Name Three Things - 2022

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In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
catloverfromwayback catloverfromwayback Your girls are so pretty!

The lemon crinkles are OK. Oh they taste good, but there's just not enough zing from the lemon. Not by a long shot. Kind of like a sugar cookie and, if you try really hard, you might taste the lemon. And I had a lot of lemon in that batter.

Rick put lights on the railing at the WeShed deck. And he put Mr. Snowman out there. Today, he'd like to get lights around the holly bushes in the front of the house and put our baby deer out in the flower bed. He's having a lot of trouble getting lights to work; I think that several strings of light will be discarded this year and, next year, we'll have new lights. There was a lot of cussing going on in the basement yesterday. He had a strand of lights that worked in the basement. Took them out to the deck and put them around the railing. And they didn't work. Cussed a blue streak and brought them back into the basement. And they worked. It wasn't pretty. (He had a difficult time with our bubble lights for the tree this year, too. I think there will be new bubble lights next year and he'll use what we have that still work for subs.)
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee
  • I have cookies in the fridge to be baked today: stamped cookies and sand tarts. I love making stamped cookies. I like making sand tarts, too, but just can't seem to get those buggers thin enough.
  • We'll have to check to see if Dear Richard got picked for federal jury duty for next week. He's on call the month of December, but, so far, he has not been chosen to appear. We check on the computer on Friday nights to see what's going on. He's done local jury duty several times, but has never done federal duty.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
finish addressing jcatbird's surprise letter
write military letters later
talk to mamanyt1953 later this evening
maybe work on my cat book shelf


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Several quickly done, regular morning tasks. To wit -

made bed
fed cats
started a load of laundry
put out bird feeder

Now enjoying my coffee before I leave at 9:00 a.m. for a presentation about feeding wild birds at the Kingwood Farm and Mercantile


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We had a very heavy frost overnight. Our local weather weenie said we'd get into the teens, but we managed to stay in the low 20s. The sun is shining and it looks beautiful; Muffin is already yelling to go out. I keep telling her "Looks can be deceiving; it's really cold out there, woman!" She'll win eventually; she always does. I'll bundle her up and take her out this afternoon.

I did the sand tarts and the stamped cookies yesterday, finally. Going to look for a different sand tart recipe before next year. I had that sand tart dough rolled so thinly, I could see my kitchen counter! And some of them puffed up to the point where they looked like sugar cookies. Rick said he'd eat the ones that puffed-up.

Rick did not get selected for jury duty for next week. One more week to go.
  • Molli and I were lolly-gagging in bed this morning around 8:30. Muffin came back and wondered what the heck I was doing still in bed. I got up and got dressed and am still working on my coffee.
  • Raisin-filled cookies on my agenda for this afternoon.
  • Hit the Shed for awhile tonight.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Need to vacuum but can't do that for at least another hour or so, otherwise the :censored: upstairs might complain. I think he WFH most days now. Then I need to clean the hardwood floors with the Bona spay mop thing to remove paw prints 😬 Then work on decluttering and organizing the bedroom.

Hi there!! I realize this post is older, but I use Bona too…just wondered if it is harmful to cats, feet or fume wise. Right now I’m only using the cleaning product, not the stuff that makes floors shiny.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
1. Listened to Zorro give the hair-raising cry of the Hunter in the night.
2. Stumbled downstairs (after the noises stopped) and praised him.
3. Took trembling, frightened mouse in a jam jar and flung him out into the night.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Snow today, but just flurries and showers. Not much of an accumulation....that comes this Thursday into Friday.
My raisin-filled cookies are so good. Rick really likes them and he says they do taste a lot like Country Cupboard's cookies (a local restaurant that recently closed). I ran out of raisin filling, so I opened my lemon curd and used some of that to finish off the cookies. He thinks those are decadent!
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here enjoying my coffee.
  • Put butter in the microwave to soften for today's baking. I'm making lemon kolaches (to use up my lemon curd), raspberry kolaches, and shortbread cookie cups filled with chocolate ganache. And then I think I'm pretty much done with baking, for the most part. I'm kind of cookied-out. I'll make sticky buns for Christmas morning, probably the day before Christmas. We'll see what strikes my fancy, but I think I'm pretty much finished.
  • Need to order coffee and some last-minute goodies for us. Will be doing an order for Dakin Farm at some point this afternoon.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
So far:
* picked up a prescription and did a quick errand
*cup of tea...

Will have to vacuum today. Not doing much of anything else; except a couple more Christmas Cards. I got one from a woman, I never thought would send me one!! Matriarch of one of the well known families in the City. I know her from Church. Her granddaughter is a state representative.

*Cuddle with Geoffrey
** need to watch "It's a Wonderful Life". and "Rudolph". It is not Christmas until I watch them.

I caught "White Christmas" last night.

Geoffrey is pacing... refusing his breakfast--fussy; wants brushing... and cuddling..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Drizzle today, perhaps more winter-y tomorrow. So today

I went to the IGA for this and that. Bananas were available but sparse, had to choose the better from about 5 hands.
Himself put the snowplow on his ATV
Have a load of laundry swishing around in the machine.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick needs to pick up his mom's Kindle today. He's been putting it off all weekend. She called last night to ask about the Kindle, then she asked about the chocolate crinkles. I honestly don't know which she wants more. He's putting cookies in a container as I type. She also told Rick that I need to do a better job at choosing books. One of the books I chose this last time was a book she already read. She is 101 years old and has been an avid reader all her life. It was bound to happen at some point.

The snow did start to stick, but then it warmed to just sleet and then rain. Not anything to deal with.

The kids are sick, including the Grands. They've been at the doctor since before Thanksgiving, but it's bad. Our son is asthmatic as in our grandson and they're both using inhalers. They haven't needed inhalers for years. But whatever this thing is, it's kicking their butts. Our granddaughter isn't too bad; she has it, but it's not knocking her down. Our DIL is down and not doing well. Their school took Friday off and did virtual learning, trying to get a handle on things. It (whatever "it" is) ran through the elementary school and now is going through the intermediate school. It's not Covid. Their doctor is thinking a combination of the flu and RVS. It's not pretty.

I ended up taking yesterday off from all baking. Rick was flopped on the couch, watching football and well, I just gave up. Spent the afternoon out in the Shed reading a couple books. Came inside, made dinner, and spent the evening back out there reading. No tv. Just the lights from the TWT and my Kindle. Peaceful and relaxing. I think I needed that. Rick texted me around 11 last night and told me that Molli was starting to pace. I told Rick, "Tell her to keep her fur on! I'm coming in." She met me at the front door, "Where have you been? I was worried!" And off to bed we went. If I stay out there later than Molli thinks I should, she'll start pacing around the house and muttering. That's Rick's cue to text me and tell me that I should come back to the house.
  • So now today, I have to do the baking that I put off yesterday.
  • Do Rick's mom's Kindle, so we can take it back right away tomorrow.
  • Working on the second load of laundry.
A not-so-exciting Monday.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Stripped sheets off bed and tossed in washing machine.

Caught Domino cat, put in carrier. Issue with Mr Poe but finally caught and carrier-ed him. Off to vet for annual visit. Domino threw up and pooped before we got there.

It was decided not to give them their FVRCP, wait till next year. That means they'll be due for their rabies at the same time. Will wait to discuss it with vet.

Domino has dirty teeth and one that needs removed. Made an appointment for late January 2023

Mr Poe has dirty teeth but not so bad, can wait. So his appointment is late February 2023.

Now that we are home Domino is fine. Had his lunch. Mr Poe is still invisible.

Bed sheets in dryer and back upstairs (not that the bed is made, mind you. At least they are upstairs.) Second load washed and into dryer. Third load - about to be washed etc.

Unloaded dishwasher.

And that's how my morning went. Yours?


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
C catapault It is exactly 8/10 of a mile from our house to the stop sign at the intersection. When we had to take Hydrox to TED (The Evil Doctor), we'd put him in the car. Til we got to that stop sign, he had already done the three Ps: Peed, Pooped, and Puked. Every single time. And then we listened to the song of his people the rest of the way to TED. He was very quiet on the way home....I guess he figured the worst was done by then and he was on his way home.

Got my Fudge Puddles done yesterday. Made up a cookie dough for Cake Mix Chocolate Chip Cookies and it's in the fridge. Will bake them tomorrow. Rick had to get a cake mix for me because it's the first time I've used a cake mix in a very long time. But I was intrigued by the recipe. I also took Serena/Samantha/Whatever out of the fridge, stirred the starter down and fed her. Kept her out all night and she's all bubbly this morning. I took a cup of starter out for my BIL and fed her again. She's looking amazing.
  • Breakfast for the girls, Rick emptied the dishwasher last night for me, did the sourdough thing, grabbed a quick shower, and am back here with my coffee.
  • We're going to Rick's sister and BIL today. Rick is doing their tree and I'm helping my BIL with sausage-making. Best stuff ever! I'm taking his sourdough starter up to him, along with a big tray of cookies. On the way, we're stopping to drop the Kindle and a tray of cookies to Rick's mom. She's really antsy for those chocolate crinkles.
  • I know I won't get my 10,000 steps while I'm with my SIL and BIL today. So I'll need to get to work on them when we get back home. Last week, I ended up with 72,000 steps for the week. I'll take them. I'm really trying.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
* Up early for a couple of errands, as soon as stores opened
* Physical Therapy
* Food Committee meeting--- a farce!
* Covid test in building for all residents
* Newspaper meeting at 3pm... keep my cool-- mouth shut.. just go with it.
* Leftovers from Sunday, for supper: Steak, mashed potatoes with cream cheese! and steamed butternut squash.

That is it..
Oh, call at least one person tonight. There are a few others I have to call, also... hopefully tomorrow... sometime..

C catapault and Winchester Winchester Artie was a terror when taking him to the Vet. Tried the head first, into carrier---nope, tried the open top in--nope... Ended up having to put the carrier on its end, on an armchair, in order to get him in it..
There was only a couple of times when he did pee and poop in the carrier.
He screamed the "Song of his People" the entire way! Beginning the moment he was in the carrier. I used to sing along with him!! And I played classical music on the car stereo, thinking it would calm him! He was a terror at the vet's also.. They had him listed as 'Vicious" because he bite a Tech!! I was so embarrassed. When he saw his regular Vet-- the Word was out--- "ARTIE'S HERE"... again, embarrassing.. They ALL knew he was a terror to them.. Yet, he was so good with me, including taking all his meds, his sub-q's etc... Weird. They were really shocked when I told them, that I had not issues giving him sub-q's.... Artie-- my soul kitty.
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