Slightly late question of the day today, sorry about that.
Do you have a good memory? What`s your earliest memory?
I have a good memory for useless trivia, such as the phone number of the house we lived in when I was 6, old song lyrics, the names of the ponies I rode as a kid. When it comes to more important stuff, such as when it`s my turn to do Thursdays QOD I`m a bit forgetful.

One of my earliest memories is of going to the launderette on a rainy day and eating sherbet as I watched the laundry go round. I must have been about 4 at the time.
Do you have a good memory? What`s your earliest memory?
I have a good memory for useless trivia, such as the phone number of the house we lived in when I was 6, old song lyrics, the names of the ponies I rode as a kid. When it comes to more important stuff, such as when it`s my turn to do Thursdays QOD I`m a bit forgetful.

One of my earliest memories is of going to the launderette on a rainy day and eating sherbet as I watched the laundry go round. I must have been about 4 at the time.