New cat aggressive to resident cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 4, 2022
Hello everyone, I've been reading the forums here and already feel better know I'm not alone in this situation. I've had my resident cat, Ozzy, for 7 years, rescued as a feral cat who is now the sweetest guy ever. He had been run over by a car when we found him, so he had to have his tail amputated, and his hips were smashed so those had to get glued back together. He walks a bit funny and he can't jump very high, but he is a happy dude who loves pets and snacks. He also recently had to have his upper canines removed. He's friendly to other cats, which I know because I've cat-sat for friends before and he's accepted the new cat right away.

So, my boyfriend and I decided to adopt a second cat, Biba, a female who is the same age as him. Both are neutered/spayed. Biba was found as a kitten after her mother and siblings all died. Since then, she has lived with just her human (who recently passed away) and never seen another cat, until 3 weeks ago when we adopted her.

We followed all the instructions about giving her a room of her own until she felt safe, introducing them via a crack in the doorway, feeding on both sides of the door, letting them explore the house without the other cat to get used to the scent, etc.

Ozzy has basically tried to welcome Biba and be friends, but Biba is only getting more aggressive. At first she would just hiss at Ozzy, and he would back off, as he's a gentleman and no means no :D . I let them roam the house freely now (I work from home), and there haven't been any violent incidents, but mostly because every time Biba goes to attack Ozzy, he slowly backs off and hides under the bed. They manage to eat near each other without much incident, but during the night I wake up to Biba growling and hissing at Ozzy in his only hiding spot. In addition, it seems that Biba has started spraying the couch in 'her' room, which she definitely didn't do when she first arrived. Biba has also started chasing Ozzy any time she finds him out and about in the house. She waits outside his litter box (they have separate litter boxes in separate rooms) and once he's done, she charges at him until he hides under the bed again.

It has been 3 weeks, so I know it's still early, but I'm starting to feel like she's just too territorial and the more she gets attached to me and my boyfriend, the more she bullies Ozzy. And I'm worried he can't really defend himself because of his hips and lack of teeth, not that he even tries to defend himself to begin with. Any advice?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
You're right. Things are getting worse, not better. The shelter should have made this more of an issue but I'm sure they were trying to see her get adopted. I would strongly suggest that Biba be rehomed as an only cat and the sooner the better before she and you become any more attached. Ozzy, who is losing his home is having to deal with way too much stress :(
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 4, 2022
Thanks for the reply :)

The adoption was coordinated by a cat rescue though Buba was never in the shelter. Basically they put us in contact with the people who inherited her and were unable to keep her due to allergies. I spoke to the woman who runs the rescue, and she offered to come over and observe them and, if I want, create some mixture of herbal drops that supposedly will make Biba relax a bit more. Not sure if she meant CBD or what, but I'm not to keen on drugging animals due to humans putting them in a bad situation.
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 4, 2022
Hi all, checking in again here to give an update.

The new cat is still aggressive towards our resident cat Ozzy. Sometimes, usually during the middle of the day, the new cat is too lazy to attack Ozzy and they can be in the same room peacefully, but I'd say she chases/charges/swats at him 10+ times a day. Ozzy either runs away and hides in the closet (he doesn't even feel safe under the bed anymore) or, rarely, he ignores her and just takes the swat she gives him. Only rarely does he swat back at her. Ozzy is generally too scared/annoyed to come out and snuggle with us in the living room in the evenings, and he's also stopped sleeping on the bed with us. Pretty drastic considering he used to follow me from one room to another.

I have tried closing the new cat in her "safe room" at night, but she claws at the door incessantly until I let her out. Actually, she doesn't tolerate ANY closed doors, regardless of what side of them she's on. I've tried putting her in a "time out" whenever she chases Ozzy, but it doesn't seem to help. We had a Feliway diffuser, but I unplugged it yesterday as it was doing absolutely nothing to help the situation.

I paid a cat expert to come assess the situation and she's creating personalized blends of what she calls "Bach flowers" for them to help settle the situation. Does anyone have experience with those?

We adopted the new cat in mid-July, it's now mid-September, so it's been 2 months. How much longer would you all wait before re-homing the new cat?
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 4, 2022
Thanks Furballsmom Furballsmom . You in fact warned me to rehome her weeks ago, but hope springs eternal. I called the person we got the new cat from and explained things. His answer was "well, let me know where she ends up I guess", which really angered me after all his talk of "teamwork" when he dropped her off...


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 4, 2022
Hi all, checking in again here to give an update.

The new cat is still aggressive towards our resident cat Ozzy. Sometimes, usually during the middle of the day, the new cat is too lazy to attack Ozzy and they can be in the same room peacefully, but I'd say she chases/charges/swats at him 10+ times a day. Ozzy either runs away and hides in the closet (he doesn't even feel safe under the bed anymore) or, rarely, he ignores her and just takes the swat she gives him. Only rarely does he swat back at her. Ozzy is generally too scared/annoyed to come out and snuggle with us in the living room in the evenings, and he's also stopped sleeping on the bed with us. Pretty drastic considering he used to follow me from one room to another.

I have tried closing the new cat in her "safe room" at night, but she claws at the door incessantly until I let her out. Actually, she doesn't tolerate ANY closed doors, regardless of what side of them she's on. I've tried putting her in a "time out" whenever she chases Ozzy, but it doesn't seem to help. We had a Feliway diffuser, but I unplugged it yesterday as it was doing absolutely nothing to help the situation.

I paid a cat expert to come assess the situation and she's creating personalized blends of what she calls "Bach flowers" for them to help settle the situation. Does anyone have experience with those?

We adopted the new cat in mid-July, it's now mid-September, so it's been 2 months. How much longer would you all wait before re-homing the new cat?
I'm so sorry to hear about the struggle! It is a shame that Biba never learned how to interact with other cats properly by being raised with other kittens. Even 2 months as the only kitten was too long for my cat Boaz and the damage has been done. To this day, he doesn't respect our other cats' boundaries and currently I'm having to keep him separated from them until I can slowly get through a re-introduction in hopes that he will get better with them then.

Biba might be beyond help at this point and may do better as an only cat. She has some serious hatred issues and this is no quality of living for either cat.