My (many) Animals


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2013
WA State
First off, I have my own five cats.

This is Eris. She's very friendly. My cats are usually indoor only, but the best pictures are taken outside.

This is Persephone. She's very pretty, but she prefers to keep her distance. She retaliates if we overstimulate her, so we respect her and keep our distance.

This little girl is Hecate (hecka-tay). She is most definitely a trouble maker. She dunks toys and clothes, knocks things down, play-attacks her poor brother (he's next)...

Hades is the sweetest kitty. He's huge compared to his sister, but she can beat his booty. He's got the kitten-eyes and the saddest meow. He just acts like everything is soooo tragic.

I don't have a picture of my newest permanent cat on my ipod (which I'm posting from), but you can click the link to see him. His name is Zephyrus.

The following link will show you more of them.

I also have a feral cat in my extra room who had been raising her kittens in my basement. We captured them when they were five weeks. They're now ten weeks old, and getting altered in a few days.
After her milk dries up she will be spayed.

This is the mother. We caught her on the day we took the kittens inside. After they're neutered and spayed they'll be going to new homes.

This is the female kitten. She's kind of floppy, like a rag doll cat a bit. We've been calling her Little Lady.

The next kitten is Goopy (these are temporary names). He's kind of immunocompromised I believe. He's also got a possible rib cage deformity. Not PE or flat ribs, but he seems to be missing a couple on his left side. His breathing is pretty shallow sometimes and his lungs may be a little small for him. He had an eye cold when we brought him in so that's why we call him Goopy.

The last of her litter is Smudge. He's white, and he's got that grey smudge on his head. He's also heterochromatic. One green/brown eye and one blue eye.

I also have a rescue kitten. He was six weeks old when my moms boyfriend brought him home. The others were nine weeks at he time. He's called Nublets for now. He's a hungry little thing. We give him formula and wet cat food and all day access to dry kitten food and fresh water.

And this only covers the indoor cats. I won't go over the outdoors/feral/community cats today.

The rest... Well, I have a lot more.

Spankie was the only hatcher out of fifteen button quail (Coturnix chinensis) eggs and I hand raised him. He's the first button quail I raised. He stays in a cage next to my bed. This is him. He's a cinnamon red breasted button. Spankie lives on his own because he doesn't know proper bird behavior (because he was an only child).

This is Sticky (female) and Bullet (male). Bullet is the silver one, and Sticky is the wild type one. They are a bonded pair.

Sticky has just begun laying. She is about ten weeks old and (with the current lighting), lays an egg every other day.

The next pair is Cinnamon and Thumper. They are both males and are both disabled due to leg deformations. They are a bonded pair. Thumper is the pure white one, and Cinnamon is the cinnamon red-breasted blue-face double factor.

The last pair of buttons are Cookie and Bumblebee. They have just turned eight weeks old. Cookie is the cinnamon red breasted hen (the light one), and Bumblebee is the dark wild-type male.

This is Bumblebee as a just-hatched chick.

And there's more animals.

My corn snake. He has no name as of yet. I was thinking Timber though. We don't know the sex yet either.

Next are my gerbils. I'm calling them Sigar and Spice. Sugar is white and Spice is brown agouti. Both female.

Sorry for the blurriness, they're quick little things. It does definitely illustrate that.

Next up are the hissing roaches. Not much to say about them really, except they're really cool.

Also one of the females had babies yesterday.

Next (and last), are my fish. I have three male Betta splendens in one of my divided twenty gallon long aquariums.

I don't have any good pics tonight.

The fish I currently have are Blueberry (Lav EE), Shota-chan (pink marble delta tail), and Google (purple halfmoon double tail.

In my other twenty gallon long I used to have a sorority, but now there is only one betta left. She hasn't got a name yet. I may call her Juniper though. I also have two male guppies and four new (as of this morning) teeny tiny guppy fry. Mom died during the drop and I made sure there were none left inside. There weren't. It was her first drop. There's a lonely neon tetra in there too. His friends have all died and I need to get some more.

That's all for today.
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Oh my gosh--hissing roaches?!  They're pets?  Wow, I've never heard of such a thing.

You have an amazing menagerie of animals!  Thanks for sharing all of the photos--so interesting.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2013
WA State
Yeah. I keep the roaches as pets. The adults very slow and docile, but I've found the babies run at warp speed. It's quite interesting to watch them. These are strictly herbivores, and they simply refuse meat. They love bread, carrots, apples, and any plant matter really. I feed them parakeet pellets as a staple diet.