Thank you so much for offering us your expertise and time. You have no idea how much it is appreciated!
I guess I should start out with the break down of what I have here.
One four bedroom, 3.5 bath townhouse, two whole floors for the cats to roam (one floor closed off). We have.. one adult male F3 Bengal (almost three years) named Khan. One 8 month old female Bengal kitten, later generation, named Joyeux. One 16 week old Tonkinese kitten, unaltered as of yet, but coming soon, named Pogue. One 9.5 year old domestic short hair, alpha, named Noel. One handshy, slightly nuts Egyptian Mau, almost 3 years old, named Bagheera.
Noel has always been the alpha. She is now (and has had this tendency in the past) started to become very aggressive toward Kahn specifically, and less so to the others, although they sort of just look at her and shrug. Kahn and she will occasionally get into it, slightly less since we've been using a Feliway plug-in and quite a lot of No Mark spray, along with Bach's rescue remedy in the water fountains. We obviously need more Feliway diffusers, but my issue here is it's not stopping it completely, and she'll still do things like lay in wait for him to crest the top of the stairs at bedtime. He sleeps in my sister's room. Anyway.. I'm trying to figure out some way to lessen the aggression between the two of them. He also terrorizes Bagheera, about once a day. Everyone else gets along just fine.
I talked to my vet about Prozac for the two of them. The vet suggested Feliway. She said Prozac or similar drugs can be a lifetime remedy, and can also cause problems with organ damage. The breeder we got Joyeux from said Depovera shots is what she gives to her retired males. We discussed that with our vet and they didn't think it was a good idea. I had wondered if giving Depovera increases the estrogen levels and therefore reduces the aggression? And if that's the case.. would it potentially work on Noel as well, since she's spayed? I need to figure out a solution and I have no idea what to do about it if the Feliway either stops working or doesn't work more completely than what it currently is. *EDIT* I wanted to add here, as I saw it on another thread and realized I had forgotten to mention it..that Kahn "bogarts" the litter box when Bagheera is in it. He stalks her, and particularly waits for her while she's in the litter box often keeping her from finishing her business due to fear.
Do you have any suggestions about what solution might be available to stop this behavior?
The second situation is... we got the Tonk from a breeder.. he was apparently not completely weaned when we got him (although he was eating solid food and drinking perfectly fine). He just still reverts to it, I'm guessing it's comforting to him. Now, he doesn't do it to any of the other cats, or to the humans, or teddy bears or anything else, only to the Bengal kitten (probably because she'll let him). Is this something that he'll grow out of? We've been trying to discourage him. I've tried squirting him with water when he does it. I've tried removing him and tapping his nose and telling him no. I've tried holding him until he forgets about it. He's really quite determined and won't give up on it. Is there some way to break him of this habit? It seems obvious to me that there's something he needs, and perhaps if we knew how to provide it for him, he'd break the habit. Hopefully you have some suggestions.
Thank you so much for all of your time and energy!
I guess I should start out with the break down of what I have here.
One four bedroom, 3.5 bath townhouse, two whole floors for the cats to roam (one floor closed off). We have.. one adult male F3 Bengal (almost three years) named Khan. One 8 month old female Bengal kitten, later generation, named Joyeux. One 16 week old Tonkinese kitten, unaltered as of yet, but coming soon, named Pogue. One 9.5 year old domestic short hair, alpha, named Noel. One handshy, slightly nuts Egyptian Mau, almost 3 years old, named Bagheera.
Noel has always been the alpha. She is now (and has had this tendency in the past) started to become very aggressive toward Kahn specifically, and less so to the others, although they sort of just look at her and shrug. Kahn and she will occasionally get into it, slightly less since we've been using a Feliway plug-in and quite a lot of No Mark spray, along with Bach's rescue remedy in the water fountains. We obviously need more Feliway diffusers, but my issue here is it's not stopping it completely, and she'll still do things like lay in wait for him to crest the top of the stairs at bedtime. He sleeps in my sister's room. Anyway.. I'm trying to figure out some way to lessen the aggression between the two of them. He also terrorizes Bagheera, about once a day. Everyone else gets along just fine.
I talked to my vet about Prozac for the two of them. The vet suggested Feliway. She said Prozac or similar drugs can be a lifetime remedy, and can also cause problems with organ damage. The breeder we got Joyeux from said Depovera shots is what she gives to her retired males. We discussed that with our vet and they didn't think it was a good idea. I had wondered if giving Depovera increases the estrogen levels and therefore reduces the aggression? And if that's the case.. would it potentially work on Noel as well, since she's spayed? I need to figure out a solution and I have no idea what to do about it if the Feliway either stops working or doesn't work more completely than what it currently is. *EDIT* I wanted to add here, as I saw it on another thread and realized I had forgotten to mention it..that Kahn "bogarts" the litter box when Bagheera is in it. He stalks her, and particularly waits for her while she's in the litter box often keeping her from finishing her business due to fear.
Do you have any suggestions about what solution might be available to stop this behavior?
The second situation is... we got the Tonk from a breeder.. he was apparently not completely weaned when we got him (although he was eating solid food and drinking perfectly fine). He just still reverts to it, I'm guessing it's comforting to him. Now, he doesn't do it to any of the other cats, or to the humans, or teddy bears or anything else, only to the Bengal kitten (probably because she'll let him). Is this something that he'll grow out of? We've been trying to discourage him. I've tried squirting him with water when he does it. I've tried removing him and tapping his nose and telling him no. I've tried holding him until he forgets about it. He's really quite determined and won't give up on it. Is there some way to break him of this habit? It seems obvious to me that there's something he needs, and perhaps if we knew how to provide it for him, he'd break the habit. Hopefully you have some suggestions.
Thank you so much for all of your time and energy!