Hello again Cat folks! Just a Dynah Update. Last post was August 6th WOW!
My girl is becoming a real house Cat now. She is warming up to me more and more. Tolerating me being next to her while she is in her Cattree or Catcave. She even put her nose to my finger to steal a smell while resting in her Cattree last week! She really feels safe while in her cubbies there. She still sleeps most of the day and gets up when I retire for the night and roams the house ALL NIGHT LONG with a break here and there to rest. She still will not approach me directly but that's ok.
Looks like she's behaving very normal!
Don't worry, she's just checking you out. Whenever she looks at you, slow eye blink with her and look away. Get her to get use to you from afar with no sudden movements.Poor thing constantly stares at my front door window watching for any movement or sound. If I look out when she is there then BOOOM...she is gone for the rest of the day
Slowly move the feeding bowls closer to the window so that she can get use to seeing better.