Paralyzed Stray Black Kitten


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
Well he likes that Christmas tree! No matter what happens your simply awesome for what you've done and are taking on. I'm staying positive and hope he can get his strength up and over come this. What is the condition of his spine and legs? I don't think I seen anything about that yet.

The reddish tone in his poo could be a number of things since you've changed food and what not. I hope it's not anything serious though! Sending more good vibes a prayers your way!
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  • #102


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Well he likes that Christmas tree!
What is the condition of his spine and legs? I don't think I seen anything about that yet.

The reddish tone in his poo could be a number of things since you've changed food and what not. I hope it's not anything serious though! Sending more good vibes a prayers your way!
Yes, he does love that spot under the tree!

The MRI results should be ready by now. I am going to call the vet hospital today and see if they have them already. This would reveal the condition of his spine. All I know is that they found the lesion and that there are no broken bones.

With the MRI results his final diagnosis should be ready, as well as treatment options.

Edit: Forgot to afford, his poo went back to normal, so whatever it was apparently was not serious.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 1, 2017
The poo could be getting a bit stuck in there more or less. Any rear end injuries and nerve damage can cause things to just not flow right. If it's to hard it can get some bloody tint to it, if he gets diareah it can too. My guys r pretty sensitive to food change sometimes and it tends to get like that. Make sure he's going regularly and that's most of the battle really. U r going to do homemade food? I've always wanted to try it but I'm afraid I'll mess something up and they won't get everything they need. He's such an adorable baby! Give him some loves for me!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
Adorable baby !!! Yes Chloe the cat in the video had acupuncture and she couldn’t walk however she’s whizzes around the flat as if he is walking !!! It helps along with stretches to the back legs ! Thank you for helping this lovely fur baby xx you going to keep his name as blackie ?
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  • #105


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
you going to keep his name as blackie ?
No, we are planning on changing his name, but my husband gets the privilege of naming our cats because he always comes up with names we both like, but since everything has been so hectic we haven't had time to sit down and think about it. Hopefully this Christmas weekend we will finally have the time.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
Yes, he does love that spot under the tree!

The MRI results should be ready by now. I am going to call the vet hospital today and see if they have them already. This would reveal the condition of his spine. All I know is that they found the lesion and that there are no broken bones.

With the MRI results his final diagnosis should be ready, as well as treatment options.

Edit: Forgot to afford, his poo went back to normal, so whatever it was apparently was not serious.
Hoping MRI results are positive!
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  • #108


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Hi all, so the results of the MRI are in, but I don't know what they mean. My husband will be calling tomorrow to talk to a vet at the hospital and see what they mean. He is much better than me at pressuring people to get answers. Blackie is doing great at the vet student's home. She is very attentive and does physical therapy on his legs. We are noticing that he pees and poops by stimulation, so evacuating his bladder is not necessary. Only problem is that since he scoots around, he is constantly peeing all over the floor because he keeps pressing his lower body against the floor (stimulation). I need to figure out a way to help him move around without constantly peeing on himself.

The vet student also shared the results of the MRI with her neurology professor who *might* be able to see Blackie as a patient, she is also going to contact another vet she knows with plenty of experience, so the more the better. This is what I can translate from the results:

-Positive to mycoplasma (I understand this is due to the fleas, he has been getting treatment)
-Slight protrusion of the annulus fibrosus at the level of the intervertebral disc L1-L2
-Loss of discal sign in sequence T2-W
The results are compatible with a slight, non-compressive, protrusion of the spinal cord at the L1-L2 level.The changes in the spinal cord are probably a result of gliosis. Due to the age of the patient it is possible that the changes are a result of trauma.

And that is it... :dunno: What does this all mean? I hate waiting until tomorrow to find out. I am worried that nobody mentioned any particular treatment other than repeating the MRI later on, what for? I am thinking of consulting with other vets because I feel that now that he has been released from the hospital they have forgotten about him. I need to do something fast because time is important here, but I do not know what my next step should be. I'd appreciate any ideas!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
Just from what your saying I think I would look for second and even 3rd opinions. You may want to look at this thread Reasonable Vet Prices! scroll down to about the 9th comment. It was my experience with my long time vet that sold the practice. See if it hits home or maybe makes a light bulb go off. How did you get the results? I would think a good vet would explain that in layman's terms. I don't know what another MRI is going to tell you. It sounds to me that there isn't anything major going on like in Chloe's case of cracked vertebrae. Other than Blackie peeing while he's sliding on the floor...would that be considered an improvement? At least he pee's on his own but then again, he's not controlling it. Not being there and experiencing what you are. The best advice I can give is go with your gut. I think if it was me I would call every vet within a reasonable distance and explain the situation and see what kind of feedback I get. Again, go with your gut.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
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  • #112


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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Sarthur2 Sarthur2 , thank you. I'll definitely look into laser therapy!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
I think that once the test results are explained in layman terms, you might consider taking a break from getting him more of the same tests for a few months. He is already making wonderful progress with the attention you and the vet student have been giving him. He is able to scoot around, so he's not entirely crippled. I think he has already defied medical expectations with the progress he's made so far, and is likely to continue to defy them in the months to come. Find out from the vet students and from the expert neurologist what kind of physical therapy you can do with him to help him. Once you have a definitive diagnosis you can understand, maybe do some research to see if there's some kind of holistic or alternative medicine/ therapies you can do with him. Are you giving him cosequin supplements? Those are supposed to be helpful for both humans and cats who suffer from arthritic pain. I used it on a few of my cats in the past. Do your own research, ask many questions, and trust your own gut. I guess that is the advice I would give.
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  • #114


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Thank you msaimee msaimee , I appreciate any advice I can get. It is very difficult making decisions for him and I want to make absolutely sure I can do everything within my power to help him get better.

I know the vet student has already talked to another vet, whom I actually trust very much because a few years back he treated one of my dogs. We are still waiting for a response from both her neurology professor and this other vet, but I am still looking into alternative therapies (physical therapy in a swimming pool, laser therapy, acupunture, whatever works!).


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
Thank you msaimee msaimee , I appreciate any advice I can get. It is very difficult making decisions for him and I want to make absolutely sure I can do everything within my power to help him get better.

I know the vet student has already talked to another vet, whom I actually trust very much because a few years back he treated one of my dogs. We are still waiting for a response from both her neurology professor and this other vet, but I am still looking into alternative therapies (physical therapy in a swimming pool, laser therapy, acupunture, whatever works!).
Ditto msaimee msaimee I agree completely he has defied medical expectations. Cosequin is just glucosamine and chondroitin I think , which is suppose to be really good for joint pain and cartilage. I bet pool therapy would work wonders for him! My vet has a therapy pool so it's not unheard of. I was watching a show, can't remember the name of it now but, this guy goes around to peoples houses that has obese pets and coaches them on how to change their habits to help their pets lose weight. On one it was a pug I think and they took him to a therapy pool. They had a little life jacket on him. What was funny is that he had never been in the water. When the guy carried him out over the water before he ever put him near the water the dogs feet where already kicking in anticipation of being in the water and having to swim. It was just a natural instinct. I'm afraid Blackie will just drag himself around because it's just easier and he's so young he just doesn't know better. His natural instinct might kick in, in the water and make him use his hind legs. Here's another inspiring video for ya! This guy is amazing! More positive vibes and prayers coming your way!

2 legged dog video - Bing video
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  • #116


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
More updates... Both positive and not so positive, but first, pictures!

Negrowclothes.jpeg Negro.jpeg Negrito.jpeg

That is a sort of sack my mother in law made for him to see if that could help protect his hind legs as he drags them and also to see if that could lessen the stimulation on his bladder when he presses his belly on the floor. It did not work... so we will have to come up with a better idea.

The vet student, Sarah, has been a godsend. I was truly lucky to find her. She managed to book a consultation with a top vet and even took him herself and paid for the consultation, since I couldn't get her the money on time. She also managed to get a substantial discount on the consultation. She had the vet call me directly and explain to me the MRI results. It turns our that the damage itself is not so serious, what is serious however is that too much time has elapsed since the original trauma and, at least in cats, tending to this kind of injury should be done within hours, not days, and much less weeks, so the prognosis on being able to use his hind legs again is, frankly, poor.

Still, he said that this does not mean a definite no, but rather that we should be cautiously optimistic and try therapy. He did not recommend surgery in this case because it is risky and it would only be to lessen any pain he might feel, which can also be managed with medication. He also changed his medication and is now suspecting the possibility of leukemia (although he was tested for this at the hospital and it was negative, but he wants to check again) and is also suspecting calcivirus. This is a concern since I have two additional cats that are coming home to me this Saturday, so I need to figure out a way to manage all three in the same house, but separate rooms. Blackie will of course be treated for all of this.

Finally, Sarah also managed to get him a top physical therapist, who is always fully booked, but actually was interested in the case and will see him in the initial consultation (at a discount, as well!) and will recommend a treatment in conjunction with another therapist at a vet hospital close to my soon-to-be home, so I would say even though the results were not definitely what I would have liked to hear, there are still options available and we will pursue them. Whatever progress with make is still progress and I still have hope.

In this case, definitely surrounding myself with the right people, including everyone here and Sarah, was just what was needed, so thank you everyone for your input! :thanks:

I will continue to update this thread as Blackie progresses.



Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
This is wonderful news! Blackie is still so young, so I hope there is time for improvement. Please find someone to try the laser therapy soon. I think it may help also along with the other protocols.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
The right people!? You got the dream team coalition goin on! Blackie is going to get better. To many things are lining up. To many positives! If I was a vet I would look at this as a challenge and yes, Sarah sounds like a godsend! Tell her everybody at TCS said she rocks! Blackie's funny under that tree with his chili pepper. He doesn't seem to mind the little sack thingy either. I think the Yorkie likes him too! Thanks for the updates and pics!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Well I had to get my Blackie fix as usual to see how you and the little guy are doing. While I know you are overworked and probably stressed to the max with this new kids issues also focus on the fact you have 118 responses to your post! A lot of prayers and support for what you are doing.
Maybe consider his own website at some point? I'm sure there are many searching owners with similar issues who could be strengthened by your resolve, Blackie's progress, and all our hope for the little guy.
Keep the faith!