no deep bites or blood is drawn. Theway to tell if a cat is truly getting hurt is observe them when around the other cat. If they run and hide immediately when the other cat approaches and stay away, they are getting hurt. If they come back after a short while when the other act is present they are just having a normal spat or know they are being disciplined. Is there any way to train Rat or Suki to be on a leash? It takes quite a while but worth it to keep them under control. You could bring Rat out in a large dog crate too, to get them used to each other. Exchange them. Always have a small box for them to hide in and get away in a crate. You might work on them getting along first. Get a stiff piece of cardboard to stick between them if a fight occurs.
I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, please know we are always here to talk......RIP precious Gigolo. You will never be forgotten, you will always ahve a secure spot in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 26, 2016
Thank you Kris, but here is the thing, Suki even though is a brat at times to her siblings is grieving Gigolo. She is crying at night a lot and seems to really miss the company of Gigolo.

For me, both my girls are not as affectionate as Gigolo. While no cat will ever replace Gigolo, the thought of not having a loving cat like Gigolo until Rat dies, hopefully not until 9 or 10 years or longer is absolutely heartbreaking to me. Especially since my husband died of cancer. Gigolo has been a lifesaver to me. It has been so lonely since my husband died, my whole life changed. He made me get through it even at times when I didn't feel like doing it anymore, I had to hang on for him. Gigolo really was a emotional support animal and now he's gone.

I did have three cats for a little over a year until Gigolo died. Gigolo's last year of life was very expensive. I never missed a vet visit though because of financial reasons. I would just work more hours, I would do anything for my cats. Gigolos steroids and medicine for his asthma was over $200 a month. His special diet for his cat food was around $300 a month and he went through the cat litter like no tomorrow because of his kidney failure. I never passed on any of his care because of financial reasons. So, if it means I have to work harder to have another cat, I can do that. But, is it the right thing to do for the cats, is another question?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 26, 2016
Thank you di and bob, your kind words and thoughtful post means so much to me and has really touched me! I do want another male cat. But, I am deciding if I should give Rat and Suki a chance to get along. But the question is, does anyone know if all cats can eventually get along or some cats are just meant to be a only cat? You know when I'm introducing a cat like Gigolo to Suki they may hiss through the screen and eventually stop and then you take the next step after a while. But, Rat after 9 years never made it past the first step. She continues to hiss at the door and my question is, is it wrong to continue to try and let her out even though she is very scared and territorial or is it best to leave her be, she's in about a 400 square foot area and gets lots of attention?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 26, 2016
I can put Suki on a leash, but not Rat, she would probably bite and scratch me. But again, not sure if it's the right thing to do? You know when you go to adopt a cat and some say must be a only cat, well Rat would be one of those cats or with time and determination can all cats get along or am I just causing stress by forcing it on her?


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
Sometimes only time will tell on whether cats will tolerate each other. It takes that time, patience, and dedication. Could you try to foster perhaps?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I would put Suki on a leash then, when they are out together so you can quickly pull her in if things heat up. Hissing is normal. I wouldn’t keep cats apart because of hissing. That is just a warning to stay away and other cats do heed it. Even if cats do not get along at all, with time and determination they can exist together. Not all cats are friends. My little girl hisses and even screams when the boys get too close to her, and they are her kids! Yet I see her sleeping right next to them too. Females can make a lot of drama.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 26, 2016
Sometimes only time will tell on whether cats will tolerate each other. It takes that time, patience, and dedication. Could you try to foster perhaps?
I would make a terrible Foster. I would fall in love and never be able to let each and everyone go. Also, to me it seems like fostering would be harder than just having another cat because you never know what personality you're going to get when your fostering and you have to keep introducing them to the cats I have. If I adopted a cat, I would adopt a cat that I know gets along with other cats already.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 26, 2016
I would put Suki on a leash then, when they are out together so you can quickly pull her in if things heat up. Hissing is normal. I wouldn’t keep cats apart because of hissing. That is just a warning to stay away and other cats do heed it. Even if cats do not get along at all, with time and determination they can exist together. Not all cats are friends. My little girl hisses and even screams when the boys get too close to her, and they are her kids! Yet I see her sleeping right next to them too. Females can make a lot of drama.
Thank you di and Bob. I will continue to try and see if I can get them two coexist with each other.