Help! So, as it says above, I've a fat cat. It's gotten to the point where he's 18lbs! He's just a tomcat and not meant to be this weight. I've tried lessening the amount of food intake. I've even switched him over to the food I give my diabetic cat, Young Again Zero. Which has 0 carbs, which I read was had and led to obesity in cats. Nothing.
Yes. I realize it could be thyroid. But at the moment, I don't have the $160 for vet visit + thyroid blood test.
So thought I'd ask our anyone had any methods that worked for them for helping your "special' kitty shed some weight? Thanks!
Yes. I realize it could be thyroid. But at the moment, I don't have the $160 for vet visit + thyroid blood test.
So thought I'd ask our anyone had any methods that worked for them for helping your "special' kitty shed some weight? Thanks!