I am wondering what the typica procedure is for picking up an animal after the standard hours, 8-5 Mon-Fri? I found a dog outside in my yard this morning on my way to work, he was laying down on my front walkway. When I got home from work this evening he was walking around my yard and layed down in the front hedges. He is not in good shape. He won't allow me to see the collar on his neck. He has injuries to his ears and looks like he hasn't eaten. I called the non-emergency police number and 2 officers came out. They contacted animal control who said they were on their way. 4 hours have passed and they have not shown up. We are having bad storms here so I am sure they are going to be a no show. I can't get access to the after hours number. I called the police station twice since. They gave me a wrong number the first time, I called back again and the person who answered that time said they couldn't give out their contact number. I stayed outside all this time waiting because I was worried the dog would run off. I gave him water and he wouldn't touch it. I gave him some wet cat food (I don't have any dog food on hand) and he wouldn't touch that either
I am so frustrated and confused. He looks awful, I can't afford to take him to an emergency vet, animal control won't get him, it's a holiday weekend. I am sorry if I am coming off upset, I just don't know what to do.