That's great progress!I'll keep an eye on them to be sure they remain the best of friends. They're so cute together.
Btw I think Anís is warming up to them!
Yesterday she dropped her tail down the washing machine. Silver hopped to play with it, she hissed but then did not move it away. In fact she fell asleep with her tail potentially at their disposal.
And they are so gentlecats that they left her alone.
Yep she still growls if they get too close. Much less though.
I'd love to hear about them and I'm glad you were able to find a professional in your area to help. Having some support can make a huge difference.I do feel more relaxed. Not enough to leave them alone without me and I still regularly check on them while I'm home, but surely I'm more confident and I know how to handle "incidents" should they happen.
Truth be told, I also asked the help of a professional because I wanted to be sure the co-habitation could work. Probably some tips helped a lot and the supplement I'm giving them, Zylkene, helps them to handle anxiety and stress.
I can share those tips if you are interested