Question of The Day. Saturday 12th of December


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
My hubby and I actually met at a karaoke show. We still do karaoke now. This is my stress relief. My hubby has a great voice. I am a good singer but he is a natural with it. I have to practice quite a bit to get things to sound right. I can not get in to to doing karaoke online which is where most of it is right now. Karaoke near me is all private small group due to Covid. We have one place we go to now on Monday nights. As someone who does karaoke regularly there are different companies that make music for karaoke and sometimes finding one that works for you takes time. No matter how well you know a song a bad karaoke version of the song will mess you up completely. I am at the point now where I can look at song list and know which versions to avoid. While I enjoy relaxing with a drink or two on a night out I am comfortable doing karaoke with out any alcohol. Also for anyone who is thinking about trying karaoke but scared most people pay more attention to what you sing than how you sound. I love doing karaoke but do not ask me to give a speech in public because that gives me stage fright.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I like to sing, but I am awful. I never took choir or any music classes that involved me singing because I was mute as a child so me singing was and still is something I am not comfortable doing around people. There are maybe 3 people in my life who I feel okay with singing around, two friends and maybe my brother (which is weird because I'm a lot closer to my sister).


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
Hi, hope I'm still in time for Saturday in some parts of the world.


Do you like to sing? Are you any good at it? Do you sing in a group, at karaoke or just sing along with the music when there's no one around to hear you?

I'm a terrible singer, but I do enjoy singing along with songs. I've been to karaoke a few times. It's much more fun if you've had a few drinks beforehand. Probably a lot less painful for anyone who has to hear me too.

I love singing. but others would prefer I didn't. :lolup:


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I used to love to sing in a group. Chorus was the only thing I missed about high school for a long time. I sang with the worship team at church during college. I really miss the traditional, harmonizing type music from the holidays. I loved the jazz pieces and Latin ones too. I don't think I'm especially talented; but I used to have a decent Soprano range. A friend and I talked about moving down to Nashville but then I met DH. Who actually has a friend in the music industry in Nashville. But I'd never really want to pursue that professionally. I like a quiet life. It's less critical. :rolleyes2:

I make Edith Bunker sound good.
That theme song always makes me think of my Grandma. She was forever singing while she did things in the kitchen. But she an Edith would have been a pair. And Grandma liked to change the lyrics (something I have definitely picked up!) So I grew up hearing "Old MacDougal had a farm" in the her flat, scratchy voice. :lol: Gram is pretty quiet these days when I do see her but she does hum.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I used to be in an amateur band so I loved singing. I could perform in a crowd, big or small. Funny because I was a very shy person, but when I hold a microphone and the guitars and drums start to roll, I forget everyone around me. Our band did not make it though, as we realized there was no money in music. These past several years I had stopped singing, even in the bathroom, not even for my cats. I don't know why. This thread reminds me that I need to find my voice again. :)

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Ah. Never heard of a #2 Wash Tub. Fortunately by the time I came along they had built a bathroom onto the house. Before that, it was well water and outhouse.
Been there, done that. A #2 tub was about 36" across and about 18" deep.