Neck Lump 6 Month Old Cat

haze n blaze

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2014
let me start by saying, I’m currently at vet with my cat that has a neck lump and on day 2. I always like to post here so I can get any advice while I wait.

My cat is 6 months. He has had a myriad of problems since he was a young kitten. I work for a foster that got him at about 4 weeks old. He and his litter mates had nasty URIs that we treated. He has a tilted head which the vet said is related to a vestibular disease process that he hopes he will grow out of so we are waiting to assess again at a year. Over the last two months he has has another URI and ear infection which spiked his fever to 106! Continued antibiotics and fluids helped bring it back to normal. What a scare! I just wanted to give this history before I dive in to the neck lump. This was all about two weeks ago.

So last night I noticed his right side neck below his ear looked bigger than the other side. It’s the side that he tilts his head to. I seriously stared at him all night trying to Figure it out. It doesn’t hurt him to touch it. It was soft yesterday but this morning it’s def harder. He is eating and drinking. I have seen him swallowing oddly once or twice. The only thing I can find that can develop that quickly is an abscess or pharyngitis which according to google search can be linked to URIs.

I was hoping someone else might have some guidance or even some great questions that I can pose to my vet.


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Sounds like an abcess from the feel and quickness of growth. Most likely your vet will shave the area and prick test it. If your vet doesn't prick test, ask them to. A prick test is just what it sounds like, they prick the lump and see if puss comes out. If puss does, it is an abcess. If puss doesn't, it could be something else and need more investigation.

The last time my boy had an abcess the ER vet said a prick test wasn't needed and just perscribed antibiotics. 24 hours later it was worse and we were back at the vet to have it treated correctly. I am still mad at myself for not pushing when I normally do. But it was a new vet and the whole visit didn't feel right, not going back there again.... Anywho..... When it comes to abcesses I am a fan of clean and drain it the first visit. Once cleaned up you have to keep the wound open by removing the scab for several days to allow air in and the bacteria out. I just don't like taking chances with infections or waiting. Antibiotics, keep it clean and he will be as good as new in two weeks.

Hopefully it is just a simple abcess. Please let us know.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Forgot to mention, abcesses form on cats fairly easily. There really isn't anything you did wrong or that you could do differently. Cats skin heals over quickly which traps bacteria and causing the infection to form. Some cats are more prone, in my experience, than others. My boy seems to get one or two a year. They are more common in cats with outside access from fighting with other cats but even an indoor only cat can get them. Even a little scratch from their own itching of a bug bite could turn into one. Every single one my boy has gotten had no obvious wound or injury behind it; they seemed to just appear because the original wound was small and hidden by fur. So don't beat yourself up if it does turn out to be an abcess.

Neck swellings could also be related to saliva glands being blocked. Given the young age and swelling growth speed I think cancer or tumor growth is unlikely.
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haze n blaze

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2014
Thank you for the info. I was leaning towards an abscess also due to how quickly it developed but the vet did a needle aspiration of the mass and the only thing that came out was blood. Not even any lymph cells..some round cells. They let me look at the microscope! They are doing an ultrasound now.
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haze n blaze

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2014
So the ultrasound is somewhat mysterious per the vet. The mass is oblong shaped rather than circular. Due to the quickness of development, the vet suggested anti-inflammatories and an antibiotic first to see if the mass comes down in size which would mean it’s related to an infection (possibly since he had two infections URI and ear two weeks ago) and if not then a biopsy. I did ask that he be tested for FIV and felv just to rule out anything since he has struggled for most of his life and thankfully he was negative.

Here’s to hoping the meds work!


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Boooo.... I was hoping for abcess and it aligned with one. Hopefully the antibiotics and anti-inflammatory helps with it. Maybe a weird allergic type reaction or deep infection....

Keep us updated on how he does. :vibes::vibes::vibes: