My Collie Blaze, the Cat Bed


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada

This is my collie, Blaze and one of his best friends, Mittens. Mittens was raised by my previous collie, who passed away, so I think he just equated collies with safety. Blaze is also frequently claimed by my other tuxedo male Tux, who loves Blaze, but barely tolerates us. Blaze has a very sweet personality, and doesn't understand why anyone wouldn't like him. My mainecoon Coon doesn't like dogs, he tolerates their existence so long as they leave him alone.  When Blaze was a pup he ended up getting too close and attacked by Coon, and is now unfortunately mostly blind in one eye. He gives Coon a wide berth most of the time now.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
@Amethyst...Your collie, Blaze, sounds so amazing.

I've never seen a cat lay on a dog like that. On the back, and beside the dog, but not on the side like that.

Not only does Mittens have a special cat bed...but he's got a warm, heated doggy-cat bed.

And so interesting that Tux likes the dog, but not so much people.

Too bad that Coon was so frightened by Blaze, as a pup.

Does Blaze manage fine, with the sight in one eye? Does he favour one side to sleep on?

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Blaze is a smart dog!  He has learned that the best way to keep warm is with a kitty blanket! 

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Originally Posted by Boris Diamond  

Blaze is a smart dog!  He has learned that the best way to keep warm is with a kitty blanket! 
Wow.  That's a great way to look at it. I never thought of that.

Keeping warm with his own kitty blanket. 
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TCS Member
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Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada
@cat nap Blaze does have some issues with limited sight, he bumps into things, like walls and furniture when he isn't paying attention to where he is going. He sleeps on either side, but does only go through the doorways on one side. We have a blanket over the door way to the dog room (my dogs have their own bedroom) and he uses one side to go in and one side to come out. He really is a great dog, and so gentle with the cats. His solution to conflict (like getting attacked or hissed at) is to just walk away, no retaliation at all. Most of the cats do like him, maybe because he looks like a giant furry cat toy, lol.

Tux is a feral I brought into the house a couple years ago, he bonded with my dogs over the 6 months or so he was outside before I caught him. He really has come a long way, but still shuns human touch. He happily plays with us, sits in the room with us, and will even take treats from my hand, but no petting/touching allowed. He is Blaze's cat and I'm fine with that, he may come around one day, but if not oh well. He is happy and that's all that really matters.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Blaze does look very soft. ..."like a giant furry cat toy"....Yes, i can see that, now, too.

So interesting about how he walks through doorways.

Blaze sounds very sweet.

Kind of amazing how Tux and Blaze have such a strong bond, and Tux trusts him a lot.

Though it speaks volumes that you are able to play, sit, and give Tux treats from your hand.

I totally agree, that since Tux is happy, that's all that matters. Well said.

Does that mean that Tux touches Blaze, and brushes up against him? Or does he just lay near Blaze?


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Blaze is representative of the collie temperament, they have such wonderful personalities.  Our last dog was part collie and also got along well with our kitty when he wasn't herding her.
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TCS Member
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Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada
Yes Tux actually sleeps with Blaze (on Blaze's bed at night too), grooms Blaze's face (grabs and licks all over) and takes turns with Mittens cuddling with him during the day, sometimes both will be on him at the same time. Both Mittens and Tux knead on Blaze too, though Mittens also sucks on his fur.  Tux will even meow out the windows (following us around from inside the house from window to window) during the summer until I bring Blaze back inside if I've been outside awhile. I guess in Tux's mind I took his dog away and I am to return him, he has no desire to go back outside himself. Here is a pic of Tux with Blaze. Mosquitoes were very bad this year, that is why the scarred up face in the pic, it's all healed now. The other dog behind Blaze is my lab/shepard mix Loki.


cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
You know, I didn't realize that Blaze was a full size Collie, from your first photo. I thought he was one of those smaller types, or miniature ones.

Mittens looked very long laying on him. It must have been the angle of the photo, too.

Tux sounds adorable, too. Especially the part where he wants 'his dog' to come inside, and 'why are you keeping Blaze outside so long'.

Your fur crew sounds like a riot.

(And yes, I wish they would make something more natural to put on our animals, when mosquito or black fly/horse fly season is on. It's worse if your dog likes to swim, and likes to stay wet.)

Tux has that cute "Agatha Christie's-Hercule Poirot' semi-moustache-look going on. He might be a 'detective cat', in the making.
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TCS Member
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Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada
Yeah Blaze is a full size rough collie, lol, Mittens is just a good size cat. I just did a quick measurement and Mittens is roughly 18 inches long from head to the base of his tail (his tail is another foot), and he was around 14 pounds last time he was weighed and he is not fat. Here are a couple more pics to get a better look at Mr Mittens, see not fat just solid muscle making him heavy. :)

Tux's personality would definitely make me think he is a detective cat, he is constantly watching everything me and my husband do. He is a very curious cat, less so now that he has been here for awhile, but at first he would sneakily follow me around the house, peaking around corners or from under furniture all day.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I didn't know that there were Rough Collies and Smooth Collies.
  I definitely would have thought the smooth collie was some other breed.

(I love learning about new things everyday.)

I had to go get a measuring tape, and yes, 18 inches is long from head to base of tail, plus when Mittens stretches out those front paws, there's some more length.

Mittens does look solidly muscular, with a sleek and shiny coat. Plus, don't all animals get some extra winter fur coming in, for added insulation, in the colder climates.
Tux's personality would definitely make me think he is a detective cat, he is constantly watching everything me and my husband do. He is a very curious cat, less so now that he has been here for awhile, but at first he would sneakily follow me around the house, peaking around corners or from under furniture all day. 
  Yup, sounds like you have a detective cat, there. I cannot remember the side-kick's name of Hercule Poirot. I know it's not Watson/Sherlock Holmes, I guess we'll just have to call him..."Tux  the cat and his sidekick Blaze the dog."...

..."Sneakily following folks around, peaking around corners, and out from under furniture...what better way to hire a bunch of detectives."  And when Tux cannot make it to the case, then he sends his stand-in Mittens over. After sleuthing all day, they all need their quality nap times.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 9, 2011
Love it!! Blaze, Tux, and Mittens are adorable together 