Sarah: April 30, 2008 - December 6, 2024


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Jun 1, 2022
"The trouble is, you think you have time." --Jack Kornfield

My girl Sarah crossed the bridge on Friday, December 6th, 2024 just after 3:00PM. She was 16 years, 7 months, and 6 days old. On November 13th, she had an appointment with the vet to have her kidney levels checked and they had improved. I was on top of the world! She was eating, gaining weight, and still catching mice in her catio. I thought I was doing a good job at keeping her kidney disease controlled.
The day after Thanksgiving, we were at the emergency vet. Sarah was getting picky with food and turning everything down except baby food and goats milk. Her stubborn UTI was back, and her kidney levels were elevated again.
Sunday December 1st, she picked at breakfast, and after that, refused all food no matter what I offered. The vet and I were in contact all week. We tried more appetite stimulants, and they didn't work. We tried cerenia, which stopped any vomiting but didn't stop her nausea. She was losing weight rapidly, and despite giving her more fluids than I usually did twice per day, they absorbed almost immediately. I called the vet on Thursday morning, and asked what we should try next. We made an appointment for Friday at 3:00PM to check her levels and see what else we could do. From Thursday morning to Friday morning, she deteriorated rapidly. She had no interest in food at all. She spent most of her time in a loafed position. I syringe fed her, which she accepted but did not enjoy. The cerenia kept her from throwing the food up, but, her chin was almost always damp with a watery drool. My little girl started getting weaker. She also became restless and was drinking a lot of water. By early Friday afternoon, she would approach the water bowl and go to drink, stop, and hang her head over the bowl. She was always one of the most fastidiously clean cats I've ever had. But, she began urinating and having diarrhea on herself. Friday was The Day From Hell for both of us. I was an anxious, jittering mess. At 1:30, Sarah finally fell into a deep sleep. She had been sleeping in a loaf position for several days. But as her sleep deepened, she slowly rolled onto her side and tucked her head into her paws, and slept like a contented kitten. I sat with her, quietly watching. She was dreaming. Her little paws twitched. Her whiskers and ears twitched, and every now and again her tail would give a little swish. Whatever that dream was, it must have been a good one.
At 2:00, the dreaming had stopped. Sarah's breathing was slowing and getting more and more shallow. I tiptoed away, and called the vet and asked her what I should do because I honestly thought she was in the process of passing naturally in her sleep. She looked so peaceful. As horrible as it sounds, I was hoping (for her sake especially) she would just quietly slip away in between those wonderful dreams. While I was on the phone with the vet, Sarah abruptly woke up, went to stand up, and almost fell over.
The vet came to the house shortly after that. Sarah passed with her help at just after 3:00PM on Friday, December 6th, 2024. It was peaceful. I told her how much I loved her, and I told her how sorry I was. Sorry I couldn't save her, sorry I couldn't help her, and so sorry that something had obviously gone very wrong with her kidneys that I was unable to stop. The vet told me that I had done everything there was to do, and sometimes these things just happen. The body wears out. Despite this, I don't take this decision lightly. And despite her unwillingness to eat, drink, and her weakness, I'll always wonder if this could have been prevented, had I known about it sooner.

Sarah was my talker. She would chirp, trill, meow, and meow some more. If she was happy, she was talking. If she was upset, she was talking. If she was lonely, she'd let out a loud yowl that would make me come running thinking that something was horribly wrong with her. If you spoke to her, she'd meow. It was easy to hold a conversation with her this way, because as long as you were looking at her and speaking to her, she'd respond with a meow. It was adorable.
When she and her brothers lived outside, I could always tell at least one of them apart, because Sarah was the one who would meow at me if I looked at her or spoke to her. Many times, I talked to our now passed on member Strider Rose on the phone. Sarah was her favorite, because I'd put the phone on speaker and the conversation would cause Sarah to approach and start giving her input. Many times if I were on the phone with someone, I'd have to apologize for Sarah jumping up and loudly meowing right into the phone! She was also an excellent mouser. Up until those last 2 weeks, she was bringing me mice that she had caught through her poise, patience and lighting fast reflexes.
Sarah was not the most easily handled cat when she was younger. She was not an aggressive cat, but she disliked being held or approached quickly. She was never abused, but she was naturally cautious. As she got to be a few years old, she suddenly realized that there was no reason to be apprehensive. The older she got, the sweeter she became. Her regular vet, as well as the emergency vet she saw, both commented on what a good, well behaved cat she was. Hearing that made me so proud of her. Like her brother Goofy (who passed January 8th of this year), she would come and greet visitors as though she believed they came to see her. When my Papillon puppy, Balki, arrived in May of this year, he was scared of Livie, my other Papillon. Lila wanted nothing to do with him. Balki was even apprehensive with me, a complete stranger. When he saw Sarah, he made a beeline for her and leaped all over her, kissing her face and ears while his little tail wagged. Sarah patiently accepted this and they were fast friends, and she spent a lot of time with him because she loved him. I've told Balki many times, "You don't know what a friend you have in Sarah." Both dogs would greet her in the morning by excitedly kissing and "flea biting" her neck, head, and ears. She seemed to love this and would purr, and if they stopped too quickly, she'd follow them and head butt them until they gave her another free ear cleaning. Every morning I just loved watching this unfold. And now I realize how much I'm going to miss it.

Sarah's litter had 4 kittens. She was the only girl, the Little Princess. The litter was mine to raise, and I took that job very seriously. From day one, there was something about that litter of kittens. One kitten passed in infancy, which almost broke me. When her other brother died at a young age from a rare cancer, it made me afraid. I became very protective of the remaining two. 2 years later, I had a room built onto my house that was "their room"; lots of windows, lots of cat trees, and lots of toys. It has always been theirs. I'm sure some people thought I was nuts. Had I not gotten those kittens, I would not have spent the money on building a room for them. Yet they gave me something in return that is absolutely priceless. Years after that, I extended that room with a large catio. Questions on that lead me to this website, which I am very grateful to have found.

I was 24 years old when Sarah's litter was born, so I was pretty young. I was there when they were born, and I was there when each one of them passed. I am now 41, and while I'm not "old", I feel like in a way, we grew up together, and grew old(er) together. We walked many years side by side and now I, and my remaining pets, are left to find our way without them. They taught me about unconditional love, fierce loyalty, and protecting the ones you love. They showed me that there's no problem so big that a good nap in the sun won't help. They showed me that sitting outside on a beautiful summer night while watching the sun set and listening to the insects is one of the most peaceful things you'll ever experience. Sarah, being the final loss of that litter after 16 years, 7 months, and 6 days of love, loyalty, and friendship, is a blow to my little family. She, and her brothers, represented all of that but are also a link to memories of so many good times over the years. Having lost them all now, I feel like I've lost a part of those memories. I can only pray that when we meet again, those feelings of utter loss will be wiped away forever.

"I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, instead, I am deeply honored knowing that you spent the rest of your life with me." --Camille Marcotte

I love you, my sweet, special girl. Thank you. I had a wonderful time.

Sarah and Tag, who passed in 2022. ❤ Tag had a deep love for "his" cats.
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Goofy, front, and Sarah, back.
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Goofy on the left, Sarah on the right, practicing their weird cat-jellyfish impression (and Tag supervising.)
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Goofy, top...Sarah middle...Lila bottom.
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Another mid-meow picture.
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My pretty girl exploring her new catio
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New catnip toys from our friend, Strider Rose, who passed away last year.
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Patiently accepting baby Balki.
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Sarah, puppy trainer enforcing "stay".
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Livie, giving Sarah her daily kisses. I will miss seeing this every single morning.
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When Sarah was displeased, she made sure everyone knew it.
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More morning kisses.
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Her last days. Balki comforting her, just as she comforted him when he arrived in his new home.
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I`m so sorry to hear that your girl has gone.


When I read this I can tell how loved she was. You gave her all the care and attention she needed, but you let her live her life on her own terms. I love the way you respected her initial reservedness and allowed her to blossom into a confident cat at her own pace. She was so lucky to have such a wonderful home with so many four pawed brothers to adore her.

Rest in Peace Sarah, you were a very special girl.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Sounds as if you really listened & were finely tuned to “that” moment, making her transition at home as soft & as loving as one can. I‘m so sorry.…Feel as if I gotten to know her so intimately through this caring & touching tribute. And what a beautiful quote. ❤

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Oh, iPappy iPappy , I am so, so sorry for the pain you are feeling. To lose one so close to your heart is shattering.
You did get to spend many wonderful years with that sweet girl, and her character and personality made her stand out. And you loved her all the more for it. You have both been through a lot together, you allowed her to live most likely many more years than she would have through your wonderful care and the home you provided, and most importantly the love you showered on her. she thanks you for that.....
The bond you formed with that precious girl's heart is a strong one. Love is spiritual so eternal.Her new path will parallel your own until the end of time. She is at peace because she carries your special love in her heart.She will continue to send her love forever. Let it bring you peace, knowing you made her life so wonderful, and that you will continue to send your love to let her know you are still there for her, and always will be. To be loved and thought about after death is a great honor.
She would not want you to be so sad. Her love for you wants nothing more tahn for you to go forward into the future and live it as you would want for her to go on if you were the first to go. Celebrating the love she brought to your family and seeking life's beauty and even more love to add to hers.
My heart breaks knowing what you are going through right now. We are all here to help ypou get through this. We all understand what it is to feel so empty, so filled with pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you, her, and your family. May God bless you for giving her such a wonderful life.......RIP precious Sarah. You will never be forgotten, you will always have secure places in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


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Nov 25, 2013
What a beautiful tribute to your darling girl, Sarah. Your love for her shone through every word, and brought tears to my eyes.

I feel for you, with your questions of whether you could have done something different or more, if you'd known what was going on with Sarah's kidneys sooner. I was the same after I lost Ruby to CKD earlier this year. It's hard to not have those thoughts, when all we wanted was to make them well again, but try not to dwell on them. :hugs:

RIP dear Sarah. :angel:


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I am so very sorry for your loss of Sarah. Frankly, I was devastated when I saw this post, and my heart just broke. Your tribute has tears running down my cheeks and I know how much you will miss her.

Hold your others close...they will help you in this sad time.

Run free and healthy with your brothers at the bridge, beautiful :rbheart: Sarah :rbheart:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
Reading this brought tears to my eyes. That's a beautiful tribute to her. (I can't see her pictures and don't know why - I'll try another browser later.)

It's so strange how we become accustomed to "their' things and quirkie daily doings and when they aren't there doing them - the sense of loss grows. I don't think they know the joy they bring us when they are trotting along doing their thing or the impact they have on us in such a positive way. They teach us so much without us realizing it half the time.

Losing these beautiful souls isn't a pain I'd wish on anyone.

You gave her such an amazing life - right from the start. You showed her patience and let her do things on her terms, in her way, in her time and she decided - you all were family. She loved you and obvious loved to chat with you.

RIP peace loving Sarah. You are loved. Always.

XOXOXOX to you iPappy. *biggest of hugs*


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
(I can't see her pictures and don't know why - I'll try another browser later.)
Neither can I but hopefully the glitch will be fixed soon.:crossfingers:

I wanted to express my deepest and most heartfelt sympathies on the passing of Sarah.:hugs: She was indeed a very close part of your life which is why you were so devoted to her. Now she will hold a special place in your heart forever. RIP sweet angel. :angel:


TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2023
Northeast Ohio
I am so sorry for your loss of Sarah. Your tribute to her shows how much she was loved and such a big part of your life as well as to Goofy and the pups.

I've seen pics you have posted of her in the past but I'm looking forward to seeing the ones you've posted in your tribute to her.

I'm thankful her passing was peaceful though I'm sad that she is gone. It doesn't matter how long they have been part of our lives, the loss of one is always difficult to bear so know that she loved you and was well loved by you in return.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
💔💔, I am so sorry to hear of Sarah's passing. I have not been on this site very much, so I missed the original post.. Oh.. I wish I was there for you.. I am so sorry.. (((hugs))))) 💔...

It is so hard.. but Sarah knew your love. She thrived while being in your care. She had a good life. You did all you could to save her. There will always be a certain amount of guilt.. but know that it is unwarranted. Please remember the good times.. the laughs, the cuddles, the kisses, the wonderful existence of Sarah.
And give Livvie and Balkie a huge hug and kiss from me...
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Jun 1, 2022
Thank you all for your kind words. It's been a week. We certainly miss our girl. The house is very quiet without her.
It took me a few days to write her little tribute up, and I think what happened is I inserted the photos without refreshing my browser so they didn't load correctly. There is nothing wrong with anyone's computer, phone or browser. I'll re-upload a few soon...
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Jun 1, 2022
Discovering "Cat TV"...

Curled up in Tag's snuggie during the Covid lockdown...

Sarah, left, Goofy on the right.


Her favorite game..."Thing Under the Blanket". I'd give the blanket or towel a tiny tug and she'd go into attack mode. 😓 I really miss that.

More later......