Hello- my 15 y/o cat had dental surgery 4-5 days ago (4 teeth removed) and was put on bupanorphine for pain. It did not seem to be giving her much relief so vet prescribed her small dose of gabapentin (25mg) in addition to the bupanorohine. She has been having severe diarrhea since about day 2 after surgery but I am told by the vet that neither of those medications should be causing the diarrhea. I have been feeding her pro plan wet food shreds in sauce which she seems to be eating ok, as long as she is on both meds. Does anyone have experience with diarrhea after dental surgery, or from either of the two meds? Vet prescribed her metronidazole to help with the diarrhea but when I gave her a dose with the gabapentin it seems to make her symptoms of wobbly/out of it much worse, where she is almost non-responsive. I stopped the metronidazole because I read some bad reviews and I was nervous with her reaction to it. Her diarrhea has still not gotten any better and I’m worried if I stop the pain meds she won’t eat. How long are pain meds usually given with that level of dental extraction. Thank you all in advance for any advice