"Old" Members

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
@Pollyanna, what a good idea -- it would be great to connect with some TCS folks as Facebook Friends as well as on here, and the TCS Official Page isn't the same as a private FB group.  I am in one Secret group called "Pawsitive Place" that some of the early members of an earlier cat group formed when there was too much UNhappy stuff being posted, and when some unpleasant person was rough and rude on our youngest member who was only 12 years old at the time.  There were over 1200 people in the original cat group by then so we made this additional group and made it secret.  The only way to get in is to be invited in by a friend.  The rule is ONLY HAPPY STUFF, pictures, videos etc. and ALWAYS BE KIND TO EACH MEMBER.    I am not suggesting we need another one of those, but TCS Team could have a private and/or secret group to include present team and veterans who want to join it.  Then on our list that includes names, etc. we could include FACEBOOK names.  I am not well enough organized to make this happen but SOME of you must be. 

For instance, my name is Kaia Denham, exactly how it is listed on Facebook, and I live in Acworth, Georgia, USA.  My TCS name is Red Top Rescue, and I am currently on the team as an Advisor (currently assigned to Pregnant Cats & Kittens and Care & Grooming).

If we could access that info for everyone, we could connect more easily.  Also if we had a group of TCS Team Members that INCLUDED TCS Veterans, who cannot connect in the Team Lounge anymore, that would be a superb group indeed!!  Any of you out there willing to make that happen?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2004
I remembered my Tcs name but not my password. I'm FB friends with some of us oldies but I'm Gail Krueger Carriveau on FB if you want to connect with me there. All my original kitties are gone except for Bakker who I got from a rescue in 2004. Lots of kitty pics on FB though.


TCS Member
Mar 2, 2002
Lakewood (Denver suburb), Colorado
To say it's been a while since I've been on here would be an understatement! :lol3: Another Former Mod here, I was here since (almost) the beginning & then stupid "real life" (a.k.a. job) got in the way. It's still in the way - I'm WAY too busy at work, overtime included. :sigh: Saw this on my TCS notifications email & thought I'd pop in.

My husband has promised me that we can adopt a new kitten in mid-February so I'll probably be around more to get the future little guy acclimated to our household of 3 girls. I'm SO psyched to add to my feline family again!!! :woohoo:

Oh yeah - I'm Heidi if you don't know me already. :wavey:


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Its really nice to see so many of you stopping by to say hi.  

It's got me reminiscing about how much has changed since I joined TCS!  Mooch and Noodles were babies and they are seniors. DH and I had been married not quite 2 years and were living in a little place in a not-so-great neighborhood.  I was still at my first job after college.  And I was skinny!
  Ok maybe not skinny; but I'd sure that that weight back right now! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
Hiya!! Hmm, yeah I'm in the 'real life got in the way' crowd, busy at work and just got out of the habit of getting online in the evenings. Been popping in a little bit the past few months, reading more than posting... nice to see tons of new people as well as the people from way back when, who were 'old' members before I even joined! I've successfully stayed away from joining FB thus far, so I'm just on here when it comes to cat stuff and cat people. ;)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I posted a similar thread last year:


Some people stopped in to provide updates.

I'm not here very much anymore.  I'm having pain issues and can't sit for long periods of time. I only have a desktop computer, so because I can't sit for long, I am rarely at the computer anymore.  I mainly just check emails every few days, and once or twice a month check here and a couple other forums that I used to frequent.

Spencer and Katie are doing well. They love the new apartment and both are enjoying their new cat tree.  I found Spencer actually sleeping on it yesterday for the first time.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Hello... It's been years! Good seeing y'all!
Hi Carolina!!  I haven't seen you around in a long time. I haven't seen @LDG  around either. I was wondering if you two were still around. You both always have such great advice. 
 hugs for both of you!!   

Hi Laurie, I just now saw your post above. 

I posted a similar thread last year:


Some people stopped in to provide updates.

I'm not here very much anymore.  I'm having pain issues and can't sit for long periods of time. I only have a desktop computer, so because I can't sit for long, I am rarely at the computer anymore.  I mainly just check emails every few days, and once or twice a month check here and a couple other forums that I used to frequent.

Spencer and Katie are doing well. They love the new apartment and both are enjoying their new cat tree.  I found Spencer actually sleeping on it yesterday for the first time.
Good to see you Natalie!  Hope you feel better!  

@Rosiemac, Good to see you too!! 

I'm not on Facebook. So I can only keep up with everyone here.  I don't know, I don't really want to be. Don't have enough time to check all my emails, & threads on this site is enough to keep up with. LOL! 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Hi Carolina!!  I haven't seen you around in a long time. I haven't seen @LDG
around either. I was wondering if you two were still around. You both always have such great advice. :)  :hugs: :hugs:  hugs for both of you!!   

Hi Laurie, I just now saw your post above. :D

Good to see you Natalie!  Hope you feel better!  :)

Good to see you too!! :)

I'm not on Facebook. So I can only keep up with everyone here.  I don't know, I don't really want to be. Don't have enough time to check all my emails, & threads on this site is enough to keep up with. LOL! 
Hi angels mommy angels mommy ! Funny you asked about @LDG and I... We are not here anymore, but very much still "partners in crime" lol. We have our own raw feeding group on Facebook, with over 2,000 members! And we also opened a raw pet food Company now, called food fur life (makers of the premix EZComplete) :D
I come here from time to time to check things out, but FFL and our group are surely keeping me busy! Hope all is well
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 9, 2010
Montana- Where orange kitties rule!
I'm late to the party, but just saw this post and wanted to say hi to everyone! I see a lot of familiar names! I check in on the site every once in a while, but a lot has changed and I very rarely post. I was young when I joined, and learned so much about cat care from this forum. Now I co-own a cat info and lifestyle website and try to share some of that knowledge with other cat lovers. I feel ya MoochNNoodles MoochNNoodles , Wessie was only two when I joined and now he's pushing ten years old. He's doing very well, though, and I finally started him on a raw diet. It's something I've wanted to do for years, but was too nervous to take the plunge, haha. I'm not sure if I ever posted about Forest (who adopted us), but she's been living with us for nearly four years now and is doing great. Hi also to @ldg and carolina carolina who have always inspired me with their infinite seeming info and knowledge about cats! I didn't know y'all ran a page about raw feeding. I would love a link! It's definitely something I would be interested in taking a look at and using as a reference.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 16, 2005
Land of Hope and Mica
Hi everyone :) Lots of familiar names here. How are you all doing?

I still have Mica and Hopey but they are old ladies now. I also have 3 kids and 2 dogs and they all keep me super busy. I would love to join a facebook group if anyone sees this and remembers me.

Take care!
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