Paralyzed Stray Black Kitten


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
I cried when I watched that ! Amazing and what a lovely couple too , see that kitten (Chloe) was given no hope at all and look at her !

You need to watch the follow up about Chloe’s Californian adventure where she finds her forever home ! I don’t know how to add the u tube video sorry
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
I haven't been getting recent email alerts about the activity on this thread, sorry for the late response. The fact is that Blackie has already made progress since you first met him. He is no longer wearing diapers, and he is able to use the litter box, and from what you've described, he is able to be somewhat mobile. Is that all correct? All this progress in only a few weeks, and he hasn't even been in your home getting constant TLC yet. I think there is a lot of hope. I'm coming from the perspective of someone who has a cat who was shot by someone when she was still a feral kitten outside. The bullet broke her leg and is still lodged in her pelvis to this day. Her leg healed, but it is crooked. She has some arthritic pain, she has an odd gait, and cannot jump higher than about a foot. But she has a fairly content life with me and my other four cats. A day may come when I need to have her leg amputated if it appears she suffers greater pain as she ages. And if that does have to occur, she will be my loved and contented three-legged Kitty in my home. It's terrible to ponder what goes on in the hearts of people who inflict such pain and suffering on these innocent creatures. But it is also uplifting to know there are people who are very kind who can care for these animals and show them some happiness I life. So don't despair. Blackie will surprise you, as he has already surprised you. He will enjoy a happy and content life just as my Mia does.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
I cried when I watched that ! Amazing and what a lovely couple too , see that kitten (Chloe) was given no hope at all and look at her !

You need to watch the follow up about Chloe’s Californian adventure where she finds her forever home ! I don’t know how to add the u tube video sorry
To add a video you just copy the link in the address bar and paste it in your post and voila!
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  • #84


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Thank you sabian sabian for the video!
I'm going to have to post a picture of him tomorrow morning because he is exhausted and sleeping and I don't want to disturb him.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Thank you sabian sabian for the video!
I'm going to have to post a picture of him tomorrow morning because he is exhausted and sleeping and I don't want to disturb him.
Yes. Let him sleep. Sleep is good for him right now. Feel free to give him some hugs & kisses for me when he wakes up though. :heartshape:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
Thank you sabian sabian for the video!
I'm going to have to post a picture of him tomorrow morning because he is exhausted and sleeping and I don't want to disturb him.
Your very welcome! I know your busy but do post pics and keep us updated on his progress when you can! If you get a chance check out the Vinny Pazienza story. It really is amazing what he overcame. Hopes and prayers coming your way!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I have a great deal of hope still for Blackie. If your mother-in-law is available full-time I would leave Blackie with her for the week for consistency.

Best of luck getting the house paperwork finalized! :)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 1, 2017
I never got the alerts, I'm so sorry to hear the vet said that. Like so many others above have said though, there' still hope. Yes, he can have a perfectly happy and healthy life. I have 2 kitties that a vet wanted to euthanize more than once actually in each account, and they are thriving. Just don't give up on him or yourself as u r doing great. Just keep reminding yourself that u r his chance and u r helping him. Not all pets are the same. When ur kitty climbs the cat tree (which he will when u get a home and he gets settled) people will think its amazing. Just be proud of whatever he does, and just because they don't think he can get better doesn't make it true by any means. If he's shown improvement then it's likely he will show more. They aren't the final say by any means, they just give a good estimate as they see it.
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  • #89


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Finally, some pictures!
Negro Chilling2.jpeg Chillin'.jpeg Under the tree.jpg under the tree2.jpg under the tree3.jpg

In the end I decided to take him to the vet student's home. My mother in law offered to keep him for the week, but she would have had a hard time giving him all the care he needs, plus she has a dog that would not stop barking at Blackie. Also, I would not be able to visit all week because my in-laws live two hours away, which is not doable for me during the week.

With the vet student however, she lives close by, 15 minutes away from where I am staying, so I can always swing by to visit him. She also has the experience required to give him his medicines and empty his bladder. The pictures are of Blackie at her home. She had a scratcher and that cute little chili toy ready for him. He took to both the scratcher and the chili toy right away. She also has a little dog, which can be seen in the last picture, but he is used to cats and Blackie had no problem with him.

I left him with a litterbox, sand, a shovel for the litterbox, food and a large cardboard box to place him in at night. As a bonus, she told me that she will talk to one of her neurology professors to discuss Blackie's case. She says this particular professor is an authority in the area and would be interested in seeing him, so we will see what comes of it. But for now, I would say he looks pretty chill under the Christmas tree, don't you agree?

He needs to go back to the vet next week for a general checkup and to get the results from the MRI. I am also researching acupunture options and physical therapy to see if that could help him in any way.
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Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Thanks for posting the pictures. He does look pretty content there under the tree. :catrub:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 1, 2017
Awe he's so adorable! Nice to see him in a home environment. O I do hope her teacher will try and help. More opinions means more ideas to help. Glad he settled right in.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Awww, how sweet! I've heard that acupuncture can really help in cases like these. He's so lucky to have you!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
He looks so at home and settled. He knows he's being looked after and cared about. He has that eye of the tiger! Look at the way his ears are laid back and he has those wilds eyes playing with that chili pepper. I'm tellin ya! He's a fighter! :yess: Sounds like you've hooked up with some great people too. Especially the vet student! Looking forward to the next update. :) Thanks for the pics!
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  • #95


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
He looks so at home and settled. He knows he's being looked after and cared about. He has that eye of the tiger! Look at the way his ears are laid back and he has those wilds eyes playing with that chili pepper. I'm tellin ya! He's a fighter! :yess: Sounds like you've hooked up with some great people too. Especially the vet student! Looking forward to the next update. :) Thanks for the pics!
I've definitely been lucky to find incredible people to help with Blackie's care. I got some more pictures this morning, which I will share here a bit later. He has claimed as his spot the area under the Christmas tree as well as all of the vet student's dog's toys :insertevillaugh:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I'm really impressed with you. It's like you know all the right things to do and all the right people to call to help this poor baby. It seems like it was meant to be. :cheerleader:
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  • #97


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
I just got a message saying that his poo is getting a reddish tone, but that he is otherwise normal, playing and eating a lot. Could it be the stress from the last couple of weeks? Could it be the food? Right now he is eating canned food from Purina. Not the best, but is only for these next few days. Afterwards he will switch to homemade food.

I'll go see him this evening and see if he should see a vet. I forgot to mention, he is also on an antibiotic and a vitamin supplement, in case that could help explain the color of his poo.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 27, 2013
New England
Hello, I am sorry that I don’t have time to read the whole thread. Its so inspiring to see what lengths people go to to help cats in need. I nearly had a heart attack when you said you were thinking of returning the cat to the people who asked for help - for a number of reasons - but I skipped ahead and it looks as though you are keeping him - yes?

Take Care and I hope the new job is going well!
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #99


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Dec 8, 2016
Hello, I am sorry that I don’t have time to read the whole thread. Its so inspiring to see what lengths people go to to help cats in need. I nearly had a heart attack when you said you were thinking of returning the cat to the people who asked for help - for a number of reasons - but I skipped ahead and it looks as though you are keeping him - yes?

Take Care and I hope the new job is going well!
Yes, I am definitely keeping him! I never really considered giving him back. It is just that our original agreement was that I would help pay for treatment and they would keep him because they wanted him, but then when it became clear that he would need more care, they decided to let me keep him.

He is doing well, very lively and playful and with the appetite of a tiger. I still wish he could walk. The truth is that it is not likely that will happen, although I'll keep trying, but I still need to think ahead in case he remains paralyzed to give him the proper care and the environment he needs to thrive. I think so far he is doing pretty well.

This are some pictures from today:

1218eating.jpeg yawn.jpeg water.jpeg wakeup.jpeg


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Hello everyone. I did not know where else to post this, so please remove it if I am in the wrong forum. It is a bit of a rant, but I also need advice. This past Thursday I came across a facebook posting about a black kitten who could not move its hind legs and the person who posted was asking for help getting treatment for the kitten. I called the number and we made an appointment to meet the following day at a vet I trust to check the kitten.

It turned out that it was a teenage girl whose mom had rescued the kitten from someone who was dragging the kitten tied to a bike with the intention of throwing the kitten against a car to get run over. Yes, that was the story they told me, as horrifying as it sounds.

It appears the kitten has spinal cord compression, most probably due to trauma. He is also ingested with fleas, cannot use his hind legs, does not control his sphincters... But is still very lively. He is eating well, grooms himself, and is a purring machine.
View attachment 208248

I made a little video, but I can't figure out how to post it. Basically, from the waist up, he is a normal, adorable kitten, but from the waist down he has no control of his body. He has been staying in the vet hospital since Friday. He is progressing, but ever so slowly. He still can't stand, but his left hind leg is offering a bit more resistance when we try to move it, so that gives us hope.

Now, the agreement I had with the girl and her mother was that I would pay for the vet, but if and once he recovered, they would keep him. But guess what? they have not visited the kitten at all, nor are they picking up the phone when I call. I have called, left messages, sent text messages and tried to contact them any way I can, but nothing. So now it is very clear to me that they have dumped the kitten on me. That is ok, I did not want another cat, but I can manage. He deserves a chance. I am helping him, not the people who dumped him.

The only thing that really bothers me is why couldn't they just be honest about it and tell me they could not keep him.They swore up and down that they would be there everyday to visit and help any way they could, but nothing. Another reminder of why I prefer cats to people.

My husband says I should just let it go, focus on the kitten and either keep him ourselves or find him a good home, so this is what I have chosen to do. We visit him everyday, twice a day if we have the time and move his legs (we have some experience with physical therapy with dogs). So, in the end, what I wanted to ask was if anyone has any advice to share about how to best help the kitten.

Since we focused on the most pressing issues, he is still infested with fleas and is a bit smelly because some urine has surely stuck to his tail. Today we tried to clean him up as best as we could, but he still smells. He definitely needs a bath, he is also getting a little bit sore around his tail because of the poop and urine. I want to make him as comfortable as possible, but I also don't want to stress him unnecessarily.

The vet keeps him in a diaper. Is there a better way to avoid getting a diaper rash? I really have no idea. He has also not been dewormed.

Lastly, please send good vibes for this little guy. He does not deserve what has happened to him.
He's a sweetie, and you are as well, for saving him. Bless you!