New Kitten


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 16, 2025
I adopted a kitten December 29, 2025. She was a feral kitten, and the shelter had her first. They then sent her to a foster home to be taken care of until she was old enough to adopt. I have adopted her. She has been hiding under the bed since I got her. She has her own room, water, food, and litter box. I leave her door open when I come home from work. I know she comes out a night because I can hear her. When I get up in the mornings she is once again under the bed I talk to her when I go into the bedroom. She has a cat tree in the living room and a nice comfortable cat bed. I have tried enticing her with treats and toys and she won't budge from under the bed. Is this normal? When she first came out at night, she would meow for the first few nights but she doesn't do that anymore. Is there something I should be doing or should I just wait for her? I am single so there is no one else living with me, I don't make a lot of noise, and I have no other animals, and I very seldom have company. I don't know what to do or should I do nothing?

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
This is very normal. Kitties take awhile to adjust to any new situation. Depending on how feral she is you will need patience but she should come round. Everything is new, and the bed cave feels safe, so bear with her. It’s good you talk to her, maybe not w direct eye contact, and get low. Maybe at consistent times so she knows to expect you. Even if she doesn’t come out, she is listening. You could even sit in a chair and read aloud. Aside from the snubbed treats is she eating OK? Also is there anywhere else in your house where she could hide that’s maybe not so good? Make sure to board up any hidey holes where she could get in and can’t be reached. Keep us posted!
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 16, 2025
This is very normal. Kitties take awhile to adjust to any new situation. Depending on how feral she is you will need patience but she should come round. Everything is new, and the bed cave feels safe, so bear with her. It’s good you talk to her, maybe not w direct eye contact, and get low. Maybe at consistent times so she knows to expect you. Even if she doesn’t come out, she is listening. You could even sit in a chair and read aloud. Aside from the snubbed treats is she eating OK? Also is there anywhere else in your house where she could hide that’s maybe not so good? Make sure to board up any hidey holes where she could get in and can’t be reached. Keep us posted!
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 16, 2025
She is eating and drinking well. They said she was litter box trained but from time to time she has pooped outside the litter box. She does use it most of the time, I find that she always goes on the rug, I close all the doors and keep her door open. I also bought some kind of spr a y for cat training. I spray the spot where she poops. I keep her litter box clean as well. But it may be a sign of stress. I go about my evening as usual when I get home from work. Thank you so much. This is my first so I need all the advice I can get. I've heard so much from others I'm trying to soak it all in.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
Patience is key here. It's good you have her contained to a smaller area at first. Spend as much time in her room with her as you can so she can get used to your sounds, smell, presence, etc. Try getting some wand/string toys to interact with her from a distance - just have a secure place to put them when you're not around. If you typically watch TV in the evenings, maybe you can do it in the bedroom. Keep your schedules - cats learn them.

With the poops - what kind of consistency are they? I know, this is strange to talk about as a first time cat owner, but an important part of their health. Are they firm logs? Soft serve (softer, smooth logs)? Runny piles?

Keep the faith - since she's a kitten, she will come around! Soon, she'll learn that you're the fun person in her life who does all her bidding!
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 16, 2025
Patience is key here. It's good you have her contained to a smaller area at first. Spend as much time in her room with her as you can so she can get used to your sounds, smell, presence, etc. Try getting some wand/string toys to interact with her from a distance - just have a secure place to put them when you're not around. If you typically watch TV in the evenings, maybe you can do it in the bedroom. Keep your schedules - cats learn them.

With the poops - what kind of consistency are they? I know, this is strange to talk about as a first time cat owner, but an important part of their health. Are they firm logs? Soft serve (softer, smooth logs)? Runny piles?

Keep the faith - since she's a kitten, she will come around! Soon, she'll learn that you're the fun person in her life who does all her bidding!
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 16, 2025
I don't have a TV in that room, but I have a nice comfortable chair, and I have my tablet that I can watch when I am in the room with her. I am off for a three-day weekend so I will try that.

I have the wand toys and the pointer but that has not worked.

The poop is every now and then. She does use the litter box. It is soft serve (softer, smooth logs.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 16, 2025
I don't have a TV in that room, but I have a nice comfortable chair, and I have my tablet that I can watch when I am in the room with her. I am off for a three-day weekend so I will try that.

I have the wand toys and the pointer but that has not worked.

The poop is every now and then. She does use the litter box. It is soft serve (softer, smooth logs.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 16, 2025
Great news!! My kitten came from under the bed a week ago. I did what you recommended and sat in her room and talked to her for two days after work. All of a sudden she came out meowing at me. She sleeps in my bed at night sometimes but not every night. The pooping in certain places has stopped. I still keep her in the bedroom when I am at work. She is waiting by the door when I open it when I come home.

Like you said it takes patience. It was a long wait but it happened. She has been skeptical about coming in the living room where I sit for a while when I get home but last night she came and sat beside me for a little bit. She sill hasn't explored the cat tree I got her or the fluffy cat bed but I guess that will happen too.

Thank you so much and now we are starting to bond.