Hello everyone!
I adopted a new cat approximately exactly 3 weeks ago, he is a 1.5 yr old male named Jasper. I've had my resident female cat, Daisy, for 4 years now, and she's maybe 5 yrs old. They've each been neutered and spayed. I'm following the jackson galaxy method for introductions and things have been progressing well, but Jasper is having a swatting problem thats really hindering any progress
A bit of background on their personalities: Daisy is very calm and gentle, friendly to new people and enjoys playing every once and a while. Now, I for sure thought Daisy was a mojito cat, but Jasper has snatched that title from her. He's so playful and confident, loves meeting new people and loves to be held and cuddled. However, he is a ball of energy and it takes me playing with him for 40 mins minimum for him to be slightly worn down. I will also add that he was part of a bonded pair that unfortunately had his second half adopted separately
They are successfully eating on either side of a screen door with no problems. Daisy will often walk up when they're done eating and sniff at him. Jasper will chirrup and sniff her back for a few moments and start pawing at her in a way I'm assuming is him trying to play. The first few days he did this it really pissed her off and caused her to swat/hiss at him. After around the third day of that she stopped caring and would just stare at him lazily as he pawed at the screen, no flat ears or tail whipping.
On the 5th day of them doing this with no hissing, I decided it was time to try eat play love. I've done this twice so far, but the second time went horribly...
The first time I did as jackson said and had them meet right before dinner time. Jasper was on one side of the room distracted by his wand toy, and Daisy was led into the room with her own wand toy by my fiancé. Jasper noticed her but kept playing, Daisy would play a little but kept staring at him. Eventually they got close to eachother and Jasper got excited. He ran at her and Daisy seemed very tense, but they sniffed noses. Jasper immediately started rubbing on her, it was actually pretty adorable. Daisy still seemed a little tense but relaxed a bit. Her ears weren't flat, no puffed tail, just seemed a little unsure of what to do lol. After greeting her, Jasper started to paw at her which soured her mood and I noticed her ears go flat. After seeing her get stressed I decided to feed them and call it a session. (They both ate fairly well next to eachother without a screen, but Jasper did keep trying to run and eat from her bowl which we had to keep stopping )
Second time started off similar to the last, but Jasper was just not caring about his toy at all. He immediately ran at Daisy when she came into the room and they sniffed for a moment. We tried using the wand to distract them, but neither cared. After sniffing her for a few moments, he started pawing at her in the face. She hissed and swatted at him, but then he swatted back. Please keep in mind this happened so fast, like in the matter of 15 seconds. They swatted back and forth briefly, there was hissing but I have no clue from who, and then Daisy ran. Jasper chased after her and caught her in a corner. Daisy had flipped off the corner and was lying on her back like a bear trap. Jasper was just standing next to her staring. I grabbed Jasper without issue and immediately separated them. I kept thinking of what jackson galaxy said and to end things on a high note so I fed them. They both ate again without incident and then I immediately ended the session.
Since this happened, they are still doing great with the screen door feeding, I'm just scared to do eat play love again.
I'm unaure now how to proceed from here. How do I make him stop swatting at her? Did I introduce them too soon? Should I go back a step and continue with the screen door, or should I keep persisting with eat play love? Daisy seems very willing to be chill with him until he starts swatting at her face.
Thank you for anyone who read this far! Any tips are much appreciated
I adopted a new cat approximately exactly 3 weeks ago, he is a 1.5 yr old male named Jasper. I've had my resident female cat, Daisy, for 4 years now, and she's maybe 5 yrs old. They've each been neutered and spayed. I'm following the jackson galaxy method for introductions and things have been progressing well, but Jasper is having a swatting problem thats really hindering any progress
A bit of background on their personalities: Daisy is very calm and gentle, friendly to new people and enjoys playing every once and a while. Now, I for sure thought Daisy was a mojito cat, but Jasper has snatched that title from her. He's so playful and confident, loves meeting new people and loves to be held and cuddled. However, he is a ball of energy and it takes me playing with him for 40 mins minimum for him to be slightly worn down. I will also add that he was part of a bonded pair that unfortunately had his second half adopted separately
They are successfully eating on either side of a screen door with no problems. Daisy will often walk up when they're done eating and sniff at him. Jasper will chirrup and sniff her back for a few moments and start pawing at her in a way I'm assuming is him trying to play. The first few days he did this it really pissed her off and caused her to swat/hiss at him. After around the third day of that she stopped caring and would just stare at him lazily as he pawed at the screen, no flat ears or tail whipping.
On the 5th day of them doing this with no hissing, I decided it was time to try eat play love. I've done this twice so far, but the second time went horribly...
The first time I did as jackson said and had them meet right before dinner time. Jasper was on one side of the room distracted by his wand toy, and Daisy was led into the room with her own wand toy by my fiancé. Jasper noticed her but kept playing, Daisy would play a little but kept staring at him. Eventually they got close to eachother and Jasper got excited. He ran at her and Daisy seemed very tense, but they sniffed noses. Jasper immediately started rubbing on her, it was actually pretty adorable. Daisy still seemed a little tense but relaxed a bit. Her ears weren't flat, no puffed tail, just seemed a little unsure of what to do lol. After greeting her, Jasper started to paw at her which soured her mood and I noticed her ears go flat. After seeing her get stressed I decided to feed them and call it a session. (They both ate fairly well next to eachother without a screen, but Jasper did keep trying to run and eat from her bowl which we had to keep stopping )
Second time started off similar to the last, but Jasper was just not caring about his toy at all. He immediately ran at Daisy when she came into the room and they sniffed for a moment. We tried using the wand to distract them, but neither cared. After sniffing her for a few moments, he started pawing at her in the face. She hissed and swatted at him, but then he swatted back. Please keep in mind this happened so fast, like in the matter of 15 seconds. They swatted back and forth briefly, there was hissing but I have no clue from who, and then Daisy ran. Jasper chased after her and caught her in a corner. Daisy had flipped off the corner and was lying on her back like a bear trap. Jasper was just standing next to her staring. I grabbed Jasper without issue and immediately separated them. I kept thinking of what jackson galaxy said and to end things on a high note so I fed them. They both ate again without incident and then I immediately ended the session.
Since this happened, they are still doing great with the screen door feeding, I'm just scared to do eat play love again.
I'm unaure now how to proceed from here. How do I make him stop swatting at her? Did I introduce them too soon? Should I go back a step and continue with the screen door, or should I keep persisting with eat play love? Daisy seems very willing to be chill with him until he starts swatting at her face.
Thank you for anyone who read this far! Any tips are much appreciated