Name Three Things - 2024

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Managed to wash / dry a small load of laundry which is waiting to be folded and put away.

Big downstairs wood rack is empty of firewood, small upstairs one next to the stove is just about empty. Himself says he'll help me move wood but I don't want him outside in the cold. So I started off filling one kitty litter bucked = 5 or 6 billets, stack in downstairs rack. Fill again to bring upstairs - and there he is saying he will bring the bucket upstairs. I'm not wild about this, even if it keeps him out of the cold. So three buckets waiting to be moved upstairs, none for the downstairs rack. I'll take a break and then move more. I was pleased with my one down, one upstairs idea but I guess it was just a thought.

His lunch was leftover mashed potatoes, gravy, and a sort of poached egg - start sunny side up, add a tiny bit of water and put lid on pan.

Taking a break and then later this afternoon I'll move more wood. Edit that to "we will move more wood." My guesstimate is that the smaller upstairs wood rack requires 9 or 10 buckets worth to fill from completely empty, complicated by the fact that we keep burning the wood.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
Went to to post office, bank, dropped off books at the library and picked up two asthma prescriptions for Izzy.
Waited for the technician to come back today with a part for the humidifier and it is now working well. Simple thing maybe but makes me happy.
Did a little reading
Will make dinner


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Let's see . . .

I had filled the upstairs wood rack and today is warm enough none got burned in the stove. Himself insisted on starting to fill downstairs wood rack. What we worked out - I'd go into the outside storage area, fill a kitty litter bucket with 5 or so billets, swing it down to him. He'd take a few steps, go into basement, stack wood in rack while I filled a second bucket with - again - 5 or so billets. We did maybe six and I called quits. It will take, IDK, 24 or more buckets of firewood to fill the basement rack.

You know what they say - firewood heats you multiple times. First when you cut it, again when you split it, a third time when you stack it, and finally when you burn it. We burn better than 2 cords of wood each winter.

That was in the afternoon. In the morning I did a small load of laundry - washed, dried, and folded.

Plus - shades of Casablanca - all the usual suspects. Fed us, fed cats, cleaned litter pan, made bed, etc etc etc.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
*I went out to pickup a prescription and some things at CVS.
* Dollar Store for tissue paper and a couple there things
* Friend dropped by
* wrote out bills
* wrote out Christmas Cards-- it is about time!!
*Listened to Christmas music all day
* supper-- not much of anything
* phone call
* Watched The Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Christmas special on PBS

That was it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Another small load of laundry, this time bluejeans and towel.

Quick run to the IGA for bananas, milk, 3 boxes of coffee beans for gifts. Good looking cube steaks so I got a package and that's what we will have for dinner.

Handyman came midday after my plea. He filled the basement wood rack in significantly less time than it would have taken us. Also moved the picnic coolers to their storage shelf in the basement - I had taken them down to hold things for a few hours when I needed to swap items into the new refrigerator before its delivery. Down is always easier than up.

And this afternoon I baked an apple kuchen.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yesterday was busy and hectic....
I cannot even remember all that I did!! Craziness!
some of the things:
*passed out my Christmas cards
* paid a couple of bills
* put a request in to have the room the Mass is said in, set up
* Went down to set up said room!!! all the stuff I had requested, which was not done and the regular Mass set up
* Mass
*breakdown of everything....
* phone calls, and more and more calls... emails, it never ended.. and the physical part kept going on..

Exhausted by the end of the day...
just dropped everything off, on floor..

got early phone call to take someone ASAP somewhere...
Tired... Having second cup of coffee right now..
May just take a ride return something and pick up some printer paper, and ink.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Doctor appointment this morning in the midst of a major snowstorm. Roads were the worst of winter driving and I got stuck twice on the way. I had to back down hills and then gun it to get to the top and turn. Very very scary stuff. Fortunately much much better drive back. Needed to use the big snowblower to do the driveway when I got back home. A hot bath, a simple dinner and TV is the nighttime plan.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Lunch & do my dishes hour.

Wash the towels & couch/chair covers. I also wipe the kitchen chairs & the stand that holds my laundry detergent on Tuesdays. Wipe the towel racks & put up new towels.

Coffee break.

Dinner & dishes hour.

Relax for an hour & play on phone, look at Facebook & texts. Scoop litter boxes.



Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Lunch & do my dishes hour.

Wash the towels & couch/chair covers. I also wipe the kitchen chairs & the stand that holds my laundry detergent on Tuesdays. Wipe the towel racks & put up new towels.

Coffee break.

Dinner & dishes hour.

Relax for an hour & play on phone, look at Facebook & texts. Scoop litter boxes.

Merry Christmas. I can’t drink coffee mid day, so have a cup for me!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
Made a Tiramisu Cheesecake
Helped my husband hang the cabinet he made in the bathroom
Need to cook some shrimp for tomorrow.
Called the vet's office as Izzy's eye looks worse. Made a appointment for the earliest time slot which is Friday afternoon.Just going to try to maintain things if possible until then; otherwise she will have to go to ER vet if the eye gets any worse.
Will make dinner


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
IzzysfureverMom IzzysfureverMom I'm sorry about Izzy's eye. Hope he is on his way to recovery now. BTW, my husband would gladly help you eat the tiramisu cheesecake; he's never met a cheesecake he didn't like.

It's been a busy week. And I just tried to get through everything. We ordered the bedroom TV (from SC) and had it delivered. Big mistake. It came on Monday; the box was crushed and even the Styrofoam at the top of the tv was broken. And we spent almost two days trying to get the thing to work. Not good. We finally called Samsung Tuesday morning, explained the problem, and they told us to return the tv to the store; it was not a fixable problem. Boxed the tv up. Went down to Best Buy, bought a tv, got it home, set it up, and it worked right away. We took the bad tv back to Sam's yesterday afternoon. They didn't say a word, other than asking us what was wrong. We explained the problem; they refunded our money. The end.

We ended up with a brunch for Christmas Day. I made quiche, and a spiced warm fruit salad. We had cookies and sticky buns for dessert. We're still planning on Christmas dinner tomorrow with the kids and the Grands. We kept the pork chops in the freezer and will have them later on.

Had blood work yesterday; everything is the same as it was, which is good. The woman who took my blood said that the holidays are always bad for people, with the food and alcohol. A lot of people have elevated bloodwork results during the holidays. Thankfully, I'm where I was.

I'm trying to get up the wherewithal to get work done today.
  • A good swiffer around the house, wipe down kitchen and bathroom. Rick will vacuum tomorrow morning.
  • Change the bed sheets. Two loads of laundry, including the pet linens. I need to choose a tablecloth for tomorrow and wash that.
  • Make a batch of yeast rolls. Make another batch of gluten-free yeast rolls for our DIL. Make a peanut butter mousse pie with GF oreos as the crust. Make broccoli salad, but will add the dressing tomorrow morning.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
The downstairs wood rack, filled on December 18, was completely emptied. The small upstairs-by-the-stove had very little in it. So Himself and I are very happy that yesterday our neighbors' 14 year old son came and filled both. Again, in something under an hour. Well worth what we pay for the work.

Today is wet. Weather station not yet had its array replaced. While temperature is stuck at minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit it does show rain. This morning was also flaky - it showed 0.0 when I came downstairs, changed to .04 inches, then changed to .73 inches. Can only assume it was frozen, then thawed.

Nothing much else to share - I did make fruitcake balls from the leftover bits after I sliced fruit cake, cut circles with a (clean) cat food can and glazed with confectioner's sugar + brandy. Chilled the little spheres and dipped in melted chocolate to coat half. And since there was more melted chocolate I dipped candied mandarin orange peel I'd made. Christmas treats have no calories, right?


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
IzzysfureverMom IzzysfureverMom I'm sorry about Izzy's eye. Hope he is on his way to recovery now. BTW, my husband would gladly help you eat the tiramisu cheesecake; he's never met a cheesecake he didn't like.

It's been a busy week. And I just tried to get through everything. We ordered the bedroom TV (from SC) and had it delivered. Big mistake. It came on Monday; the box was crushed and even the Styrofoam at the top of the tv was broken. And we spent almost two days trying to get the thing to work. Not good. We finally called Samsung Tuesday morning, explained the problem, and they told us to return the tv to the store; it was not a fixable problem. Boxed the tv up. Went down to Best Buy, bought a tv, got it home, set it up, and it worked right away. We took the bad tv back to Sam's yesterday afternoon. They didn't say a word, other than asking us what was wrong. We explained the problem; they refunded our money. The end.

We ended up with a brunch for Christmas Day. I made quiche, and a spiced warm fruit salad. We had cookies and sticky buns for dessert. We're still planning on Christmas dinner tomorrow with the kids and the Grands. We kept the pork chops in the freezer and will have them later on.

Had blood work yesterday; everything is the same as it was, which is good. The woman who took my blood said that the holidays are always bad for people, with the food and alcohol. A lot of people have elevated bloodwork results during the holidays. Thankfully, I'm where I was.

I'm trying to get up the wherewithal to get work done today.
  • A good swiffer around the house, wipe down kitchen and bathroom. Rick will vacuum tomorrow morning.
  • Change the bed sheets. Two loads of laundry, including the pet linens. I need to choose a tablecloth for tomorrow and wash that.
  • Make a batch of yeast rolls. Make another batch of gluten-free yeast rolls for our DIL. Make a peanut butter mousse pie with GF oreos as the crust. Make broccoli salad, but will add the dressing tomorrow morning.
So glad to hear from you... missed you


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
IzzysfureverMom IzzysfureverMom I'm sorry about Izzy's eye. Hope he is on his way to recovery now. BTW, my husband would gladly help you eat the tiramisu cheesecake; he's never met a cheesecake he didn't like.

It's been a busy week. And I just tried to get through everything. We ordered the bedroom TV (from SC) and had it delivered. Big mistake. It came on Monday; the box was crushed and even the Styrofoam at the top of the tv was broken. And we spent almost two days trying to get the thing to work. Not good. We finally called Samsung Tuesday morning, explained the problem, and they told us to return the tv to the store; it was not a fixable problem. Boxed the tv up. Went down to Best Buy, bought a tv, got it home, set it up, and it worked right away. We took the bad tv back to Sam's yesterday afternoon. They didn't say a word, other than asking us what was wrong. We explained the problem; they refunded our money. The end.

We ended up with a brunch for Christmas Day. I made quiche, and a spiced warm fruit salad. We had cookies and sticky buns for dessert. We're still planning on Christmas dinner tomorrow with the kids and the Grands. We kept the pork chops in the freezer and will have them later on.

Had blood work yesterday; everything is the same as it was, which is good. The woman who took my blood said that the holidays are always bad for people, with the food and alcohol. A lot of people have elevated bloodwork results during the holidays. Thankfully, I'm where I was.

I'm trying to get up the wherewithal to get work done today.
  • A good swiffer around the house, wipe down kitchen and bathroom. Rick will vacuum tomorrow morning.
  • Change the bed sheets. Two loads of laundry, including the pet linens. I need to choose a tablecloth for tomorrow and wash that.
  • Make a batch of yeast rolls. Make another batch of gluten-free yeast rolls for our DIL. Make a peanut butter mousse pie with GF oreos as the crust. Make broccoli salad, but will add the dressing tomorrow morning.
Thanks. Had her back to the vet yesterday and they think its just going to take more time. It had been two weeks and her eye was crazy . One minute you look at it and it looked a little better 3 hours later and the lids are red and the eye is gunky and dripping fluid a lot. Today so far it looks somewhat better.Glad your blood work is holding steady. Cheesecakes are popular here. Hope your Christmas dinner is enjoyable. Good you got the tv issue worked out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
Did a load of laundry swept and cleaned hardwoods with Bona. Changed the sheets and cleaned bedroom from top to bottom.Replaced all of Izzy's blankets, beds and such with clean ones and put the old ones in the washing machine.Cleaned the bathrooms. Started dinner prep and ran dishwasher. Still have to fill the bird feeders, finish dinner and do some things with Izzy.
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