Older cat move


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2024
Hi all!

I was finally able to get my heart cat back with me and I want to make sure I do things right :)

Back story: he is a boy that I found at 10 days of age and hand reared him. I was living at my mum's at the time and he has been living there his whole 13 years of life, sharing the flat with my mum's cat. A few years ago I moved to another country for work so he remained with my mum as I was still renting in the new country. Once i bought the house, we still waited to move him due to needing to do lots of renovation as well as getting his paperwork sorted for an international move.

Today, at last, after a long long trip, I have my boy at my place. It feels so amazing and unreal - and a bit daunting as I want to make sure I give him the smoothest transition, as it is such a big change. Prior to travelling he had a full vet examination and bloods and I'm pleased to say he is in great health.

You may have seen from previous posts that I have another 3 cats, aged between 1 and 2. For this reason Ollie is currently in our spare bedroom to decompress. He has no doubt heard the others, but they haven't seen each other. He doesn't seem bothered by their noise which is great!
Despite preparation, I am sure he can smell a lot of new smells in this room, including the other cats. For the first few hours he hissed at me if I tried to approach him - I believe he is probably overwhelmed by such a big change! I have been spending 30 mins in this room with him every do often and i think he has been getting better, he has come for cuddles and purred a lot. After a while though he will get up and go under the bed again and occasionally hiss if I try to entice him out. I guess he is just taking in a lot at the moment?

He is obviously not gonna meet the others yet but I wonder... how do I know when he is ready? I find it hard to find references online cos while he is new to this household... he is definitely not new to me so I don't feel he is gaining confidence with me as such, but more with his surroundings, if it makes sense?

Any advice is very welcome! He is a lovely boy and having shared my mum's house with her cat his whole life I am hopeful he will be okay with my other 3. I am just aware it's a huge change for him so don't want to rush it and want to make it as comfortable as possible for him :)


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
. how do I know when he is ready?
This darling boy is making huge strides forward by already being able to come out. Don't try to get him back out when he returns to his safe place. He needs that because yes, he's processing an incredible amount of New; smells and sounds from both inside as well as outside, routines, water.

Just be as patient as you have been, and if you hear from people who suggest to block off his access to under the bed, keep in mind that you and he now have all the time in the world. He's safe and with you, and there's absolutely no need whatsoever to rush him.

You'll have a better idea about things when he's comfortable enough to no longer need his safe place. However, I'd still give it a little while longer after that. Then, if you haven't already seen it, I can link it or you can go into the Articles section on this site for a couple of articles about introducing cats.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2024
Thank you Furballsmom Furballsmom ! He is being extremely brave bless him. We had to stop over half way on the road trip as it was such a long one and even just even seeing how well he coped with settling in a hotel room, getting checked at the borders etc - he went way beyond my expectations considering he has only ever lived in the one apartment!

I definitely won't rush it - now that he is here we have got all the time he needs! I think I just feel different about previous introductions as the others all came from having nothing (they're all rescues) while he probably feels like his world has changed suddenly :)

Picture of my precious boy in the hotel last night!


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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2024
Thank you Furballsmom Furballsmom !

One thing I was wondering is: when the time comes (def not for a while!), would it be best to introduce the others one at a time or together? As in, I plan, when the times come, to let them see each other through by cracking the door open, but with 3 of them I wonder if it would be best for one at a time to be outside his room or letting them be together if they wish. Hope it makes sense!

Day 2: it has barely been 36h in his new home and he has made SO much progress. Today there has been no hissing at all (other than when he caught sight of himself in a mirror unexpectedly 😂) and his body language looks much more relaxed.
I am sleeping in "his room" these first few nights. Last night he snuggled with me most of the time until he jumped up by the window and watched the world go by. He has also decided to curl up on the bed while alone (I have a camera so I can see him!) instead of under the bed.

Very proud of this boy! Might end up using this post as a bit of a diary 😂



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
He really is doing marvelously, what a champ!

You've probably seen this already, but in case not, (and for other readers and lurkers :) ) it has good info. The only thing is that I didn't see a mention of how to introduce multiple cats, except for the feeding article which is a bit beyond those first steps;

How To Successfully Introduce Cats [The Ultimate Guide] - TheCatSite

Feeding Cats In A Multi-cat Household [A Quick Guide] - TheCatSite

One thing I was wondering is: when the time comes (def not for a while!), would it be best to introduce the others one at a time or together? As in, I plan, when the times come, to let them see each other through by cracking the door open, but with 3 of them I wonder if it would be best for one at a time to be outside his room or letting them be together if they wish. Hope it makes sense!
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 do you have insight regarding introducing a cat to a multi-cat household?
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2024
Thanks a lot Furballsmom Furballsmom ! I did read those and used them on previous introductions :) I mainly wonder this because I wouldn't want it to be overwhelming for him to have more than one all of a sudden? He has lived with my mum's cat his whole life so I am hopeful he won't mind the company. But I'd like to make it as smooth as poss!

He is normally a very confident cat, so that's probably helping a lot. He still tries to snuggle like he used to as a baby... doesn't seem to realise he isn't 200g anymore but a whopping 6.8kg!!😂


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
So sorry I'm late! I would mention to be sure and do SITE-swapping, not just scent-swapping. Put the other cats in Ollie's room for part of each day, and let Ollie roam the rest of the home. You want to have the scent of ALL of the cats everywhere. It reinforces the idea of shared territory better than anything else during the introduction phase of things. It also allows Ollie to become familiar with the rest of his home. And, once Ollie is allowed to meet the others, make sure, since he is older, that he has safe places to retreat to if the younger cats are a bit overly-enthusiastic!
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2024
Thank you Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 !
We actually started a 'light' version of that yesterday :)

Day 4: he is now very comfortable in "his room". We have have no hissing at all for 36h-ish and he doesn't go under the bed at all anymore. Even when alone he sleeps on the bed or chills by the window.
Last night he also pushed things off the chest of drawer, which is a very Oliver-being-naughty thing to do when he wants food 😂
Still loves his snuggles and purrs like a tractor and comes to us meowing "hello" when we walk in.
He heard the others doing their things outside and he has had no reaction at all - no hissing or anything and not overly curious either.
In view of this progress, for the first time we locked the others in the catio (they like to spend time in there so they didn't even realised they had been locked!) and opened the door for Ollie to be able to step out, if he wanted to. He was very very cautious and stepped a couple of meters away from his room then went back in - took it as his signal he had enough and let him chill. No rush, will just offer him to do the same again every so often and let him go at his pace.
I have been taking out of his room small bits and pieces and the other way round. I also let the others smell me after I snuggle with him and let him smell me after I snuggle with the others.

When the time comes I am thinking of letting him meet the softest of the 3 first alone, Jasper. He is the youngest and very easy going so I thought it may be the easiest introduction for a start and may help him get confidence. We re nowhere near that point yet though so it is just rambling for now 😂

Picture of how he falls asleep every night!



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Sounds like a plan, and I LOVE that picture! Showing his tummy, so confident in his own space!
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2024
Thank you Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953

Day 5 and he is doing so well! He is now completely his old cheeky self, while in his room. So nice to see!
He also starts to signal he is eager to see what's outside. He has been out of his room 3-4 times (while others are in the catio) and he is getting braver in his explorations - last time he would retreat to his room, but then come out straight away to explore more, which he didn't do before, and even ventured as far as downstairs (hallway only). He has also been consistently eating his food right behind the door with no issue at all.

Yesterday after cuddling him I had some of his fur on my hand so I kept it and brought it to the others for them to smell - they gave it a quick sniff and nothing else, not really bothered. I am assuming that's a good sign?🤔

I am working this weekend and my partner will be home. I think if he carries on like this I *may* start thinking of letting him meet Jasper on Monday as I will be home all day🤞


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I commend your patience! That is key when dealing with cats. Taking it on THEIR time, not ours. LOL, it is one of the hardest things that cats teach us!
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2024
Day 7: Oliver has been braver and braver and he has now been his normal self for a good 2-3 days in "his" bedroom. Other than eating, drinking and using his litter, he likes to chill while looking out the window, comes for lots of snuggles and pushes things off the top of the chest of drawers, which is his way to be cheeky 😂

I allowed him and Jasper, the youngest and softest of the others, to meet very briefly through a tiny crack in the door (no more than 2cm!). Jasper was very curious and chilled. Oliver got spooked and hissed at him several times 🥺 he looked very defensive though, he backed off hissing, as opposed to swatting at him or anything else. As soon as I noticed he wasn't comfortable I closed the door again.

I am now thinking of getting a door screen so that I can keep the door open and let him get used to the others while avoiding direct contact (not all the time! Only when I am there to supervision and as long as no one is overly upset!).


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
How wonderful, that you are in a position to actually use a door screen in the new place. It allows sight AND smell in a very safe way!
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2024
Day 9: the screen is up!
Now Oliver has a view on the landing. I don't keep the door open all the time as I want him to feel "trapped" (and also I don't fully trust the velcro!).

He has now seen all 3 of the other!

Jasper is the sweetest little boy. He sits at the screen patiently for up to 10-15 mins just looking inquisitively - he even fell asleep in front of it! He never hissed or showed any sort of discomfort towards Oliver.

Sirius, the menace (see previous post!), also has never hissed or anything - less patient than Jasper though so he sits there and meows hoping to be let in 😂

Ruby, the princess, hissed at him, but then remained to watch. I totally expected this as she initially hissed at her 2 younger "brothers" as well! Also, bless her, she is going through a stint of being target a bit by Sirius (it is a big work in progress...) so she is probably a bit on edge anyway.

Oliver... well, Oliver hissed at all 3, and then ran under the bed 😂 which tbh surprises me! Because although he never had a new cat being introduced to him, he has always lived with another cat and, of the two, he was the bossy one!
I am pleased though that he hisses and hides rather than hissing and "attacking". I guess it is his way to say "no guys, I am not ready yet. I will watch you from here".

I now try to spend time in his room with the door open (and screen closed) doing my own things just to give him time to gain confidence.

Picture of the curious 3 (Ruby the tortie, Jasper the ginger and Sirius the black)



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
This isn't going badly at all. And the fact that Oliver has lived with cats before has little to do with now. Imagine this...you have lived with a person all of your life. ONLY that person, with no knowledge of other people, other than maybe a glimpse of them through a window. Suddenly, you are scooped up and dumped in a totally new place, with THREE TOTALLY STRANGE PEOPLE, and told that you live HERE now. Dunno about you, but I might well hiss and run under the bed, myself. At least, until I had some sense that these others weren't as bad as I feared they would be.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 11, 2024
Absolutely, Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 ! He is doing brilliant considering what a big change this is for him 🥰

Day 12: he is walking around the room a lot more now even with the door open (and screen up!). Jasper is the one he hisses the least at, Sirius the one he hisses the most at: exactly as I expected 😂 because Jasper is the softest kitty. Sirius is also a very sweet cat, but has a very confident demeanor so i am not surprise he is perceived as more of a "threat".
Yesterday Ollie laid down by the screen looking a Jasper, who was laying down 4 ft away 🥰

I am very proud of my big cuddly boy!

