Name Three Things - 2024

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Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Oh yeah- the new Condo arrived last night but I was too tired to unpack it ,sooooo

I've taken it all out and some parts are on the patio and others inside,barely a smell... so pleased my kitties are laying alll over the parts and inside the cubbys etc- May put it together later on

I've got to pick up Rx that will be called ,might be ready today

Was going to trim the hedge properly behind my patio but I'm not sure I'll feel like it by the time it's a decent hour

Getting ready to fry all those darn eggplant slices- hate to start cause then you have to finish- lol

Gonna start cleaning out my storage unit upstairs- there can be alot of room if I get some stuff thrown out- what do they say,if you don't use it in a year you dont need it & pribsbly never will?.... it's so nice having this wonderful knee and being ABLE again! Thank God !


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
The guy delivered the stone late afternoon yesterday. Rick didn't feel like going for lawn mower gas at that point, so I didn't get the yard mowed. He's up working in the garden now.
  • I have one large load of laundry in the washer.
  • If he goes for gas, I will mow the lawn.
  • Vacuum, swiffer, in the living room and kitchen. Clean kitchen and bathroom.
  • Make the peanut butter pie and potato salad for tomorrow. Get the pork butt ready to go in the smoker tomorrow morning at 6:00. We're also trying wings in the smoker.
My sister and BIL are coming tomorrow night for dinner. I told her tentatively at 5:00, unless the pork butt takes longer.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Have not been doing anything in the greenhouse. My bad. So today I started putting up the 9 interior shade cloth panels. Very late getting it done. Turns out the three small interior fans were not running. Unplugged two, brought them in and use an inside house outlet - yup, they're goners.

I have one spare fan. Will install it this afternoon. Hopefully, with two new ones that we will buy at Wal-Mart when we go there after lunch.

Climbing ladder to install shade cloth at high end of greenhouse roof - these days I am not so good on ladders. Not to fall off, just climbing up and getting down as it leans against the back wall.

Here's a picture with shade cloth up on the five panels at back. That year it was done in a more timely manner.

Greenhouse with Shade Cloth.JPG


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Just got in from straightening out the long hedge behind my patio- after that I trimmed the one under my bedroom window and down the walkway too......what a workout,feels good back outside being busy

Waxed my car ,polished the wheels

And today I'll make individual baggies to freeze one portion fried eggplant slices and put together a tray of eggplant parm..... yesterday I fried 8 eggplants sliced,thats alot

And lastly I'm going to make onion sauce because I want hot diggity dogs tonight and pretend I'm at a bbq,lol

Happy FOURTH of July to All!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Rainy day activities. Vacuumed and then took apart the Shark to wash its filters. Some basement straightening this afternoon.

Kwik Kwik have you ever thought about getting a vacuum sealer? Those are so handy for portioning things and one thing that is great is that they are waterproof so to thaw you can set the bag in water.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Rainy day activities. Vacuumed and then took apart the Shark to wash its filters. Some basement straightening this afternoon.

Kwik Kwik have you ever thought about getting a vacuum sealer? Those are so handy for portioning things and one thing that is great is that they are waterproof so to thaw you can set the bag in water.
I have thought about it and glad you asked - I don't know anyone who has one except my cousin but he paid well over $1000. ( Probably because he had a butcher shop!) He buys sides of beef at a time...but for me,we'll you know what I do - like my eggplant parm and pots of sauce with meatballs n sausage

So what do you have and suggest for what I do- I love the idea of one because baggies are certainly not waterproof or airtight,I've had stuff get freezer burnt and stupid bags open submerged in water


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Never ate dinner last night because I fell fast asleep after all but been up since 9pm -Sami woke me up because Timmy was frozen in fear from the fireworks - they were ridiculous until about 2am..... Timmy was fine after I brought him to the couch to cuddle next to me

At about 2am Sami and I went to the clubhouse to get the mail ( was none) and then we cleaned up all the fireworks debris all over the front and the back

After that we put out the bird and squirrel food,took out the garbage and fed the babies about 4am

I finished almost all the hedges this morning and onto pulling up overgrown ferns I have encircling some Palm trees out back- in the few months I couldn't do it anymore ( before the knee) the lawn people wrecked my beautiful landscaping all around my bldg so I'm getting it back the way it was - you would not believe the cuttings and dead leaves I pulled out from behind the hedges because they just blow it all behind shrubs and bag NOTHING up- I filled FOUR contractor bags for the dumpster

I think that might be it for today except to pick up a Rx because they were closed yesterday


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 8, 2006
Hudson Valley NY
I have thought about it and glad you asked - I don't know anyone who has one except my cousin but he paid well over $1000. ( Probably because he had a butcher shop!) He buys sides of beef at a time...but for me,we'll you know what I do - like my eggplant parm and pots of sauce with meatballs n sausage

So what do you have and suggest for what I do- I love the idea of one because baggies are certainly not waterproof or airtight,I've had stuff get freezer burnt and stupid bags open submerged in water
I have a Foodsaver brand vacuum sealer. They have many models for all budgets. I love my vacuum sealer!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I have thought about it and glad you asked - I don't know anyone who has one except my cousin but he paid well over $1000. ( Probably because he had a butcher shop!) He buys sides of beef at a time...but for me,we'll you know what I do - like my eggplant parm and pots of sauce with meatballs n sausage

So what do you have and suggest for what I do- I love the idea of one because baggies are certainly not waterproof or airtight,I've had stuff get freezer burnt and stupid bags open submerged in water
I have a basic FoodSaver brand, around $100. Easy to operate, light, about 14 inches long, 5 inches wide. I buy my bags off of Ebay, about $17 for a 100. I portion meat, bacon and chicken into individual servings and vacuum seal it. Then when I want to cook something I just have to set it in water for a half hour or less and it is ready to cook. Vegetables can be vacuum sealed as well. Liquids like sauce I don’t vacuum but I do seal. When I am making freezer meals I use plastic TV dinner type containers.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I have a basic FoodSaver brand, around $100. Easy to operate, light, about 14 inches long, 5 inches wide. I buy my bags off of Ebay, about $17 for a 100. I portion meat, bacon and chicken into individual servings and vacuum seal it. Then when I want to cook something I just have to set it in water for a half hour or less and it is ready to cook. Vegetables can be vacuum sealed as well. Liquids like sauce I don’t vacuum but I do seal. When I am making freezer meals I use plastic TV dinner type containers.
Thank you,bbdoll recommended FoodSaver brand as well - I took a look earlier and there's quite a few and quite affordable- I think I'll get me one after I see what the plumber bill is Monday - yikes!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Wrestled with two lawnmowers due solely to user error- one that wouldn’t stay running because it was out of gas and another that wouldn’t start because I hadn’t switched the stop to start lever. Spent a good deal of time building wire cages for more bushes that are getting eaten by rabbits. Thoughts of having a fenced in yard were flashing.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Kwik Kwik , We have a FoodSaver and, honestly, I don't know how we'd get through gardening season without it. We used our first one to the point where it simply wouldn't work anymore, but that was after years of use. We are on our second one. It works beautifully. I portion our meats from Sam's Club for the two of us: chicken thighs, wings, breasts, pork chops, roasts, etc. Label the bag and throw into the freezer. I'll be doing blueberries on Monday, two-cup servings to one bag. I highly recommend it for portion control. We buy the rolls of bags, so we can set the sizes we need for what we're freezing. They say that food lasts 5x as long in a FoodSaver bag as in a regular freezer bag. I will say that you don't get the freezer crystals on FoodSaver bags that you can get in freezer bags. We've never cooked in our FS bags, but they say you can. My BIL has a gigantic food saver type gizmo that cost a small fortune. But he smokes a lot of meats and has a small garden. Look around for sales on them. Replacement bags can be easily found, too.

So today:
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and made our coffee. Went back to bed.
  • My Amazon order should be here today.
  • Rick's mom boogered her Kindle again. He went up to pick it up and I'll see what she did to it this time.
  • I would like to make garlic-parmesan rolls. Make the dough today, throw it into the fridge, and shape and bake tomorrow. We'll see how things go.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Kwik Kwik , We have a FoodSaver and, honestly, I don't know how we'd get through gardening season without it. We used our first one to the point where it simply wouldn't work anymore, but that was after years of use. We are on our second one. It works beautifully. I portion our meats from Sam's Club for the two of us: chicken thighs, wings, breasts, pork chops, roasts, etc. Label the bag and throw into the freezer. I'll be doing blueberries on Monday, two-cup servings to one bag. I highly recommend it for portion control. We buy the rolls of bags, so we can set the sizes we need for what we're freezing. They say that food lasts 5x as long in a FoodSaver bag as in a regular freezer bag. I will say that you don't get the freezer crystals on FoodSaver bags that you can get in freezer bags. We've never cooked in our FS bags, but they say you can. My BIL has a gigantic food saver type gizmo that cost a small fortune. But he smokes a lot of meats and has a small garden. Look around for sales on them. Replacement bags can be easily found, too.

So today:
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and made our coffee. Went back to bed.
  • My Amazon order should be here today.
  • Rick's mom boogered her Kindle again. He went up to pick it up and I'll see what she did to it this time.
  • I would like to make garlic-parmesan rolls. Make the dough today, throw it into the fridge, and shape and bake tomorrow. We'll see how things go.
Thank you so much-,I was looking at the reg one for $98.and a compact size (8x11) for $78- the regular I believe is 18 inches long.....seems kind of big..... what do you think for me,one person size portions?

I'm tired of those freezer crystals when I don't use everything right away-I make alot when I cook and freeze alot so I'm excited about it- plus I buy the big packs of chk thighs and separate them in 4pc packs-do you think the space saver one is too small?


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Thank you so much-,I was looking at the reg one for $98.and a compact size (8x11) for $78- the regular I believe is 18 inches long.....seems kind of big..... what do you think for me,one person size portions?

I'm tired of those freezer crystals when I don't use everything right away-I make alot when I cook and freeze alot so I'm excited about it- plus I buy the big packs of chk thighs and separate them in 4pc packs-do you think the space saver one is too small?
I would go with the 98 dollar regular one. You may have more uses than you think of initially and better to be able to do bigger sizes if need be. Mine is an FM2000, here is what it looks like and I think it’s the perfect size. As far as bags, I like the precut bags because when I have a bunch of things to vacuum seal I just need to drop them into bags vs. cutting sections off a roll and sealing one end before I can put anything in them.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
Alot of people don't- even folks that make s good eggplant will be surprised how much sweeter and better they can be - you layer in a collander and salt each layer- put a plate on top and something heavy to weigh it down- a bowl underneath and in a couple of hours you'll see how much is in the bowl,you'll never have a watery eggplant parm and no spitting everywhere when you fry! It's a Sicilians secret they never tell,lol
Works with other things as well like zucchini when you don't want a bunch of water leaching into a dish. Speaking of sicilian have you ever cooked cucuzza? My husband ( he is Sicilian decent) grew it for a few years, such a crazy plant.Flowers open only at night so bees cannot pollenate them .You have to move pollen from one plant to another.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Works with other things as well like zucchini when you don't want a bunch of water leaching into a dish. Speaking of sicilian have you ever cooked cucuzza? My husband ( he is Sicilian decent) grew it for a few years, such a crazy plant.Flowers open only at night so bees cannot pollenate them .You have to move pollen from one plant to another.
I am also Sicilian (grandparents on mom’s side) but I have never heard of that!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
I am also Sicilian (grandparents on mom’s side) but I have never heard of that!
It is actually in the gourd family. They can grow up to three feet long. You can cook them anyway you cook zucchini or eggplant. You may have to remove seeds. They need to be peeled, but they can be a little though to peel at times.My husband's grandmother used to cook with them. I even used them on pizza, and the way I did it on that tasted like eggplant.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
I have a basic FoodSaver brand, around $100. Easy to operate, light, about 14 inches long, 5 inches wide. I buy my bags off of Ebay, about $17 for a 100. I portion meat, bacon and chicken into individual servings and vacuum seal it. Then when I want to cook something I just have to set it in water for a half hour or less and it is ready to cook. Vegetables can be vacuum sealed as well. Liquids like sauce I don’t vacuum but I do seal. When I am making freezer meals I use plastic TV dinner type containers.
I love my FoodSaver. I also use it to seal bags things when I cook sous vide with my immersion circulater.
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