Our new kitty


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2012
We have found Oreo a friend!  She is an approximately 2-3 year old Grey tabby cat who is about half way through a pregnancy? (big, but no movement yet).  The owner said they had her, her mom and her mothers mom (I guess they do not know about spaying cats??????)  They said this poor cat has had many litters and is always pregnant.  They acted anoid, like the cat was an annoyance because she kept ending up pregnant.  This cat is VERY sweet, but scared; she spent the first 24 hours hiding behind a shelf before I could get her to come out to eat/use the litter box :(

We have named her Grey (my six year old named her and Oreo, LOL) and she has settled right in.   I am keeping her in my room with her own litter box, food and water; however she and Oreo do seem to get along just fine (only been 3 days).  Oreo keeps rolling over on her back and meowing as if saying "play with me", Grey just looks at her and every now and then will rub Oreo with her head.  If Oreo tries to play to much Grey will hiss, but they have not gotten any worse than that!!  I do not allow them to be alone together without me, just to be safe! 

I have found a pet rescue that has agreed to do a reduced spay/neuter on all the kittens if I do it before adopting them out.  They will also do Oreo and Grey for me at a reduced rate since they were both rescues!  Oreo is scheduled to be spayed in two weeks and Grey when she has had the kittens. 

The photos do not do her justice, she looks like a leopard with her marks, she is Grey/blue but has lighter almost spot looking marks and striping.  She is really cool looking!!!!

I am not sure how long she has till she gives birth because the people who had her could not give me a time of her last heat.  She is big and every now and then I can feel one move, but not much yet.  Her lowest two nipples are looking swollen, but no milk.  The other nipples are looking like they will be swelling soon (next week or two?)  The previous owner said she has had litters with an average of 5 kittens in the past. I am just guessing, but I would say she still has 4 weeks or so to go?



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
  The owner said they had her, her mom and her mothers mom (I guess they do not know about spaying cats??????)  They said this poor cat has had many litters and is always pregnant.  They acted anoid, like the cat was an annoyance because she kept ending up pregnant.  ......

The photos do not do her justice, she looks like a leopard with her marks, she is Grey/blue but has lighter almost spot looking marks and striping.  She is really cool looking!!!!
Let me guess the situation, and why they are righteously and justiably angry on her, getting pregnant the whole time:  Why, they dont even have a tom as long as they can see! So eveything MUST be her own fault.  The only males there is just her brother, but no studs and no toms, we arent stupid, no Sir!

What, no justice??  We DO demand justice! please make a couple three good photos, and publish them here, or some other place with link here...

Or else!     :)

Tx for caring!

Good luck!...
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2012
I know!!  The fact that they allow her to roam the block (or however far she goes) and "surprise" she keeps ending up pregnant?????  I just do not understand how, LOL!!  They had a "garage full" (their words) of kitties they were going to allow us to choose from, but the moment I met the pregnant mom and they told me "she just keeps getting pregnant" I knew I had to take her so that the cycle can stop.  They still have some of her babies from the last litter, they looks about 9-10 weeks old?  I hate to think of how they will soon be able to mate with one another!!!!  I did phone her and tell her about the reduced spay clinic, but she said "I do not want to put that kind of money into them, whoever takes them can do it".  She informed me that she just buys the cheapest "9 lives" cat food at WalMart and basically that is the end of her financial responsibility.        


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 19, 2012
Lincoln, Nebraska
Tell this woman she should not have cats if she cannot care for them and provide  for paying for spay/neuter of them.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 6, 2012
Southeast USA
UGH!!  I am so sick of this!  I know some people that have entire male and female cats together, both go outside, and they expect nothing to happen.  I have pushed and pushed for them to take the cats to the FREE spay and neuter clinic and they just can't find the time (even though they are unemployed).  How sick and sad. 

Anyhow, nice pickup, she is a beauty.  If you think she is ony half way along, you could still spay her if morally ok with it. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 21, 2009
I know what you mean.  I had some taken on my own time just cause I got sick of "shes pregnant". I have the end products of when people don't take care of their cats.  If cats are in bad shape maybe there is possible further actions?  or convince her to "just turn them to the shelter"  not the greatest but no more reproducing/fighting caused.

Movement means 2 ish weeks left.  I would expect her to get a little fighty with oreo at some point soon as she really prepares to have kittens.  Also I tell anyone especially bred so soon let your normal vet know and ask what to do if issues arrise-some vets will come in others will say call the er vet.  Have the numbers handy.

I have had a few spayed one was very close.  hard to do but so many out there.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2012
I did think about going ahead and having her spayed now, but the vet will not do it, said she is to far along for them to do it.  The vet said they will only do early term abortions on cats and that she was to far into it.  I was concerned about her because she has reportedly had many litters and in quick secession!  The vet did say she is healthy with no signs of flea, worm or other health issues; she was treated with flea control just to be safe (safe for pregnant cats). I can feel kittens (at least four?), but do not feel them moving and that concerns me!  I had to sit with Oreo s she gave birth to three still born and premature kittens and I am hoping this will not be the fate of these babies!!!!!  The vet did not see any reason to do a sono because he said he did not see any concerns and that I should start seeing/feeling the kittens in the next week or so.  They have a 24 hour emergency vet on call so if, heaven forbid, a problem comes up they have someone who I can bring her to.                                                                                                                                                                                           

I did have two people who said they want a kitten; however I told them they could adopt them after they are sterilized (the vet will do it as early as 8 weeks!!!!!!!)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 6, 2012
Southeast USA
Wow, yeah, it is not easy for you since everything with Oreo and that other lost cat you were going to rescue.  I hope this one goes smooth for you.

My Muffin did end up losing her baby as well and is now recovering from her spay, I am super blessed to have her. 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 18, 2012
I have no experience with pregnant animals of any kind, but...dang that is one HUGE preggo kitty belly in the first picture! Wowza!
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2012
HappyKitty, I am so sorry to hear the baby did not make it, but VERY glad to hear momma is doing well!!  I am sooooooo freaking out with Grey kitty because of what we have been through with Oreo and the calico that died.  I know the kittens are alive because Grey gets bigger and BIGGER each  day (literally), the kittens can be felt popping out of her sides, but I still do not feel them moving and this concerns me!!!!  She is eating TONS, non-stop and her nipples are getting swollen two at a time progressively (last two sets are now swollen, it was just one set a few days ago).  I do have concerns with her bathroom since she has been having runny stool, but she is eating tons (mostly wet, but dry to) so I think it is just her adjusting to the food.  The vet said if she was still having loose stool on Monday to bring her in to be evaluated again.  I need to get a digital scale, KMR & bottle (just in case) and fresh bedding to have on hand after she gives birth and plan on getting it all by next week to be sure it is in place ahead of time!  If anyone else has suggestions regarding supplies please let me know!!!  I guess that she still has at least 3 weeks, if not more, before she has them since they are still not moving much and can not be seen moving at all.  I am VERY excited for the babies, but will be happy to have her fixed and not have to worry about all the complications that can go wrong!!! 

Oreo is scheduled to be spayed in one week (from Monday), do I need to keep her away from the kittens when they are born?  I am not sure if a spayed female will hurt the babies or not?  I do realize each cat is different and any cat could harm a newborn, but was not sure if it should be an automatic to keep her away or take a "see how it goes" approach.  My plan is to never leave the kittens/Grey alone with Oreo while I am out until they are older.    
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2012
More photos of Grey and her ever growing belly!!!!!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 23, 2012
I would keep them apart for a few weeks - until the kittens are mobile.  Grey might be the danger to Oreo rather than the other way round, cats are often very protective of their kittens.  Since Grey has milk she might be closer than you think. 
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2012
I felt them moving ALL OVER last night!!  It was so cool to feel all these tiny round things bumping and pushing around (kind of like aliens).  The round part I was feeling (assuming heads?) are only about the size of a quarter, is that normal?  I have come to realize that they become active and move a bunch at setting times, not all the time.  I do not see any movement by just looking at her yet, but I bet they will be noticeable very soon. 
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2012
I can see movement now!!  I am sitting on the couch with Grey next to me and it looks like aliens "bloop", LOL!!  Must be the time of night they wake up because it was this time yesterday I felt them. 