I adopted a kitten December 29, 2025. She was a feral kitten, and the shelter had her first. They then sent her to a foster home to be taken care of until she was old enough to adopt. I have adopted her. She has been hiding under the bed since I got her. She has her own room, water, food, and litter box. I leave her door open when I come home from work. I know she comes out a night because I can hear her. When I get up in the mornings she is once again under the bed I talk to her when I go into the bedroom. She has a cat tree in the living room and a nice comfortable cat bed. I have tried enticing her with treats and toys and she won't budge from under the bed. Is this normal? When she first came out at night, she would meow for the first few nights but she doesn't do that anymore. Is there something I should be doing or should I just wait for her? I am single so there is no one else living with me, I don't make a lot of noise, and I have no other animals, and I very seldom have company. I don't know what to do or should I do nothing?