Prednisolone Use - Beware Of Side Effects ! ! !


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 24, 2017
Hello all. I was giving my 15 year old cat prednisolone for a total of 56 days. 8 days on 1 pill a day, then 8 days on 1/2 pill a day, then medication was stopped. He was not doing better, so we started him on 1/2 pill a day again for 18 days, then down to 1/4 pill for 8 days, then 1/4 every 2 days for 15 days. Dose was 5mg. So that was 56 days in total. He was prescribed this for a back injury. I took him in today (almost a month after he stopped prednisolone entirely) because he is always thirsty, always in the cat box, does not want to eat much, and is losing weight. He used to be quite heavy - like 16 lbs - and had a ravenous appetite - and now he is down to about 6 lbs. His nose is also runny. So, tests were done today and he has DIABETES. If I would have known this was a possible side effect, I NEVER would have given him this drug. I am completely crushed as I feel it is my fault. This cat was a rescue who came from a very bad, neglectful home and I have managed to keep him healthy all these years (with many small fortunes in vet bills for other illnesses), for all these years, to have him develop such a serious disease, from a medication??? The irony does not escape me. I feel so, so badly and angry at the vet for not explaining possible side effects! ! PLEASE think very carefully before giving your cat PREDNISOLONE OR PREDNISONE. Ask your vet about alternatives ! ! ! ! !


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I'm sorry your cat is sick. I found this online:
Steroid Treatment - Long-Term Effects in Cats
Some pre-diabetic cats may become diabetic with corticosteroid usage. In many of these cases, the diabetes resolves once the steroid is discontinued.

If any of these side effects occur, they can often be eliminated by lowering the dosage or frequency of administration. In some cases, your veterinarian may prescribe another type of corticosteroid in an attempt to reduce the side effects. The objective is to determine the lowest dose of medication that controls the condition with the least number of side effects.
Did his blood work indicate he was pre-diabetic before beginning the steroid? I'm not familiar with how quickly diabetes can begin in a cat of his age. I believe age 15 and up is considered geriatric; so that alone might affect how he tolerates medications and any illnesses that creep up. Sometimes it's just in the genetics too. :ohwell:

I hope you can come up with a good treatment plan. I know one cat who has done very well on shots for his diabetes for several years now. But if there is a chance that it can be reversed with stopping the steroid; I hope that works for him! :agree:


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I have a cat that has been on Prednisolone for 6 1/2 years after a number of years with undiagnosed IBD. He had flares so severe that he was hospitalized 3 times and the third time he had Fatty liver disease. I was doing the vet hopping thing and that third time was a new vet and he was diagnosed and put on the Pred. He has only had one very mild flare since going on the steroid. It has been a lifesaver for Patches.

There are always possible side effects with any medicine. I am sorry that this happened to your kitty. Patches gets blood work done every 6 months as well as having two more ultrasounds since he was diagnosed to keep an eye on what is going on with him. I don't want to make light of what happened to your kitty, I just want to give another side to the story.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Prednisone is made from sugar molecules, so it's not a surpise that your kitty developed diabetes. My husband developed diabetes after using prednisone to treat his asthma for many years. There's side effects with any medication.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2016
The South
I find just like humans we must do our own due diligence and research meds given to us or our pets. Steroids can be a great thing for some and a terrible thing for others.

I'm so sorry your cat developed diabetes. Chat with your vet, do research and maybe removal of prednisone and possibly diet change can reverse it. The good thing is unlike humans we can ensure pets only get what we give them food wise. We as humans are horrible at changing our diet in general to help reverse conditions. So if just removing prednisone removes diabetes then awesome. If changing diet helps reverse it that's great too. I have heard of some decent success in reversing diabetes in cats.

The Great thing about this forum is we can inform each other. Wishing you the best and kitty a speedy recovery:vibes::grouphug2:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 24, 2017
Hi everyone,

Thank you for your thoughts and concerns. I should have been more clear - he has been off the prednisolone since late June (so about a month now). He had blood work done before starting the medication and he passed with flying colours. No indication at all that he was pre-diabetic. So I am not convinced that he was pre-diabetic. I think this was entirely brought on by the medication.

The other thing is that I talked to the vet about his symptoms, and she did NOT indicate that this might be a kidney/blood sugar problem or diabetes. She thought it might be a thyroid issue. Should she have not thought it might be diabetes, and advised me to bring him in? I thought these symptoms would clear up after the prednisolone was stopped, so I didn't take him in. It's been almost a month with him like this (more if you count the time he was actually on this horrible drug). I was not aware that even SHORT TERM USE (he was only on it for 2 months or so) can cause permanent damage and a disease like diabetes. I am pretty upset with the vet for not telling me what to watch out for. I feel like I was basically poisoning my cat. It's a horrible feeling.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi Nicole1234 and welcome to the forum !

There's a specialized online community dedicated to helping people and cats deal with diabetes.

(General forums like this one are great starting points - and generally great for most day-to-day issues with cats - BUT, when it comes to serious issues involving specific diseases/conditions, these focused groups are generally by far the most well-versed and in the best position to assist with management plans, advice and support. There are specialized online communities for almost every chronic feline health condition.)

The Feline Diabetes Message Board has been active for 20+ years and has had thousands of members and their cats. I know you'll be warmly welcomed and receive the best of advice there.

You'll find them here: Feline Diabetes Message Board - FDMB

(Their website is here: Feline Diabetes —Diabetes in Cats — Treatment and Diabetic Cat Info — FDMB)

Once you get sorted out, come back, post some pictures and update us with what you've learned and tell us how he's doing........btw, he can't remain anonymous, you know;)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
My Pumpkin face has been on pred daily now for almost 2 years. I try to alternate days but her arthritis is too severe. She stumbles when not on it-when on it-she walks so much easier..we do blood work yearly. So far no side effects. sorry your cat came down with complications. my cat is only on 2.5mg so maybe that's a low enough dose.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 15, 2013
new Jersey
Hi everyone,

Thank you for your thoughts and concerns. I should have been more clear - he has been off the prednisolone since late June (so about a month now). He had blood work done before starting the medication and he passed with flying colours. No indication at all that he was pre-diabetic. So I am not convinced that he was pre-diabetic. I think this was entirely brought on by the medication.

The other thing is that I talked to the vet about his symptoms, and she did NOT indicate that this might be a kidney/blood sugar problem or diabetes. She thought it might be a thyroid issue. Should she have not thought it might be diabetes, and advised me to bring him in? I thought these symptoms would clear up after the prednisolone was stopped, so I didn't take him in. It's been almost a month with him like this (more if you count the time he was actually on this horrible drug). I was not aware that even SHORT TERM USE (he was only on it for 2 months or so) can cause permanent damage and a disease like diabetes. I am pretty upset with the vet for not telling me what to watch out for. I feel like I was basically poisoning my cat. It's a horrible feeling.
I'm so sorry about your kitty! I don't blame you for feeling the way you do. I know we should research what we're giving our furbabies BUT I think he vets should be telling us what the side effects are when prescribing these drugs. I personally feel like a lot of vets are too quick to give these drugs to our pets. It's feels like the pharmaceutical companies are now promoting drugs to veterinarians. I've had animals my entire life and have never heard of alll these problems. I'm praying for your kitty and just know you're not alone. Many of us feel the same.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I had several cats who were put on this medication. It was for palliative care. It did help them in the last stage of their lives. I would encourage anyone who is considering this medication or any other to do their own research about side effect, just like you would before you take any medicine yourself. There are always some side effects to every single thing that is swallowed by us or by our animals. We must do our homework for the pets and make a decision weighing out the pros and cons.

I am sorry for what you are going through with your cat.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
The issue here is common pet owners are not given informed consent when drugs are prescribed. It needs to be mandatory.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I order my girls meds online and they come with information sheets similar to what I get at the pharmacy for our own prescriptions. Vets should give those when they dispense medications. Of course we can't know how our pets will react to things; but at least you know what to look for.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I order my girls meds online and they come with information sheets similar to what I get at the pharmacy for our own prescriptions. Vets should give those when they dispense medications. Of course we can't know how our pets will react to things; but at least you know what to look for.
Around 2001 or 02 Plumbs put out a client handout sheet that vets had permission to copy and hand out. I haven't been able to find more current editions.
There needs to be a mandatory plain English form that guardians must sign.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 18, 2021
Hello all. I was giving my 15 year old cat prednisolone for a total of 56 days. 8 days on 1 pill a day, then 8 days on 1/2 pill a day, then medication was stopped. He was not doing better, so we started him on 1/2 pill a day again for 18 days, then down to 1/4 pill for 8 days, then 1/4 every 2 days for 15 days. Dose was 5mg. So that was 56 days in total. He was prescribed this for a back injury. I took him in today (almost a month after he stopped prednisolone entirely) because he is always thirsty, always in the cat box, does not want to eat much, and is losing weight. He used to be quite heavy - like 16 lbs - and had a ravenous appetite - and now he is down to about 6 lbs. His nose is also runny. So, tests were done today and he has DIABETES. If I would have known this was a possible side effect, I NEVER would have given him this drug. I am completely crushed as I feel it is my fault. This cat was a rescue who came from a very bad, neglectful home and I have managed to keep him healthy all these years (with many small fortunes in vet bills for other illnesses), for all these years, to have him develop such a serious disease, from a medication??? The irony does not escape me. I feel so, so badly and angry at the vet for not explaining possible side effects! ! PLEASE think very carefully before giving your cat PREDNISOLONE OR PREDNISONE. Ask your vet about alternatives ! ! ! ! !
how is your cat now>


TCS Member
Jan 17, 2025
I should have added; my Mooch has been on Prednisolone for 2 years now. Her only side effects have been weight gain (she had become underweight before being put on this) and constipation. We also do regular blood work.
I know this is an old post but I was wondering if you are still active and if you could answer my questions regarding Mooch that was on Prednisolone for 2 years and specifically the side effect of common it is and how long your cat stayed on meds and what dose? thanks in advance.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I know this is an old post but I was wondering if you are still active and if you could answer my questions regarding Mooch that was on Prednisolone for 2 years and specifically the side effect of common it is and how long your cat stayed on meds and what dose? thanks in advance.
Mooch is still on prednisolone. We were able to reduce her dose after a while but recently increased it again due to problems with aging. She is about 5 weeks from turning 20 and unfortunately not doing well. BUT I’ve had nearly 10 more years with her.

She has dealt with bouts of constipation but generally we have had a good routine and gotten to know the signs of needing to increase or decrease her mirilax to avoid vet visits. I’ve worked closely with my vets office to monitor her doses and needs based on her weight and other health issues. Until the last 6 months we were able to avoid intervention for a long time. Now its more arthritis contributing to it.


TCS Member
Jan 17, 2025
I should have added; my Mooch has been on Prednisolone for 2 years now. Her only side effects have been weight gain (she had become underweight before being put on this) and constipation. We also do regular blood work.
I was hoping that you could share with me more about the constipation issue your cat had/has while on Prednisolone and if your cat ever got off of drugs and more details about your cats constipation and habits like maybe wanting to eat grass? or not coughing up hairballs anymore? thanks I just joined the site and know your post is older but anything you can share might be helpful. Thanks


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I was hoping that you could share with me more about the constipation issue your cat had/has while on Prednisolone and if your cat ever got off of drugs and more details about your cats constipation and habits like maybe wanting to eat grass? or not coughing up hairballs anymore? thanks I just joined the site and know your post is older but anything you can share might be helpful. Thanks
She did not get off it because it helped with her arthritis pain as well. She took mirilax twice a day to manage the constipation. I gave that either in a little baby food with water added or in the Delectables pouches with water. She was a bit sensitive in digestion so I had to limit her fish and could not give her beef or she would throw it up. We avoided dry food and were careful about dry treats as the moisture in a wet diet was essential for maintaining softer stools. We never tried grass or anything like that with her. She was never a big shedder so hairballs were not an issue we dealt with.