Ok... I got a kitten about two months ago from the humane league. For the first two days it was a normal kitty, it played, and crapped in the litter box. It got sick, and we took it to the vet, and he prescribed medicene, we gave it to the cat, and it got better. After that, it crapped in the kitchen in the same place. It never plays, and when it craps, even on a hard floor, it still acts like it is burying it. I mean... It has been stinkin 2 months! It does like us, cuase it purrs, and it is happy. But it acts like a retard. It also, doesn't jump from fair low places, it never runs, but yet it is not fat. It eats good, and we give it healthy food, and we give it good liter, and liter box. We tried locking it in the same room as his litter box, but it just waits to poop until we let it out. It is like the thing doesn't have instincts. It has goop on iyt's eyes to. It also doesn't respond to noise very good. Any help, or advice?