Pets and separation anxiety post lockdown


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I'm going away for a few days break soon (I don't return to work until mid August), and was looking for ways to help comfort Toffee and Fudge as they've had our undivided attention all 4 months of lockdown, so they're bound to struggle even though we have our neighbour feeding them who is a somewhat familiar face to them (though the problem is they were semi-ferals so they don't accept interactions from strangers or other humans who aren't us quite so quickly). I figured I would post these resources for anyone who is also returning to work soon or has recently returned to work:

Separation Anxiety in Cats: 6 Post-Lockdown Tips
Dealing With Pet Anxiety During And After Lockdown
Separation anxiety: How to help your dogs and cats adjust post-lockdown |

Any of your own tips on how you've been coping if you've already returned to work are more than welcome!

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 5, 2020
Thanks for the resources!

I'm not working yet, but what I'm planning to do for my cats it to gradually do it.
Over lock down Bella and the kittens have been having full attention from all 3 house members, and at first it annoyed her a little, but then she got used to it. I'm not so much worried she will be lonely when we'll all be away from home most of the day, but It'll be quite a change in circumstance.
A week or a little more before you will start to regularly leave the house I would say start small. Try going to the shops for 1 or 2 hours or the park. Do this for a few days. Then start taking longer trips and eventually build it up to you leaving the whole day.

This "method" takes time but it will gradually get the cats to being left most of the day, and when you leave them for a few days they might handle it better. 🙂


minish first..
Alpha Cat
Nov 21, 2016
I returned to work half time and minish adapts easily to such changes even if she's not happy about it. My absences overnight are much more stressful for her and she acts out (refusing to eat, laying lethargic ally for hours at end.. Even with a sitter she likes)