Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!


Officially a cat lady now. No regrets.
Super Cat
Feb 2, 2020
I've only ever had two Calico's. Both were strays we took care of.

This was Willow. We loved her so much, but we could never get her to come in. The day before we moved from NY to VA, we tried to find her but couldn't. I always felt sick to my stomach for not being able to find her.

This is Sadie. We found her one night when my step dad started his truck up. She must have gotten scared, because she came running to our porch. Ever since that night, she became our porch cat. She wouldn't come in at first and when she finally did, she would run right back out first chance she got. One day she came running to our door and we noticed she was in labor (she'd been pregnant when we found her) so we made a bed for her in my bathtub. She gave birth to two kittens, one didn't make it. The other went on to become my best friend =) Sammy.

Sadie ran back out of our house again when he was around 4 weeks old, she never became maternal. We had to bottle feed Sammy. It was weird, loved the cat but it was like once she gave birth, she was gone. We never saw her again. Honestly, I think she was meant to come into our lives to bring us Sammy. She was our little angel kitty, I think. He came to be in a time when I was severely depressed and Sammy really helped me through a lot.