Personal health scare and worries


(Alice) Girl with a cat
Thread starter
Super Cat
Jan 11, 2024
So this might be tmi but I don't know what to do with my feelings and I need to rant a bit to people who don't personally know me.

Right now I'm going through a possible breast cancer scare. I have a few symptoms and next Thursday I have a breast exam scheduled in the hospital. I know the chance of it being cancer is pretty low but still I'm so scared. I catch myself thinking about it multiple times a day and I'm already thinking about so many what ifs.
Usually I'd talk to my friends, girlfriend or my mom but all of my friends are having personal issues. My mom and girlfriend know of the hospital appointment and are here to support me but they also have their own issues going on and I don't want to add to them.
I just worry so much and I can't really stop the doom feeling. Hoping it's going to be nothing but you never know.

Well anyways thanks to anyone who's reading this, like I said I just needed to get it off my chest. (No pun intended xD)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 12, 2024
Hang in there. I will be praying for you. Try to do what you can to get your mind off of it. Easier said than done, I know. I've been down this road and yeah the "what ifs" can drive you nuts. Do something fun, just for you. :)
Meanwhile, I am praying that the Lord will give you peace as you wait and that the test is negative.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
So this might be tmi but I don't know what to do with my feelings and I need to rant a bit to people who don't personally know me.

Right now I'm going through a possible breast cancer scare. I have a few symptoms and next Thursday I have a breast exam scheduled in the hospital. I know the chance of it being cancer is pretty low but still I'm so scared. I catch myself thinking about it multiple times a day and I'm already thinking about so many what ifs.
Usually I'd talk to my friends, girlfriend or my mom but all of my friends are having personal issues. My mom and girlfriend know of the hospital appointment and are here to support me but they also have their own issues going on and I don't want to add to them.
I just worry so much and I can't really stop the doom feeling. Hoping it's going to be nothing but you never know.

Well anyways thanks to anyone who's reading this, like I said I just needed to get it off my chest. (No pun intended xD)
I am sorry to hear of your health issues. I have a relative dealing with a breast cancer scare. She went through some test and while she currently does not have breast cancer.they feels what they saw could turn into cancer in the future. She is on a med and they are watching it.
I know it is difficult but try to keep your mind busy until you get your exam and know what is going on. Wishing you the best outcome next week❤


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Right now I'm going through a possible breast cancer scare. I have a few symptoms and next Thursday I have a breast exam scheduled in the hospital.
I understand your feelings and I think anyone in your situation would feel exactly the same. I would say try to stay positive but I know until your appointment is over and you get the results it's on your mind night and day. We will be thinking of you next Thursday and hoping for the best possible outcome. Sending special thoughts with lots and lots of hugs. :grouphug:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Okay, let's actually look at the elephant in the room: what if it is breast cancer? "Cancer" is a very scary word; we've all heard the horror stories, seen the movies. Some of us have personal experience watching a loved one die of cancer.

But not all cancer is created equal. Despite all the 4K Runs to raise money for breast cancer research, despite (or because of) all the publicity, breast cancer is one of the most curable cancers there is, for one simple reason. Breast cancer is usually caught early, and the earlier a cancer is detected the easier it is to deal with.

I hope it isn't cancer; cancer is never something you want to have, and dealing with it isn't fun. But if it is cancer, you and your doctors have this. You will deal with it and you will come out the other side a stronger, wiser woman. And we'll be here with you all the way.
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TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
It's natural to go to the worst possible outcome in your thoughts. You will find out what this is and then deal with whatever it is. Hopefully this isn't cancer but if it is that does not mean that it will be something horrible. It too can be dealt with and then move on with life.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jul 21, 2023
Northeast Ohio
I know you are worried about the possibility of cancer and I do agree with Margret Margret comment about that darn elephant in the room.

There is nothing you can do except take one step at a time and get your checkup, wait for results and go from there. Worrying about the what ifs can be very draining on you both emotionally and physically.

I had a health scare in the 80's which ended up being a very large ovarian tumor that required abdominal surgery as well as a complete hysterectomy. I was concerned but not overly freaked out because there was absolutely nothing I could do about it except go through the process. I didn't tell any family members or friends except my then boyfriend because it wouldn't have accomplished anything except them asking questions about my feelings or possible outcomes that I did not want or need to hear.

Everyone has a different outlook on health scares and react differently. Please take time to breathe, pamper yourself a little, do the things that you enjoy and hopefully the worrying thoughts will dissipate somewhat.
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(Alice) Girl with a cat
Thread starter
Super Cat
Jan 11, 2024
I was with a friend yesterday and we talked about the situation. She was so sweet, she said she'd been crying for me which made me feel a bit sad but also shows how good of a friend she is. She even went as far as to say she'd give up some fat for breast reconstruction if needed 🤣 I also decided to share my thoughts with my girlfriend and she was very sweet about it too. At least I know whatever happens I have amazing people surrounding me!
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(Alice) Girl with a cat
Thread starter
Super Cat
Jan 11, 2024
Have you got an exam? Maybe it's a cyst? I went through a scare but it turned out it was cyst in my breast. I went through so much emotions
Yeah it's scheduled next Thursday morning! I don't have a lump you can feel anywhere so that's what makes it almost more scary because at least a lump could possibly be removed. But we'll see!
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  • #19


(Alice) Girl with a cat
Thread starter
Super Cat
Jan 11, 2024
We went to the exam and it was terrifying, three women were looking and they were all thinking with a frown. So we were thinking it was going to be bad. But it turned out to be nothing! So for now I am healthy 🥳