Problems with introductions


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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
“The 3 cat problem”

Sorry, this is so long, but maybe some of you will get to the bottom & leave suggestions & comments.

(A preamble to this thread & Pics can be found in the “New Cats on the Block” thread.)
I have 3 wonderful recue kitties each coming to me from very different circumstances all within the last 6 months. Moxy died in Jan 2024 (see “new member forum). Loki arrived (Bengal 1) in April 24, Smoki and Leo (Bengal 2) Sep 24. When I was growing up (50-60’s) most people had multiple cats by ‘accident’ and were just brought together with no intros & left to sort it out as best they could. But I know now from reading cat forums & friends & family with experience that cat introductions could be tricky. So we converted one of our now empty bedrooms to a ‘cat’ room & went looking for another young Bengal as a buddy for Loki. Moxy had been a Bengal (also a rescue) & I fell in love with the breed. Available Bengal rescues are very hard to come by in the NE. So, after a couple of months with no luck, I widened my search to other cats and found a ‘2’ yro (no DOB & our vet puts him closer to 4) tabby who’d been confined at the shelter for what I was told was 4mo. He seemed like a nice cat and his circumstances pulled at my heart, so I adopted him in early Sep. and changed his name to Smoki (the overworked foster mom said he had been abandoned & came to her without a name). It turned out that, though he was fine & friendly with his caregiver, & though he was one of 9 other fosters kept in separate cages due to lack of enough foster homes and that had actually been in a cage for 9 mo., when I released him into his new home, he literally went catatonic! For 4 days he hardly moved, would not let anyone touch him, took no food, & did not use the litter box at all although he did drink water. With great difficulty we got him to the vet to make sure he wasn’t blocked & otherwise healthy.

To complicate matters more, 2 days after bringing him home (Sept.), I was offered a young Bengal (2yr) from a desperate, soon to be mother who found me through local search on Adopt-a-Pet by way of a search that I didn’t know was still active, and I adopted him as well. His name is Leo. Both new cats are neutered males. And since the new ones (all vet records were in order & confirmed by me & my vet) had no territorial claims (well Smoki had claimed a tiny space under a piece of exercise equipment), we decided to put them together under supervision(cameras) in the cat room. Amazingly they got along fine. Loki had had free use of the rest of the house since about 1 hr. after he arrived in April. Leo actually helped Schmoki come out of his shell! Bill & I are empty nesters with 2 empty bedrooms, so we put a couple of cameras in with the 2 new cats along with everything else a cat needs, in one of those rooms. Within 1 month they were fast friends, so we then started the process to introducing them to introduce them to Loki.

We had had a plan for a slow intro, but unfortunately, after spending a couple of weeks gradually getting used to each other through the screen door so they can see and smell each other etc., Loki (Bengal 1) managed to get by me and attacked Leo (2nd Bengal) with such vehemence that I was sure Loki would kill the other cat if he had the chance! So now we had to start over. Loki had never been at all aggressive. I had traveled out of state to my sister’s house to find him & I had introduced him to my sister's cats with no problems. He also had been buddies with the cat his foster mom owned, so I thought he would be fine. Big mistake #1. In addition, I had been told, and I had had experience with this also, that neutered boys were more likely to become ‘bros’. Unfortunately, by bringing home Leo I now had 3 neutered males. Big mistake # 2!

And since we knew we had to start again & I finally realized that I needed help. And since the problem seemed to only be between the 2 Bengals, I tried to get help from a Bengal forum called “Bengal Help & Advice”, but I found out later that that group until recently was called "Bengal Cat Lovers". It seemed that the members have not yet adopted the spirit of the new name and ignored my plea for help. The site does hosts an incredible number of gorgeous cat & kitten pictures to admire there. which ordinarily I appreciate, but I was looking for help, so I turned to my vet and a vet tech friend, podcasts from cat behaviorists, & cat forums including this forum.

So far, we have tried a couple of our vet’s recommendations, which came with the disclaimer that she is not a cat behaviorist, and that these were the tools available to their practice. One was that we indeed needed to start over with the slow no physical contact for a couple of weeks & add a couple of multi-cat pheromone diffusers on both sides of the door. Two; observe the behavior of the two Bengals for signs of aggressive or fear reactions during the cooling off period. We had determined that Leo displayed more of a fear-based aggression and Loki’s aggression was territorial. Smoki by this time had become Leo’s buddy & they played extensively. He’d come out of his shell completely & displayed an amazing amount of confidence & he now only seemed to care about the fact that he had a home and a fearless freedom he’d not known for a long while. Before his confinement, he was trapped in the wild and assumed feral. But once he had confidence in his caregivers, he became the affectionate in a way that told them that he had had a home at some time. And during this process, & from Smoki’s & Loki’s behavior, we were pretty confident that a supervised visit between Smoki & Loki would be a good place to start. The meeting went like this: Smoki’s demeaner was totally one of self-confidence, & in Loki’s presence seem to be saying something like, “I’ve experienced lots more scary things than you, so how about you leave me in peace & I’ll return the favor” & Loki turned & walked away! That was that. Now Smoki enjoys lots of play time with Leo at night & seems to be totally at home with Loki (no playing yet). We now refer to him as the Diplomat.

The vet also suggested that we might try gabapentin when we started doing their first new meet & greet with Leo which we tried. Sadly, that backfired. On the dosage the vet prescribed Loki became a “mean drunk”. We could have tried lower doses, but I just generally didn’t think it was a good approach for these cats. So, after a lot of thought & online research we decided to try her 2nd medical intervention which was to start Bengal 1 & Bengal 2 on fluoxetine (Prozac for cats) & wait another month. That month took us to last week. We have had 4 short meetings (<1hr). 2 of the meetings went well although our vet suggested we have brooms available in case Loki became aggressive & when that did happen, it was my husband Bill who ended up intervening by separating the two by placing his broom between them shoeing Loki away using a gentle push with the broom. In this case Leo had held his ground & managed to look serene while Loki tensed & his hair came up. Loki seemed to understand & left the room.

As it happens, I had not read this thread yet, so didn’t understand how this this might appear to the cats! The next day during the time we set aside for free access to Leo & Smoki we discovered that one of the cats had peed on our bed on Bill’s side! Fortunately, I had a waterproof pad below the linens so only had to change the linens, unfortunately that included a king down quilt! Also, we weren’t sure who ‘done it’, because both Bengals had had access since we made the bed. For a lot of reasons, I pretty much knew it was not Smoki or Loki. But we vowed to keep our door shut at all times, & did not reprimand any of them for obvious reasons. The next day, Bill forgot to close it during a critical time. However, this did allow me to catch Leo in the act, so now we knew the ‘who done it’. I grabbed Leo’s scruff and deposited him outside the room with a strong NO! (I may have raised my voice a tiny bit), but nothing more. I had suspected it was him as he’s the 2 yro (Loki & Smoki are 4) & I really didn’t think it was Loki, he has his own issues, but this wasn’t one of them. My amateur psych skills told me that this was Leo’s way of claiming Bill as his champion/protector, but who knows…

And now what? One of us will surely make a mistake again with the door (we’ve added a waterproof layer to the top). And I know this situation may continue for some time, and I really want to succeed, but this is stressful for all participants (except maybe Smoki) and it’s gone on for months already. In the last few days, we’ve tried a couple more times and there has been some more success where they are all free. Then the next time, Loki will make overt aggressive moves & in those occasions I remove him by taking ahold of him by his scruff while staying calm & put him in another room & close the door for 10-15 min. I don’t want to l more lose any of them because they’re my kitties now & they have all had a tuff enough life so far, but we really can’t afford expensive cat therapy. We gladly appreciate comments & suggestions on what to do/expect going forward! Thank You!


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Just came to this post from your NKOTB one, and having read the above, my first thoughts is to wonder if it's just normal resident cat hates new cat aggression between Loki and Leo, or if possibly the fact that they're both Bengals could be part of it. Admittedly I don't know much about Bengals. I did just read the TCS article Bengal Cats [An In-depth Exploration Of This Spotted Breed] - TheCatSite, and these 2 sentences stood out "Bengals bring not only exotic looks to the table but also dynamic and sociable personalities. They are lively, interactive and demand ample attention from their human companions.", which made me wonder if Loki is feeling neglected, or jealous of Leo.

Another thought... how long ago were the 3 cats neutered? Just wondering if it was recent, if maybe there's still some hormones at play.

As for the peeing on the bed, do ensure you clean the linens with an enzyme cleaner to totally remove the urine scent.
How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Clothes And Linens - TheCatSite

In case you haven't read it yet, I'll post the link to our article How To Successfully Introduce Cats [The Ultimate Guide] - TheCatSite
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
Thanks Ruby, I’ve been reluctant to think it’s because they are both Bengals even though from the very 1st went very directly at Leo not Smoki. But my internal dialog comes back with; “But he was happily living with a Bengal before he came to me”. The difference that I wasn’t acknowledging was that all the cats I observed Loki with female. Then I back to ‘but Smoki is a male’. I’m pretty sure the main problem is more Leo’s fear response to Loki’s aggression (I’m sure is based territorialism). Loki bigger (15#) where Leo’s 12#’s & Loki is 4 while Leo is 2. I’m not sure about the timing of neutering. I know Loki’s was 1.5-2 yrs ago because he was a breeder. Leo’s was 1 year ago & I have no idea about Smoki. But bottom line is they are who they are & I got to be my best to get them & us through this! One thing I have noticed is that Loki no longer wanders around the house plaintively meowing in his very loud Bengal voice.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Since both were neutered more than a year ago, hormones would be totally out of their bodies by now, so that's not part of the issue.

Whether they both being Bengals is part of it or not, it may just take more time to get Loki to accept Leo as part of the family.

And if them being Bengals is part of it, here's the link to all the threads in the Behaviour Forum that have "Bengal" in the title. There's a lot of threads, but maybe there will be some that match your situation and will have helpful tips.

Search Results for Query: bengal


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 24, 2024
I have no Bengal-specific advice but want to offer our good-will and wishes as you navigate your cat's relationships with each other. We're going through a similar situation with our three cats, one resident and two adopted. It sounds like you're a much more experienced owner than me so I think you can pull them through!

After reading multiple guides we assembled a "fire alarm kit", tools to help prevent and manage fights should they break out. During our supervised visits I keep within arm's reach a few blankets, the lid to a big plastic tote, brooms, and a can full of pennies. If we see a tail fluffing up, ear go down, or some other sign of a coming fight I use the tote lid to break the visual contact between the cats in conflict. This is usually enough to reset them without totally separating and starting over. The blankets and brooms are to break up a fight in progress without putting our hands at risk. The can of pennies is the last resort, to make a racket so jarring that it grabs their attention if we can throw a blanket in time. This also prevents them from getting conditioned to fear our voices in tense moments. We haven't had to use anything but the tote lid so far (fingers crossed).

We focus on each cat getting individual play time and attention every day; to run them down so no one has energy to fight and so no one feels neglected. Keep doing what you're doing!
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
Since both were neutered more than a year ago, hormones would be totally out of their bodies by now, so that's not part of the issue.

Whether they both being Bengals is part of it or not, it may just take more time to get Loki to accept Leo as part of the family.

And if them being Bengals is part of it, here's the link to all the threads in the Behaviour Forum that have "Bengal" in the title. There's a lot of threads, but maybe there will be some that match your situation and will have helpful tips.

Search Results for Query: bengal
OMG Thank you for this! There is so much content here that I expect it would be quite a bit of time before I figured it out!😻🐈


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
OMG Thank you for this! There is so much content here that I expect it would be quite a bit of time before I figured it out!😻🐈
Good luck! I hope you'll find something to try with your 2 boys


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
So you have 3 neutered boys: Loki, Smoking and Leo.
Personally, though you've named this as Big problem #3, generally neutered boys get along quite well. Nobel's gotten on after a time with any neutered male he's lived with (roommates cats) and both our two once we got our own place and got more. After Nobel passed our new two easily adapted to Ghost. It can be slow, but usually boys work out together.

My big question is: What are they doing together during intro time? Are you doing food? Play? Or just letting them observe one another?
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
Hi Alldara, thank you for responding! I'm not feeding any of them during this time. They don't get close enough to touch so it is mostly just observing each other unless Loki shows overt aggression in which case he is removed for a 'time out' location. And the situation started as "A 3 cat Problem" but since Loki & Smoki have come to terms, it's now just between Loki (the senior cat, because he had the house & me to himself 4 mo longer than the others) and Leo. They are all rescues with Leo & Smoki arriving within 4 days of each other in Sep24. One question I have right now is whether I should to remove the aggressor right away or wait to see if Leo stands firm or counter acts such that Loki stands down? Hopefully resulting in a mutual truce.😻


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
Hello again,
It's one of those situations where "an punce of prevention is worth more than a poud of the cure."

Giving the cats something to "do" near the gate so they aren't quite so focused on one another. Play with them. Provide enrichment items.

You can try some music. It helps them to be less on alert for every single small sound:
Also try taking a dry cloth and rubbing each of them with it and then rub it along the walls at cat-height to start building that family smell.

When they do get "eye-locked" or start to get hissy, you want to teach them to back off rather than go forward. This is where using a dry treat (I used a different type of dry food for this rather than actual treats for lowered calories). Get the aggressor cat to look away, at first and then toss the treat for the other cat to get him to walk away and give space. If you can after a few tries get the aggressor cat to take a few steps back, that's great too!
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
Hello again,
It's one of those situations where "an punce of prevention is worth more than a poud of the cure."

Giving the cats something to "do" near the gate so they aren't quite so focused on one another. Play with them. Provide enrichment items.

When they do get "eye-locked" or start to get hissy, you want to teach them to back off rather than go forward. This is where using a dry treat (I used a different type of dry food for this rather than actual treats for lowered calories). Get the aggressor cat to look away, at first and then toss the treat for the other cat to get him to walk away and give space. If you can after a few tries get the aggressor cat to take a few steps back, that's great too!
Thanks again Alldara! I have tried some of these things, but unfortunately, I tend to forget them when they are nose to nose & I'm worried it might go wrong! My husband & I just had a strategy meeting & I think we are on the same page for the next meet up we will focus on the 2 key ideas above!😻


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
The best way to keep your brain more calm, just be narrating to the cats as they are seeing one another. "Oh sniffing. X wants to be friends. Wow, y!" That kind of thing.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hi kenamacVT kenamacVT
Honestly I'm having so much trouble figuring out who's who,who's doing what and what's going on here ..... If I can ask some questions we can surely see where things went left.... I have no time lines to go by and that will help to understand better..... It all seems that the 2 newest cats hadn't time to establish territory to feel safe and confident ( each individually) as each cat moves along at their own pace... This can cause perceived threats or competition where there really is none simply because there was no confidence building before proper introductions and working each cat individually which is very important ( imo) because you want control at all times.... There shouldn't be any need of brooms or scuffing cats which will only serve to break the " human/cat bond ' and cause more insecurities

As far as Bengals being an issue I can tell you having a dear friend who is a renowned Bengal breeder that they do very well with other Bengals provided they each get their " me' time with their human.... Bengals are a pretty high maintenance breed because of their high energy and intelligence- a bored Bengal is like have a 2yr old child loose unsupervised in a room full of crayons!

So your eldest cat,the original Bengal resident is Loki, correct? Loki has been at your home since April- 5 months later you brought home 2 new cats ,a Bengal and a Tabby ,Smokey & Leo.....then I know those 2 just ' clicked' but this is only not even 90 days later and are you giving them full run of the entire house- you mentioned a cat room but I'm not sure about what's happening- are you trying to introduce both the recent additions to Loki at once?

I didn't hear about scent swapping,room swapping and a gradual process with each cat- very confusing unless I have to re read a few more times- sounds too much too soon.... Who stays where?

You know Bengals are so good with lead training and voice commands,they really get excited to learn things,love to please and be praised - it's very important to give each cat individual attention and Bengals respond so well... My Sami really is not interested in being friends with anyone yet he is the one I use to lead train all of my own cats and cats of clients because cats learn much easier with a lead cat- he's not the cat friendliest cat but you'd never know it because he's obedient and pays attention- Bengals are not easily distracted like most cats and when you have their attention is when you train - this can be bad if they are not trained because they will fixate and are hard to distract

Anyway,I'd like to offer you suggestions but I just can't grasp the scenario in my minds eye

At 90 days Id expect intros to just be starting and everyone has found their own respective places in the house- or do I have the dates wrong,it's easy enough to start over Susan- go back to scent only and start room swapping( no sight) - are any of them harness & lead trained?
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
Hi Kwik, thank you for your comments and some answers to your questions…


“As far as Bengals being an issue I can tell you having a dear friend who is a renowned Bengal breeder that they do very well with other Bengals provided they each get their " me' time with their human.... Bengals are a pretty high maintenance breed because of their high energy and intelligence- a bored Bengal is like have a 2yr old child loose unsupervised in a room full of crayons!”


Yes, being a Bengal is certainly part of the problem. One other problem is that I originally interpreted Loki’s behavior as boredom which I think is true, but I decided the solution was to get to get him a friend. And despite the fact that I am a life-long cat owner I have never tried to create a multi-cat household with rescued young cats! All of whom had challenging backgrounds.


“I didn't hear about scent swapping,room swapping and a gradual process with each cat- very confusing unless I have to re read a few more times- sounds too much too soon.... Who stays where?”


Many of your questions are answered in my original post (or in my responses) which I agree was long and meandering. But yes, I have done room swapping and scent swapping. Loki is Bengal1 (4yo adopted 4/24), and Leo is Bengal2 (2yo adopted 9/24); Smoki (~3yo adopted 9/24) is the Ambassador, he seems to be happy wherever he is & gets along with both Bengals but is tightest with Leo. Leo & Smoki have a room of their own where at this point, they stay at night and for part of the day. All 3 have exclusive time with me or my husband. We are at a point where all 3 have supervised access to the whole house at the same time. Loki has completely accepted Smoki and no longer attacks Leo, but makes it clear that Leo is not allowed downstairs. My attempts at reading their minds are no more successful now than it at the beginning, but I am still sure we can’t leave them alone with each other. This has taken 3 months so far. And I have the CatSite to thank for that progress and one of the best pieces of advice came from Alldara on how to stay calm!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Good ,glad you got the help you were looking for- Alldara Alldara is wonderful,her 3boys ,whom I consider my " nephews " are beyond adorable She's a patient ,loving pet parent that can tell you how important your energy is to set the tone for a peaceful atmosphere

My personal preference has always been males,horses dogs and cats which can be challenging and that's partly the reason I enjoy working with them so much but once they are nuetered they are easy peasy imo- make for a nice dynamic

3 months is a very short time,3months from now you'll look back and hardly remember a time where there were any issues at all..... you can ask Alldara what the magic number to me is- Three,makes for the perfect clowder..... everyone gets an opportunity to either keep to themselves or play- no odd man out

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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
Thanks Again Kwik, I am beginning to see glimpses of your vision of a peaceful playful 3 cat chowder! Leo & Smoki are a pleasure to watch racing and tumbling together with what looks like pure joy! I'm beginning to think that Loki (Bengal1 & former breeder) did not really learn to play. Hopefully that will change!😻


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Thanks Again Kwik, I am beginning to see glimpses of your vision of a peaceful playful 3 cat chowder! Leo & Smoki are a pleasure to watch racing and tumbling together with what looks like pure joy! I'm beginning to think that Loki (Bengal1 & former breeder) did not really learn to play. Hopefully that will change!😻
He will,unfortunately not uncommon with former Breeders Toms- they are typically separated for obvious reasons and so often they really do want to join in play but takes some time for them to learn how - especially if they were separated from their Mama's early.....

Loki sounds like a good boy,he will catch on or he'll enjoy being entertained by the other two if he'd prefer his space...

My neighbor came by yesterday and she was on the ground trying to blink at my unsocialized boy,he was looking to me as he does when fearful so I started petting her head saying " good girl " like I do when introducing cats..... she laughed so hard,it does work well with the cats so why not :flail: My neighbors all know I'm the kooky cat lady anyway!
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
That's my Loki! The very first thing I noticed as a change in him was after we put a screen door on the "cat room" so he could see Leo & Smoki. That's he never almost never wander the house crying his mournful cry like he had lost his best friend which my husband says sounded like "M-o-o-o-om"! And he calmly lays in front of the door during the night seemly wondering what's going on while the others romp & play. We've got cameras in the action.😻 :clapcat:
p.s I've never been happier to be called a 'cat lady'
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
huum when do I get to be able to edit?

That's my Loki! The very first thing I noticed as a change in him was after we put a screen door on the "cat room" so he could see Leo & Smoki. That is, he almost never wanders the house crying his mournful cry like he had lost his best friend, which my husband says sounded like "M-o-o-o-om"! And he calmly lays in front of the door during the night seemly wondering what's going on while the others romp & play. We've got cameras in the action.😻
p.s I've never been happier to be called a 'cat lady'
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 13, 2024
And that is exactly how I got my first Bengal, Moxy. That is, torn from his mom. I brought him home at 5 weeks because his mom & litter mates had been removed and was left all alone. I had not planned to bring him home until he was at least 8 weeks! I had just come to visit at 5 weeks.