newborn kitten gains little weight

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 20, 2024
took in 3 kittens 12 days ago (7/8), they were meowing in the backyard and had fly eggs over their bodies, mom not found. never cared for a cat or kitten before, so went into panic google search mode. bought kmr and syringe from petsmart right away, then ordered heating pad, better feeding bottles, food scale from amazon, and lastly an incubator couple days ago. unfortunately two of them, brown color, die a few days ago. the third one, grey color, is doing better.

he, I assumed it's a he for now, weighted 74 g on 7/12, 84 on 14th, 104 on 17th, 112 on 18th, today 20th only 117. He was peeing/pooing ok yesterday. do i need to give him water with salt or raw goat milk? or deworm? what kind of dewormer? thx

we been feeding him every 2 to 3 hrs this week (except overnight which is about 7 hrs), each feeding varies from 6ml to 10 ml.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
took in 3 kittens 12 days ago (7/8), they were meowing in the backyard and had fly eggs over their bodies, mom not found. never cared for a cat or kitten before, so went into panic google search mode. bought kmr and syringe from petsmart right away, then ordered heating pad, better feeding bottles, food scale from amazon, and lastly an incubator couple days ago. unfortunately two of them, brown color, die a few days ago. the third one, grey color, is doing better.

he, I assumed it's a he for now, weighted 74 g on 7/12, 84 on 14th, 104 on 17th, 112 on 18th, today 20th only 117. He was peeing/pooing ok yesterday. do i need to give him water with salt or raw goat milk? or deworm? what kind of dewormer? thx

we been feeding him every 2 to 3 hrs this week (except overnight which is about 7 hrs), each feeding varies from 6ml to 10 ml.
Good if you weigh in grammes every day, so you see exactly what is gong on. I see he went 1 day 8 grammes, which is OK, but the other days seems to add just 1 or 2 g - which as you say, is way too little.

DO you have raw goats milk? Yes, use it! What kmr are you using now? So you will either go over to raw goats milk, or use both, depending on your answer.

Some pedialyte, containing salts and glucose sugar may be good; for example for mixing the kmr powder with.
Contains always some extra calories, and if he has any diarrheas, compensates for the loss of salts.

The dosage over day is typically 8ml kmr or goats milk per oz a day.... More if he wants, but shouldnt be much less.

So, lets say as an example: 120g is slightly over 4 oz (an oz or ounce is 28grammes) ; gives a minimum of 32 ml during the day and night.

The amounts he gets per each feeding sounds good, the weak ones seldom manage to get more. But please, tell us what he gets every 24 hours....

Try with giving him more often, at least daytime - I understand you must sleep in the night some.
And see if the totale will increase.

Re deworming: yes sooner or later he will need to be dewormed. But unless you clearly see he is infested with worms, this is no big hurry as yet.
Also, he should be stronger.

Where do you live? What country?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 20, 2024
unfortunately the little one passed this morning. I noticed he turned weaker yesterday morning, head/neck was wobbly and was unstable when climbing over blankets. There is a rescue lady who hosts adoption events regularly at a local Petsmart, we took him to see her, she noticed a cyst near the rectum area which has popped. She advised us to put some hydro peroxide on it. we decided to wait and see a little. He went back to sleep and became lethargic from then on. didn't want to eat at 6pm, got weaker, head drapes over my palm. we decided to try the hydro peroxide and then let him go back to sleep.

went to check on him at 4 am and he was gone.

he went from this (relaxed, at least in my eyes) to this ( rapid shallow breath) in a few hrs.

sorry, little buddy.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
His and his siblings eternal souls will rest in peace; they know they got love and help... Whom can demand more??

I dearly hope you wil do this agian, if the need and occasion arises again. We do need good persons whom are willing to try and make a difference.



Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Thank you so much for your valiant efforts to save those kittens. I am so sorry for your loss of them, but I hope that you understand that rescuing and saving very young abandoned kittens is stacked with the odds against you. This has absolutely nothing to do with your care of them and I hope that you can take some comfort in the fact that they knew that someone loved and was caring for them in their brief lives.

When a cat or kittens pass on, we close the thread out of respect. If you would like to write about this litter in our Crossing the Bridge forum, you are welcome to do so.
Crossing the Bridge
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