Question of the Day - Monday, September 13, 2021


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Carry a water bottle and dump some of it on yourself. When the cop comes up to your window, tell him your water broke and you need to get to the hospital. :lol:
Good one but it's 30 yrs. too late for that. :biggrin: Wish I had thought of it back then.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 29, 2002
My one and only ticket was for speeding.Normally I try and stay within the speed limit,but the car I had at the time had a broken speedometer.No,I didn't tell the officer that,and it wasn't that bad of a ticket,but I sure got that speedometer fixed!I was on my way home from embarassing to me for my fellow associates to see me pulled over!Boy did I ever hear about it the next day!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
My one and only ticket was for speeding.Normally I try and stay within the speed limit,but the car I had at the time had a broken speedometer.No,I didn't tell the officer that,and it wasn't that bad of a ticket,but I sure got that speedometer fixed!I was on my way home from embarassing to me for my fellow associates to see me pulled over!Boy did I ever hear about it the next day!
Don’t worry; my mother was carpooling with myself and 2 coworkers to a big meeting we all had to attend and she got stopped. And we watched our boss fly by! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Who knows how many other associates passed us. They had quite a speed trap set up with multiple cars pulled over at least. lol


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I had taken my husband to the ER the night before and they admitted him, thinking he had appendicitis. They were going to decide the next day if they would have to operate. I hadn't had much sleep, but I couldn't stay home because this was before cell phones and our home phone wasn't working. My plan was to go to work and call from there to see what was going on. It was early, dark and raining, and I was kind of following the taillights of the car in front of me. I don't know if the light was yellow when he went through, but it was red when I followed him. With a cop car right behind me. I did not try to make excuses, I was pretty rattled. I didn't even remember I had my husband's wallet to show him the registration (it was his car). I just apologized, took the ticket, and went on to work, trying not to cry. Turned out it was not appendicitis and I just had to go over to the hospital to pick him up.

As far as I can remember, the only other time I've been pulled over, my parents and sister were visiting, and we were headed for Wendy's for lunch. Cop scared me, because I knew I hadn't done anything wrong. He kept asking me if it was my car, was I sure it was my car, and all I could think was that maybe some crime had been committed in a car like mine. Finally he asked if I knew my tags were expired. I did not, I told him I didn't remember getting a letter about it. He informed me that didn't matter. I don't remember if he gave me a ticket (probably), but he told me he could have impounded my car. He said he could see I was heading home (I was going in that direction) so he would let me go if I promised to get them renewed. We never got to Wendy's because I went home, got my husband, and we headed back out to get it done.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I've never gotten a ticket, just warnings, I've been lucky. It really depends on the local cops, because if you have cops who pull this kind of stuff:
one parking ticket for not being close enough to the curb despite there being a huge amount of snow preventing me from getting closer to the curb.
then you just can't avoid a ticket.

For a while I was driving a van my parents owned, and there must have been a wiring problem because the headlights were CONSTANTLY going out, so I got pulled over a lot in that van. It got so bad that I bought a whole bunch of the cheapest bulbs, and I could change one of those in about 30 seconds any time I noticed things were looking a bit dim. So if a cop noticed before I did and I got pulled over, I'd just grab a bulb from my stash, jump out and change it right away in front of the cop. I think a couple of them were maybe surprised/impressed how fast I could do it, haha.

I don't knowingly speed, so that helps :tongue: . It's easy to accidently go too fast on an empty rural highway though, or to follow the traffic on the interstate. I try to use cruise control on the highways, when it's not icy.

I've had to watch a lot of driving training videos for my job, and I think that helps prevent a lot of reckless or careless behavior. My favorite was one cartoon video where the driver was an angel (inplying he died, of course) who said "but I had the right-of-way!" Doesn't matter who had right-of-way if you're dead, be smart out there.

he told me he could have impounded my car.
Yikes, I didn't know they could do that. I'm not sure if I ever let my registration actually expire, but I once got pulled over for not having the new stickers on a month after the old ones expired. I had them in my glove box, just hadn't gotten around to putting them on. Just a warning though. I think they can tell in their computers whether you've actually renewed or not. Once my brother was followed home by a police car, and when he pulled into his driveway the cop just leaned out his window and hollered "hey [brother's name], put your new tags on!" I guess that cop wanted to avoid the paperwork, lol.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
IYikes, I didn't know they could do that. I'm not sure if I ever let my registration actually expire, but I once got pulled over for not having the new stickers on a month after the old ones expired. I had them in my glove box, just hadn't gotten around to putting them on. Just a warning though. I think they can tell in their computers whether you've actually renewed or not. Once my brother was followed home by a police car, and when he pulled into his driveway the cop just leaned out his window and hollered "hey [brother's name], put your new tags on!" I guess that cop wanted to avoid the paperwork, lol.
I don't know if he was just trying to scare me or he really could have. I was stupid and depending on my husband to keep up with that stuff...learned my lesson :lol:
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TCS Member
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Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I've had a friend get a ticket for her tags being expired. I'm not sure if she was aware. We were in college and she just depended on her dad for stuff. He was a bad procrastinator so that could likely be part of it. :rolleyes2:

I got a laugh out of this yesterday. I went to Google Maps to look at the street view of the spot I got that ticket in. And don't you know, it was also in fall with leaves all over so you can't see the lines for parallel parking there either! :lol2: I feel so justified! :flail:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
I'm unable to drive as I'm disabled, but I do remember the first time my mother got a ticket - someone had tried to key her car and she was trying to sort it out.