Pregnant Cat Updated - Fleas.

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  • #661


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
HelloNingNing HelloNingNing
Oh my, she is such a sweetheart Do you have any updates? Yes, that’s truly what you call a “freak accident “. She may have had weaker bones, too. I hope the rest of the bunch are giving you all lots of love. Hope you all are staying safe!

Hii, we called last friday and unfortunately, they did not allow photos. They said that we needed to wait for her to be up for adoption to see a photo of her on their website.

They said that she does not want to interact with other cats so she is sent to a foster care. They say that she already started walking as well. 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Anyways, my moms friend wants to get her back for us but I don't know if it's the right decision... I would be happy but I don't know if it's the right choice for her.
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  • #662


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
One of the male kittens that we have is acting strange. I mean, ever since he was a tiny kitten, he was always the shy/scared type. Loud noises and sudden movements freak him out. He would always be a pain in the bum because we worry about him sometimes as he would always disappear. We always find him though. His favorite hiding spot is under the couch. But as he grew older, we saw that he was becoming more and more social, active, and playful. But just recently, I think since this morning, whenever I, or one of us would walk closely, he would run away and hide. I even tried walking up to him slowly, or try to make less noise as I walk towards him but he would still run away. After a few minutes, maybe 10-15 mins, he would be okay again. He would allow belly rubs and kisses again. But just a few minutes ago, I entered the bedroom and he got scared and hid again so I'm not entirely sure about what's happening to him.

I don't know if its related but due to the supply shortage close to our home, we had to change their wet food so suddenly. (We have found 3 vomits in the last 3-4 days, and i guess, wet poop but we had no choice, or else they would've starved. They don't like eating wet food on its own.) Maybe due to the discomfort, he is acting that way? (Just a thought though. I could be completely wrong)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Hii, we called last friday and unfortunately, they did not allow photos. They said that we needed to wait for her to be up for adoption to see a photo of her on their website.

They said that she does not want to interact with other cats so she is sent to a foster care. They say that she already started walking as well. 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Anyways, my moms friend wants to get her back for us but I don't know if it's the right decision... I would be happy but I don't know if it's the right choice for her.
If her friend wants to do that then there's nothing wrong with taking her up on her offer.....but given that you already know you won't be able to afford expensive vet bills, you should probably talk with your mom and decide if keeping them all is really the best thing to do. What's going to happen the next time one of them needs to go to the vet and you can't afford it? Just keeping 1 or 2 will mean you're spending less each month on food/litter/etc. and you'd be able to put aside that money for vet care.

One of the male kittens that we have is acting strange. I mean, ever since he was a tiny kitten, he was always the shy/scared type. Loud noises and sudden movements freak him out. He would always be a pain in the bum because we worry about him sometimes as he would always disappear. We always find him though. His favorite hiding spot is under the couch. But as he grew older, we saw that he was becoming more and more social, active, and playful. But just recently, I think since this morning, whenever I, or one of us would walk closely, he would run away and hide. I even tried walking up to him slowly, or try to make less noise as I walk towards him but he would still run away. After a few minutes, maybe 10-15 mins, he would be okay again. He would allow belly rubs and kisses again. But just a few minutes ago, I entered the bedroom and he got scared and hid again so I'm not entirely sure about what's happening to him.

I don't know if its related but due to the supply shortage close to our home, we had to change their wet food so suddenly. (We have found 3 vomits in the last 3-4 days, and i guess, wet poop but we had no choice, or else they would've starved. They don't like eating wet food on its own.) Maybe due to the discomfort, he is acting that way? (Just a thought though. I could be completely wrong)
That is definitely possible. If he's not feeling well it would be a reason to hide, especially if he's naturally skittish.
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  • #664


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, we do really want her back. We also want to keep the rest but obviously, we can't. It's just really hard to look for people we know that would want to adopt one from us. We plan on keeping 2 of the kittens, and the mom. Momma cat will be harder to give away since she isn't the sweetest too. But hopefully by the time our Bean is put for adoption, my mom finally has a job.
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  • #665


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
Hello its been a while and I have some questions I need answers to because I'm quite worried.

We are in the process of switching litters from the No Name extra scented clumping clay litter to Wundercat natural pine pellets and I somehow noticed that the inner corner of my cats eyes are gray?

Here are the pictures.

I am not sure if they already had this before we switched but in past pictures and videos, they didn't have it. And sometimes they did.

This is probably me overthinking again but just incase it looks serious to you guys, please tell me.

The reason why I switched to pine pellets is because its cheaper and I don't feel like suffocating whenever I enter our livingroom. The clay litter we had was around the same price but was really smelly after being peed on. It was really dusty too making me feel like its going to be the reason to why my cats and I will get breathing problems in the future.

Before we switched to pine pellets, I also noticed how my 5 cats had wet noses. They weren't runny that it drips, but it was wet when I touch it. Just in case it becomes dry and crusty, I try to wipe their noses with damp towel at least 2x a day. One of them has like a wheeze or a whistly type of breathing when asleep.

This makes me sad but some of them breathe loud when asleep. I saw online that it could just be a snore. I also was thinking that it was just because they're quite fat..

Here are the things I did that I thought would help.

-I tried to give them less food, especially dry food and treats.
-More playtime
-Switching to a new litter to reduce dust.
-Cleaning their new litter at least 3x a day to remove sawdust(just in case its the reason)

Please share your thoughtss.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Does the gray come off if you wipe it with a damp cloth? If not then it is probably just their coloring.

Less food will not cure breathing issues. They may have upper respiratory infections that would require antibiotics.

How is the kitten doing with the broken leg that you gave up?
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  • #667


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
Does the gray come off if you wipe it with a damp cloth? If not then it is probably just their coloring.

Less food will not cure breathing issues. They may have upper respiratory infections that would require antibiotics.

How is the kitten doing with the broken leg that you gave up?
If left untreated, will they get seriously ill?
We still don't have enough money right now and I want them to get checked out.

Do you guys have any ideas on how much it would cost to get them treated in general for the upper respiratory infections?

We also still have not gotten them dewormed. Last time I called, it would cost around $60-$90 for a kitten or an adult. I think that's for the check up and the treatment.

We called last week and they said she's still in foster care. My mom and I sense that they're annoyed at us even though we try to call once every 2 weeks.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You need to call a vet to find out prices in your area for treating URIs. It’s usually the cost for an exam and medicine.
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  • #669


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
Is it worth to try the steamy bathroom thing for now?
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  • #670


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
I will definitely try to call sometime this week. Were quite busy with my moms job applications, and my college application. Next week is my exam too.

Thank you so much for the help!! I appreciate it so much and take care 😭💜
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  • #671


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
Something just happened and I am sorry for always coming here to ask for help.

But about 2 hours ago, i was sitting in the livingroom on my phone while my cats wandered around. I then saw my brother come out of the washroom and I told my brother to turn the lights off and make sure that the door clicks so that the cats cant get in. And then about 30 minutes later, got up and stepped on something wet. It was from one of them. One of the cats body was soaked in some liquid.

At first i thought he fell in the toilet bowl but i think he fell in the tub since he loved to climb on the side. The tub had their dirty litterbox that has warm water and dish soap that i left. And so i went to smell the cat and he smelled like soap. And now the problem here is that i am not sure how much of it he ingested from his fur.

And so ofcourse i went to bathe him and while i scrubbed, there wasn't bubbles so i was kind of unsure if he really did fall in it or the toilet bown.

Anyways, he's asleep now after dying up and I was wondering if you guys know what i should look for in terms of symptoms.

Anywho. At that time of drying him up, i told my brother to fix our groceries since im BUSY drying the cat up but he got mad and stormed off since i blamed him for what happened.

And so, when i got out, i smelled something sweet and looked at the plastic bags and saw that one of the energy drinks have leaked. It had one tiny hole on it and I wasn't sure of who bit it and drank it.

And so i went to smell each of the cats mouths and checked if their fur was wet from it. None of them had the smell on their mouths but I found that one had some on its fur so i bathed that cat too.

What should i look for on this one?

Im stressed. They both seem fine for now but while nothings happening yet, please let me know what to look for and whether i should panic or not.
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  • #672


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
I know both caffeine and soap are toxic which is why i'm scared 😭😭


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
What kind of soap was it? I use antibacterial Dawn dish soap to clean my litterboxes because it's nontoxic, so if Dawn is what you use then he should be ok. I'd still contact a vet to be sure though regardless of what soap is.

As far as symptoms common ones to look for are vomiting and lethargy. But, again, it depends on what exactly it is that they ingested.

Also, cleaning the litterbox in a bathtub, laundry tub, or sink is a bad idea because the litter that gets washed down the drain can clog it over time. The best thing to do for cleaning is take it outside.
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  • #674


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
What kind of soap was it? I use antibacterial Dawn dish soap to clean my litterboxes because it's nontoxic, so if Dawn is what you use then he should be ok. I'd still contact a vet to be sure though regardless of what soap is.

As far as symptoms common ones to look for are vomiting and lethargy. But, again, it depends on what exactly it is that they ingested.

Also, cleaning the litterbox in a bathtub, laundry tub, or sink is a bad idea because the litter that gets washed down the drain can clog it over time. The best thing to do for cleaning is take it outside.
Hi! I use the non concentrated dawn soap.
Also, i scrub most of the litter off of the box before i wash it. I pour the tiniest amount in the toilet. The litter left is like only a few pieces of tiny clay.

And thank you so much!!!!!!! I will try and call soon.

Do you have any ideas for the energy drink though? Thats what scares me the most..


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Both cats sound like they did not ingest anything - just got it on their fur. Unless they act sick, things should be okay.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Hi! I use the non concentrated dawn soap.
Also, i scrub most of the litter off of the box before i wash it. I pour the tiniest amount in the toilet. The litter left is like only a few pieces of tiny clay.

And thank you so much!!!!!!! I will try and call soon.

Do you have any ideas for the energy drink though? Thats what scares me the most..
Caffeine poisoning would also cause vomiting, but restlessness and hyperactivity instead of lethargy. Both would cause seizures if it's bad enough. Since he's not having any symptoms to speak of he's probably ok.
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  • #677


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
one of my cats has hard ball shaped poop. How do i help with constipation? I'm still trying to find out which one of them has it.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 9, 2017
Hello HelloNingNing HelloNingNing !
If they allow you to rub their bellies, you might check to see if anyone has a tight or lumpy tummy by gently rubbing them. You can check their behinds to see if there’s anyone who might look swollen or red.

When you do figure it out, you can give the constipated kitten some raw egg yolk. Make sure the egg white is separated and not given to them raw. Give maybe 1/3 of the yolk and see how he/ she does.

Also pumpkin from a can works great. Make sure it’s plain, not the spiced one for pies. Just a little dab fed directly or mixed in with wet food.

Mix water with their wet food.
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  • #680


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2019
Are you feeding canned food? Can you try changing the brand?
They have been eating friskies pate wet food since they were young. Do you guys have any other brand suggestions? We buy friskies because its cheaper, and they eat a lot of it..