Saving teeth with bad case of Bartonella


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 30, 2016
One of my foster kitties had 10 teeth removed last fall. Long story short I've transferred his care from the humane group vet to my personal vet who in 30 seconds said I think he has bartonella. He came back as a 4+ strong positive. Picking up antibiotics tonight, she is trying to be able to salvage some of his remaining teeth (stomatitis secondary to bartonella). Anyone with experience? I did try to research the forums, most posts were several years old. Currently he is also getting lysine as everyone has herpes. He also came with a nasty case of worms needing multiple treatments, ear mites and a self inflicted wound from scratching. I'm thinking his immune system must be about shot. Any recommendations to get this guy to feeling better?


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Oh what a sweet-heart!  I love your photograph.    

I'm sorry that I don't have any experience to pass on to you re: Bartonella but do have a cat with likely feline herpes and a history of mouth ulcers and infections.  Thankfully once his immune system strengthened when he was about 18 months old his oral health improved and as he has got older he has had fewer and fewer symptoms.  I do have a daily oral care routine and special dental diet though or he quickly shows red gums again.

Massive vibes that your little guy responds well and quickly to the anti-biotics and the bartonella clears.  I hope he is a calm kitty as I am sure you know you must take great care not to get bitten or scratched until he is well because of the risks of transmission.    

I believe around 20% of cats in the US are believed to be + for Bartonella but if they are in good general health it is often overlooked because they symptoms don't show up - much like feline herpes.  That makes me think that other than your cat's infection being treated the best thing you can do for him is to boost his health - the best nutrition you can afford and which he will eat.   That plus a safe, calm home environment as stress is no friend to a strong immune system.    

I do sometimes give Mouse L Lysine but only use it when he starts to show symptoms of the herpes.  My reason for not using all the time is that it can interfere with the absorbtion of protiens and put extra strain on the liver.  The L Lysine is believed to block the herpes virus and help in reducing the severity and duration of herpes outbreaks but given the possible effect on overall health it is worth you thinking about how and when you might want to use it for your cat.  I don't know how much you have talked with your vet about the role of the L Lysine in conjunction with the other treatments he is getting, and if you haven't talked with them it would be a good idea to do so.    It might be more effective to use general immune system boosting / digestive supports along with good diet than adding something which puts additional strain on his body?