Our Clyde is such a.....Clyde!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 2, 2019
Newton, NC
Clyde is 10 years old, yet he still behaves like a kitten.

He loves the plastic balls with a bell in them that Walmart sells. Every night, as soon as we turn out the lights in the bedroom, he finds one of the balls (there must be 20 of them scattered around the house) and starts playing with it. Most of our main living area has hardwood floors. We can hear him batting the ball all over the house. When he catches it, he carries it in his mouth and makes a LOUD crying sound. The first time he did it, we thought he was injured. But, I think it is just his way of proclaiming his catch.

We often find one of the balls in the cats' food dish or water dish.

He is a real head bunter. He bunts the other cats and me. He really looks up to Loki (who is a year older). He loves to chase Loki all over the house. The 2 of them often sleep right against each other.

Clyde loves to jump up on the bathroom counter when I am shaving or brushing my teeth. I keep a dixie cup of water next to my sink for him. He seems fascinated whenever I run water in the sink or pour water. He will drink from his cup and then dump the contents of cup into the sink. I think he is copying what I do.

We have a powder room just off our kitchen. There is a small storage closet in it where we keep paper towels, tissues, etc. Clyde loves this closet. If I am in that room, he will come in and look up me with that look saying I want to go in the closet. I open the door, and he hops up on the toilet seat and then into the closet. He sometimes stays in there for hours. Here are a couple of pictures of him in the closet:

Many nights (could be 2:00, 3:00, whatever), I hear a loud purring sound and feel a paw patting me. It's just Clyde saying I want some attention. He plops down right up against me and expects to be petted. Of course, I oblige.

Given that he is 10 years old, I know that his playfulness won't last forever. So, I enjoy every minute of his antics while I can.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
Every night, as soon as we turn out the lights in the bedroom, he finds one of the balls (there must be 20 of them scattered around the house) and starts playing with it. Most of our main living area has hardwood floors. We can hear him batting the ball all over the house. When he catches it, he carries it in his mouth and makes a LOUD crying sound.
Iris does the same thing with some inexpensive yarn ball toys I got for the girls! She waits until we go to bed and turn out the lights and then bats those things all over the place. And just like Clyde, she croons to it while she carries it around in her mouth. :)