As alot of people here know, my female recently gave birth. Everything was smooth the babies are healthy. Both Boys have been neutered. Mommas has been scheduled after the babies are weaned.
So along with my girls 5 babies, I actually ended up getting 2 more a week later. A friend found these 2 Newborns in her yard. So I went, picked them up brought them home and had them separated. Had my alarms set and everything. But when I went to feed them, low and behold the babies were gone. My girl had decided these were also her babies and has nursed, and cared for them. Had a vet friend come over to look at everyone, she said everything seems fine, the little male adopted kitten just seemed rather small. Possibly a runt and he would need extra feedings. I've done that, kept track of his steady weight gain and everything. The kittens are all doing really well and are thriving. So here is the weird part.
I keep a close eye on this runt. Constantly check his temp (normal) offer extra feedings (sometimes he takes it sometimes he doesnt) adopted mom keeps him stimulated, nurses him and his sister, for the most part everything SEEMS fine. However, recently I've been noticing he is... EXTREMELY vocal. Like this kitten SCREAMS. I stimulate, I offer milk, and I hold him but nothing helps. He just continues to scream. Eventually his sister comes over and curls up with him and THEN he settles. Is this normal? My vet friend said he seems pretty healthy, but idk I'm just not accustomed to a kitten screaming like that just because his sister isn't curled up with him.
So along with my girls 5 babies, I actually ended up getting 2 more a week later. A friend found these 2 Newborns in her yard. So I went, picked them up brought them home and had them separated. Had my alarms set and everything. But when I went to feed them, low and behold the babies were gone. My girl had decided these were also her babies and has nursed, and cared for them. Had a vet friend come over to look at everyone, she said everything seems fine, the little male adopted kitten just seemed rather small. Possibly a runt and he would need extra feedings. I've done that, kept track of his steady weight gain and everything. The kittens are all doing really well and are thriving. So here is the weird part.
I keep a close eye on this runt. Constantly check his temp (normal) offer extra feedings (sometimes he takes it sometimes he doesnt) adopted mom keeps him stimulated, nurses him and his sister, for the most part everything SEEMS fine. However, recently I've been noticing he is... EXTREMELY vocal. Like this kitten SCREAMS. I stimulate, I offer milk, and I hold him but nothing helps. He just continues to scream. Eventually his sister comes over and curls up with him and THEN he settles. Is this normal? My vet friend said he seems pretty healthy, but idk I'm just not accustomed to a kitten screaming like that just because his sister isn't curled up with him.