Outdoor cats agitating indoor cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 15, 2016
Nashville TN
My indoor cat has suddenly become aggressive towards a few stray cats living around my apartment complex. She has attacked everyone in some form when she see them. She has never been aggressivel before. I have boarded up the window at night to keep her from see them but she can still smell when one sprays, which seems to be right under my bedroom window. She was just first was okay but then she could still smell the cats. She has never turned on me but continued to his and swipe at me several time this morning. I have contacted a pet control company to see if they will pick them up. Waiting to hear back. And sprayed ammonia/water mix on plants and walls under my windows with hopes it keeps them away for now. But I'm having a hard time keeping her from the window and I'm afraid if I tell her to get away she will attack again.... Any suggestions will be welcomed! I will also be trying to close my door tonight to get some sleep but I know she will be crying all night for me to let her in... My room is her save haven.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 8, 2016
I'd advise you to contact TNR (trap, neuter, release) groups rather than some kind of animal control. Trapping, neutering, and releasing the ferals will eliminate the spraying issues and the high hormone levels that are triggering your cat's aggressive reaction, but also when the fixed cats are released back into their territory, their presence will make it less likely for other intact ferals to move in and start the problem all over again.

From a quick google search, it looks like you might try contacting Nashville Cat Rescue and see if they know of any TNR groups working in your area or have any advice on how to help out.

In the meantime, is your cat spayed herself? That is very important and could have a big impact on her behavior. Otherwise, I'd maybe recommend trying a feliway diffuser, but the male cat hormones are very strong and there's not a lot that can be done to counteract them. Be very cautious and do not let her get outside.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Hi @haf111822 and welcome to TCS..

Molly is right about the TNR option, and hopefully the Rescue may be able to help.

Your girl has  redirected aggression and that's why she's attacking.. she can't get them and you're the closest thing.

I've  found some of the cat deterrent sprays useful when I had a tom around my place marking his territory...

Let us know how it's going.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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May 15, 2016
Nashville TN
I have contacted a pet community company that does TNR. I'm just hoping they don't release them back in my apartment complex. Just seeing them out the window sets her off. I have unfortunately been keeping her out of my room at night which makes for a long night for us both.... She cries at the door but it's the only way I feel safe right now. Every time she goes near the window I get nervous...
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  • #5


TCS Member
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May 15, 2016
Nashville TN
Molly92 the cat clinic is my vet. Unfortunately the only advice they had was when she gets going to not talk to her or make any noise to distract her. Just let her ride it out.... Kinda hard to do when she comes after you...

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
I have just discovered this problem with Casper.

Last night, I was in another room of the house while the patio door was open to let in some fresh air.  (FYI: I have installed cat proof screen.)

Suddenly, I heard Capsper start growling and hissing.  Next thing I know, there was cat screaming and fighting sounds.  I ran into the room and called for Casper.  I found him staring out the patio door, growling.

I was shocked and surprised to see Casper behave like that!  I NEVER heard him make such a racket!  He has always been a quiet cat.

I thought it might be another cat, outside, or maybe a raccoon or something but I couldn't tell.  Whatever was there got scared off when I came into the room.

So...  This evening, I set up a video camera and waited.  The same thing happened again.  This time I got a recording...

Yes!  It's another cat!

Now, I don't mind so much because Casper is a rescued cat.  I'm sure he can take care of himself if he has to.  He lived outdoors for, probably, a year.  Maybe more.

My main concern is whether this might cause a change in Casper's behavior.

He is neutered, chipped and he has all his shots.  I'm still worried that he might become aggressive and start peeing outside his litter box.

I suppose I'll have to keep the patio door closed at night and start closing the drapes.

I wish I didn't have to do that because Casper likes to watch the birds from his patio window.

I am considering the idea of putting a motion sensing unit in my outdoor patio light and connecting a radio to it then leaving it set on top volume and putting it on the patio table.

Theory being that, if the cat comes onto Casper's patio again, it will turn on the radio and scare the other cat away.

I suppose I could trap the invading cat...  I have a humane animal trap big enough for a cat.

I think I know which of my neighbors owns the cat.  I could catch it, put it in a cardboard box and leave it on the neighbor's doorstep with a note that says, "Keep your damned cat indoors!" but that wouldn't earn me any Brownie Points in the neighborhood.

I guess I could just call Animal Control...  :|

But if this other cat makes Casper start peeing and acting up I just might have to do that.  :(

What do you guys think?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 30, 2015
I've been dealing with this for months and months. My 2 year old boy is desexed. We have 3 or 4 neighbourhood kitties who are left out 24 hours a day (infuriating!). They all come into our yard, spraying around the place, he can often sense them even when I can't see them and they seem to know he's not allowed outdoors.

We've tried blocking his view at night. It helped initially but then seemed to wear off.

It makes him so angry and as time has gone on he has gotten worse (we're not sure if this is the only issue we're dealing with but it contributes).

I'll be following this thread for any ideas. I have no idea how to keep those other cats out of our yard. I've read that sprays don't really work so well and we're having to medicate him soon things have gotten so bad. Thankfully he's not peeing anywhere. They pee all over the outdoor enclosure though and he loves it out there. Not even a hose off gets the smell gone and he'll often attack his "sister' while he's out there if he gets agitated about it all.

I thought letting him walk around his yard on a harness and peeing in his own garden might help but it just seemed to make him angrier.

We tried Feliway, again it seemed to make him more agitated rather than less.

A motion sensor light could help?

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
A motion sensor light could help?
Years ago, I had a neighbor who had a problem with raccoons.

He put an old radio on his back porch, turned it up to top volume and plugged it into a motion sensor light, using an extension cord.  Whenever something came within range of the motion sensor, the light would come on and the radio would blare.

It kept the coons out of the trash cans! 

And, because the radio and light only come on intermittently, the coons didn't get acclimated to it.

I figure, if it works for coons, it should work on cats.  Right?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 30, 2015
I would imagine so! That's pretty genius. I wouldn't even know how to start rigging one up! I have seen a motion sensor noise maker (and that water scarecrow) and the cats learn where they can go to without triggering it after while .......... smart little buggers. I wouldn't have thought raccoons would be less smart than cats though.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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May 15, 2016
Nashville TN
@Tobilei  I have also had to block Angel's view by boarding up the window but she can sense them too.... I also read that sprays haven't been very affective. However, I did try a mix of one part ammonia and one part water and sprayed it around the ground, plants and foundation in front of my apartment. So far it has worked but it's only been a few days and it did rain yesterday. For now I have been letting Angel still sleep with me but when she gets up to roam in the middle of the night, I have locked her out of my room. It seems the strays come out somewhere between 2am to 7am. It does make it a little harder for me to sleep because she will cry at my door and it's hard to not give in and let her back in. I hate taking her window bed away from her because it is her favorite spot to be. But she started to become very territorial of that area. I've been a bit jumpy since Sunday morning because this is the first time she was ever really continuously aggressive towards me. I try to distract her any time she jumps on the desk to try and get to the window by giving her treats or bringing her to the bed to snuggle. 

I have contacted a TNR place here in Nashville but they want me to do the work and I just don't feel comfortable trapping them. I don't have a place to store the other cats when caught and I work the same hours the place is open. Also, I will be responsible for them to be released.... I don't want them back in my complex because if she sees them the same behavior is going to happen. My complex has been very good with removing strays because we haven't had any in quite some time. I think the two that are roaming now may have been abandoned there.....

At this time we are at a stand still but hoping to have some results soon!
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  • #11


TCS Member
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May 15, 2016
Nashville TN
I would be concern if the other cat continues to come around. The first time I noticed the first cat this was almost the same reaction from Angel. But she didn't really act out. just growled and hissed but no defensiveness otherwise. a few weeks later was the first time I think a stray sprayed on our porch and since then Angel gets very aggressive. She has already attacked all three of us in the apartment. Fortunately my mom and I got away with just minor scrapes. My dad was not so luck.... He had to go to the ER..... His incident was the first and a little bit his fault. He thought Angel was stuck in the blind in my window and he came up behind her. it scared her and she just latched on. Try spraying your yard with a mix of ammonia/water and see if it keeps the other cat from coming in.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
I would imagine so! That's pretty genius. I wouldn't even know how to start rigging one up! I have seen a motion sensor noise maker ....
My idea (which I learned from my old neighbor) is this:

Get an outdoor, motion sensing light fixture if you don't already have one.


Install it and set it up so that the lights come on when a cat (or raccoon) comes in the area where you don't want it to go.

Also get a light socket adapter.


Use a long, heavy duty extension cord to plug in a radio or boom box that works on mains power.

Place it in the area, turn it on, tune it on a "loud" radio station and set the volume to "10."

If it's in an area where it might get wet, wrap it in a plastic garbage bag.

If a cat comes near...  BRIGHT LIGHTS!! --- LOUD NOISE!!! --- FRIGHTENED CAT!!!

Like I said, it worked for my neighbor, all those years ago.

Can't hurt to try it for this stray cat.  Right?
I would be concern if the other cat continues to come around...

...Try spraying your yard with a mix of ammonia/water and see if it keeps the other cat from coming in.
My girlfriend says she has seen this cat before but I have only heard and seen random cats in the neighborhood from a distance.  I have never been able to identify any individual cats until I took that video and I have never seen any animal except squirrels and chippies come onto my porch before.

In respect to Casper's behavior, there have only been two instances of trespassing.  I haven't noticed any behavior changes except that he's a little bit more snuggly to me than usual.  (Casper is often snuggly with his girl-human but infrequently with me.)

From the video, it looks like a tri-color cat so, chances are, it's a female... and Casper has been neutered.

But... still... territorial issues can make any cat start peeing and acting out.  Just the chances are less.

Casper has been an awesomely well-behaved cat!  He's the best behaved cat I have ever had!

He's very clean, very quiet and has always been a very sweet cat.

I just don't want to spoil his record.

If that cat keeps coming back, I think I will put some ammonia on the ground, around the patio steps.

(I live in an apartment complex and the rest of the yard is common area.)

If that doesn't work, I'll try the motion sensor, calling Animal Control and, as last resort, trapping.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 15, 2016
Nashville TN
I have the traps ready to go. Animal control here in Nashville won't pick them up..... My apartment complex is usually good about ridding he area of strays but for some reason they don't want to take care of these new ones. It's been about a month so I don't want to take anymore chances. Just want to get Angel back to normal!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I've had a problem with Mingo going bananas over the raccoons that came up on my deck to eat spilled birdseed. I have a motion sensor floodlight, which I turned on, and it certainly discouraged the raccoons. I didn't have to attach the radio. Raccoons are nocturnal, so they will avoid the light.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Sydney, Australia
we have a similar problem. Our neighbor's outdoor cat loves to play 'chasings' through the windows with our indoor kitty. Unfortunately this means as soon as we open the fold back doors to the outdoor entertaining area, the neighbour's cat comes running. Thy are nice people but there's no way they will turn their cat into an indoor cat - so it means we have to suffer! $5,000 fold back glass doors that we can't even enjoy because of someone else's irresponsiblity! GAH
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 15, 2016
Nashville TN
I know the feeling. I thought we had gotten rid of the stray causing the issue but it turns out any cat will now set her off... There is a litter of kittens running around now..

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Casper's friend stopped showing up for a while but, now, has been coming back again.  The cat was on our porch a few nights ago and I saw it again last night.

If it comes back again, I'll start hollering and throwing water at it.

Normally, I wouldn't do something like that but it's the least harmful way to say, "You're not wanted here!," that I can think of.

The cat hasn't been coming around often enough for me to spend money on a solution but, if it does keep coming around, I guess I'll have to.

My town does have a strictly-worded animal ordinance that does not differentiate between dogs, cats or any other kind of animal:
§ 120-1 Animals running at large prohibited.

On and after the effective date of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons who are the owners or custodians of any pet to permit any pet owned by him, her or them or under his, her, or their supervision and control to run at large either in the day or at nighttime, either upon the public streets and highways (including state highways) of the Borough of Girard or upon the property of persons other than the owner of such pet.

§ 120-2 Definitions.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

Running about loose on the street or upon property of persons other than the owner of such pets, unleashed and unaccompanied by the owner or custodian or by any member of his family or by any servant or agent of the owner of such pets.
Further or down in the ordinance, it specifies fines and says that the owner is also responsible for their animal's food and care if the borough has to catch and hold it.  If, after three business days, the owner doesn't pay the fine, the animal goes to the shelter.

I figure, if I can find out who (if anybody) owns the cat, I'll catch it, put it in a box and leave it on their front doorstep with a printout of the animal ordinance taped to the box.  If I can't find out who owns it or, if it keeps coming back, I see no reason why I can't turn it in to the borough office instead.

I take the good time and trouble to take care of my cat.

It peeves me off when other people don't! 
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