My cat Coco's indoor only boyfriend and father was like that but very sweet. My friend took him home. I was told that my cat maggie,vey lovable, came frome a big family of ferals but shes the friendliest cat i have ever had. It took Coco over a year to feel safe in my home. I rescued a kitten that kept banging her head on my window inside. Next day very lovable and adopted. I have yet to meet a cat that isn't afraidSo, there is feral and then there is stray. True feral cats will body slam the trap and be absolutely terrified of you. If this cat is truly feral, it’s best to not try to interact for now. The less they see of you the better. You can tame truly feral cats, but it takes allot of time, and now isn’t the time to do it.
This is my 6ths rescue. One I kept, but it was not aggressive and I think happy to be saved.
We have many in my complex. I can tell usually tell the difference between stray and feral.
This was not anyone's cat that was treated well.
Not all feral cats body slam the cage, but some I rescued were young. I have seen that and one I wasn't looking for I had to let go. It went nuts spraying and hissing and even try to get through the metal cage.
I thought it would need to get used to seeing me to socialize, but the sheet over the cage at night makes it stop crying some.
I have tamed a feral cat before. It took years.
Appreciate the input.
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