I know,
. This thread is kinda lonely without her. But she would be SO disappointed if we let it die!

Glad that they are doing fine. Please send her and the kitties our love.On phone with Jcatbird, she and the chowder came through the storms fine, cleared the air somewhat.. She misses everyone here so much. Sends everyone her and the clowders love.
Glad that they are doing fine. Please send her and the kitties our love.
View attachment 450881
left to right : hekitty ( air force), banjo ( navy) and stardust ( army)
Happy Memorial Day to everyone
She liked the leather outfitdustydiamond1 sure i would love to dress gypsy up ... do you have a outfit in mind for her ?
Miss Eleanor is the only one of ours that was a TNR; the rest just showed up and - eventually- came inside.Gypsy is adorable. I have a special place in my heart for cats that are ear- tipped.
My boy is a rescue and when I sent him for neutering, the vet asked if I want to tip his ear and I said no as I'm keeping him strictly indoors.Gypsy is adorable. I have a special place in my heart for cats that are ear- tipped.
Love it,you go girl!!!!I really like Trap,Nueter, Re-home - fantasticShhhhh! Don't tell anyone. We just got forever homes! By the way...... my name is Turtle. We are part of 32 kitties who have gotten homes. We were rescued. TNR can also be, Trapped , Neutered and Rehomed! Catbirdlady still has more to find homes for so everyone keep your paws crossed!