This is a first for me, folks. I am not sure what I need to do. Yesterday, while I was holding my cat, I felt something hard near her butt. I looked and she had something sticking out. It looks to me like the end of a hairball. There’s definitely fur and it looks like it’s her color (orange). I have only ever heard of cats coughing up hairball before, but it looks like she needs to pass this one. She‘s acting 100% normal and her appetite is just as good as ever. The only that’s been different in her life is I have tried to make an effort to have her eat only wet food lately after my other cat got sick about a month ago. I found that she’d vomited undigested food the day before yesterday, and yesterday was the day I found this hairball-looking thing. I don’t know if the two events are related or not. She doesn’t puke hardly ever, and she hasn’t vomited again since. I’m afraid to pull on this thing in case I cause any damage, but I want her to pass this before I leave on Tuesday for a trip. She hasn’t pooped yet since I found it. I could take her to an emergency vet but I don’t know if this constitutes and emergency or not. Could I get some help or advice?
Thank you!
Thank you!